Saturday, June 30, 2018

Hemp Makes Great Plastic

Hemp Makes Great Plastic, So Why Isn’t Hemp Plastic Everywhere?

Plastic is an inescapable part of our everyday lives, so why is almost all of it still made from polluting, non-renewable petrochemicals?

You may have heard that agricultural hemp, the non-mind-altering cousin of cannabis (commonly known as marijuana), has dozens of potential uses from clothing to paper.

Since virtually all climate scientists agree that we must replace our dependence on fossil fuels, and given that hemp can even make the soil cleaner, it’s surprising that this miracle crop isn’t in wider use.

When we looked into the topic, we found that hemp is already appearing in some commonplace objects, including cars, and could soon find it’s way into more. But there are also remaining barriers that keep hemp plastics more expensive and less versatile, for now.

Alternatives Needed As Plastic Pollutes Water & Land

plastic pollution
Researchers found 38 million pieces of plastic waste on one uninhabited island in the South Pacific. That’s just one island.
Not only are the harmful effects of global warming increasingly clear, conventional plastics linger in the environment and can even enter the food chain to detrimental effect on human and animal health.
In one especially shocking recent example, researchers from the University of Tasmania and the UK’s Royal Society for the Protection of Birds found 38 million pieces of plastic waste on Henderson Island, an uninhabited coral island in the South Pacific.

“I’ve travelled to some of the most far-flung islands in the world and regardless of where I’ve gone, in what year, and in what area of the ocean, the story is generally the same: the beaches are littered with evidence of human activity,” Jennifer Lavers, a marine scientist from the University of Tasmania, told The Guardian.

The oceans are in a similar or even worse state, thanks to the risk of microplastics, or tiny fragments of plastic that pollute the waters and are often eaten by marine life. The infamous “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” is actually largely composed of millions of these tiny particles — as much as 1.9 million per square mile — according to a 2014 report from National Geographic.

Hemp Cellulose Fibers A Good Source For Many Plastics

Some of the earliest plastics were made from cellulose fibers obtained from organic, non-petroleum-based sources.

“Hemp cellulose can be extracted and used to make cellophane, rayon, celluloid and a range of related plastics,” reported Seshata, a writer at Sensi Seeds in 2014. “Hemp is known to contain around 65-70% cellulose, and is considered a good source (wood contains around 40%, flax 65-75%, and cotton up to 90%) that has particular promise due to its relative sustainability and low environmental impact.”

Charlton citizens’ petition calls for special town meeting to rescind marijuana zoning

Charlton citizens’ petition calls for special town meeting to rescind marijuana zoning

FBI: Clinton Campaign Official Arrested On Child Rape Charges

FBI: Clinton Campaign Official Arrested On Child Rape Charges

Clinton campaigner arrested on child rape charges
One of Hillary Clinton’s campaign officials was arrested Tuesday on child sex abuse charges, the FBI has confirmed.

Joel Davis was caught in possession of explicit child sex images and had attempted to get access to children as young as 2 years old for sex.

Davis was chairman of the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict charity. He also worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

He's with her: Joel Davis worked on Hillary Clinton's 2016 election campaign
He’s with her: Joel Davis worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election campaign reports: Davis allegedly told undercover FBI agents that he was sexually interested in children of all ages. He is accused of sending the agents sexually explicit photographs of infants and toddlers, including some of the children engaged in sex acts with adults.

The 22-year-old allegedly arranged to meet the nine-year-old daughter of one of the undercover agents and with the purported two-year-old daughter of the officer’s girlfriend.

He allegedly went into detail in the text messages about what sexual activities he intended to engage in with the children.

Prosecutors say Davis repeatedly asked the undercover agent to take naked and sexually explicit pictures and videos of the children and to send them to him.

Following his arrest, Davis allegedly admitted to officers that he had abused a 13-year-old boy in the past and that he kept child porn images on his phone.

Friday, June 29, 2018


EXPLOSIVE research: Chickenpox vaccine linked to widespread increase in shingles

Image: EXPLOSIVE research: Chickenpox vaccine linked to widespread increase in shingles
(Natural News) If you ever had chicken pox, you probably have some unpleasant memories of the unrelenting itch and long soaks in an oatmeal bath looking for some relief. Most kids today will never know the misery of a bout of chicken pox because of the chicken pox vaccine, but it looks like all of us could be paying a pretty big price for it in the form of shingles.

The chicken pox vaccine, also known as the varicella vaccine, was added to the childhood vaccination schedule for babies aged 12 to 15 months in 1995. In light of waning vaccine effectiveness, it was later recommended that kids aged four to six also get a second booster shot.

There might be fewer cases of chicken pox now, but what we’re seeing a lot more of is a related and more serious problem, herpes zoster, or shingles.

When you get chicken pox, the virus will remain latent in your body. If it’s reactivated later in life, it can reappear as shingles. Before the vaccine was introduced, most adults were able to avoid getting shingles because their exposure in their communities to natural chicken pox regularly boosted their cell-mediated immunity to it. In other words, exposure to chicken pox in adults helped protect them from getting shingles.

In fact, the authors of a 2002 study warned that mass chicken pox vaccination would spur a serious shingles epidemic that would strike more than half of those who were between the ages of 10 and 44 at the time it was introduced.

Now, research published in the Annals of Clinical Pathology claims that the CDC and the Los Angeles Department of Health Services actually colluded to bury research showing a link between its Universal Varicella Vaccination Program and the national rise in shingles cases.

Hope for Hemp

For Immediate Release, Thursday, June 28, 2018

Senate Passes Farm Bill, Which Includes Senator McConnell’s Hemp Farming Act

‘I know exactly how important this legislation is to agricultural communities. Kentucky agriculture encompasses a multi-billion-dollar industry that supports thousands and thousands of good jobs in nearly every corner of the Commonwealth…Also, I strongly advocated for [my Hemp Farming Act] to be included in the Farm Bill, which will finally and fully legalize industrial hemp’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced today the Senate passed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (Farm Bill), which takes serious steps to ensure the future of American agriculture. A conference committee made up with members from both chambers will now reconcile the Senate and House versions of the Farm Bill.

The Senate Farm Bill strengthens the safety measures that directly help commodity producers as they confront low prices and the constant threat of natural disasters. It also seizes on a number of opportunities to invest in the future of American agriculture and rural communities. It contains a provision – championed by Senator McConnell -- that would empower farmers to begin cultivating industrial hemp, a crop that could play a key role in the economic future of Kentucky and the nation. It also focuses on expanding rural broadband and water infrastructure and continuing the fight against the opioid epidemic is devastating rural America.

“As the proud senior Senator from the Commonwealth of Kentucky who has served on the Agriculture Committee since my first day in the Senate, I know exactly how important this legislation is to agricultural communities. From soybeans and corn to hay and tobacco to poultry and livestock, Kentucky agriculture encompasses a multi-billion-dollar industry that supports thousands and thousands of good jobs in nearly every corner of the Commonwealth,” Senator McConnell said. “Kentuckians know as well as anyone just how important American agriculture is -- and we understand as well as anyone all the unique challenges that it faces. That is why I proudly supported this bill, which will bolster programs supporting our producers.”

“Today’s passage of the Senate version of the Farm Bill takes farm families here in Kentucky and across the country one step closer to the certainty they need to survive such a tough agricultural economy,” said Kentucky Farm Bureau President Mark Haney. “I would like to thank Senator McConnell on his extensive efforts to move forward the single most important piece of legislation affecting agriculture and rural communities. He continually works to help an industry that is so crucial to every citizen in this country, as well as our neighbors across the world who depend heavily on the success of the American farmer.”

The Senate Farm Bill also includes Senator McConnell’s measure (The Hemp Farming Act of 2018) to legalize hemp as an agricultural commodity by removing it from the federal list of controlled substances. It also gives states the opportunity to become the primary regulators of hemp production, allows hemp researchers to apply for competitive federal grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and makes hemp farmers eligible to apply for crop insurance.

“Last year alone, Kentucky hemp recorded more than $16 million in product sales through the state pilot program I previously secured, demonstrating that hemp holds great potential for the future of Kentucky agriculture,” Senator McConnell added. “For far too long, the federal government has prevented most farmers from growing hemp. Although it was a foundational part of Kentucky’s heritage and today you can buy hemp products at stores across the country, most American farmers have been barred from planting it in their fields. I have heard from many Kentucky farmers who agree it’s time to remove the federal hurdles and give our state the opportunity to seize its full potential and once again become the national leader for hemp production. That is why I strongly advocated for this measure to be included in the Farm Bill, which will finally and fully legalize industrial hemp.”

Fluoridation is mass medication, NZ Supreme Court rules

Fluoridation is mass medication, NZ Supreme Court rules

Source: Press Release: Fluoride Free New Zealand | June 28th, 2018
Location: New Zealand

Water fluoridation is compulsory mass medication, in breach of human rights, the Supreme Court has ruled by a majority vote. It confirmed that fluoridation is a medical treatment as claimed by opponents for over 60 years. It is not a supplement “just topping up natural levels”, as claimed by the Ministry of Health.

The impracticality of avoiding fluoridated water makes it compulsory in practice, the majority also ruled.

Three judges held that there was conflicting scientific evidence, confirming that the science is NOT settled.

Chief Justice Sian Elias then held that fluoridation was not prescribed by law (i.e. is unlawful), applying section 6 of the Bill of Rights Act. That was the correct decision in Fluoride Free NZ’s view.

The rest of the majority held that it was prescribed by law, and it was then necessary to apply a balancing test to determine if the breach of the right – not to be subject to medical treatment without consent – was justified in the case of fluoridation.

Justice Glazebrook held that it was for a local authority to do this when making its decision, potentially taking into account specific local circumstances.

On the balance of information before the Court – the misinformation promulgated by promoters that water fluoridation measurably reduces tooth decay and presents no real health risk – two judges held that it was justifiable. This is despite the court reiterating that it is now accepted that benefit for fluoride is from topical application, not from ingestion.

The Court did not consider information published since the original High Court case, and the recent US Government multi-million-dollar study by Bashash et al, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, carried out by top scientists and researchers in top North American universities – had not yet been published. This study found that children exposed to fluoride at the same levels as New Zealanders had significantly reduced IQ, which could easily have shifted the Justices’ perception of safety.

You Mean it Means what it Means

Democrats Melt Down Over Supreme Court Vacancy

CLINTON OUT! Hillary wades in on Brexit in Ireland but is met with furious PROTEST

CLINTON OUT! Hillary wades in on Brexit in Ireland but is met with furious PROTEST

Hillary was met by protestors as she accepte an honorary degree at Trinity College DublinMAXWELLS
Hillary was met by protestors as she accepte an honorary degree at Trinity College Dublin

FORMER US Secretary of State and Democrat leader said that Brexit should not 'be allowed' to undermine the Northern Ireland peace process as the debate over the UK and Ireland customs union continues.

The former Democrat contender for President was visiting Trinity College in Dublin, where she was picking up an honorary degree.

Speaking to students, Mrs Clinton, whose husband Bill was a former US President, spoke of the 1998 Good Friday agreement with mostly ended the bloodshed in Northern Ireland.

The pair were the first presidential couple to visit the country in 1995 before the Good Friday Agreement was signed, which helped to end three decades of violence in the country and the rest of the UK.

She said the Good Friday Agreement set an example for the rest of the world and was proof if what was possible when citizens came together to demand peace.

She said: "As the Brexit debate rages on, I continue to believe in the value of the European Union, and of a Europe that is whole, free and at peace.

"No matter the outcome of these discussions, Brexit should not be allowed to undermine the peace that people voted, fought and even died for.”

The future of the Irish border is one of the most contested and debated issues facing negotiators in Brussels, with little insight into the conclusion at present
During her speech, she also cited the recent referendum over abortion laws in Northern Ireland, hailing the result as an "inspiring insight".

A provision in the Irish constitution gave equal value to the life of an unborn foetus to that of its mother, with one permitting abortion in a limited number of circumstances.

Speaking of the referendum result, Mrs Clinton said: "It was an example of grassroots activism fueled by young people, and a triumph of the democratic process."

However, a protest took place outside the building where Mrs Clinton had delivered her address, with demonstrators shouting "Clinton, out, out, out".

Monday, June 25, 2018

Kurt Schlichter: Liberals’ Hatred Will Inevitably Turn Into Violence

Kurt Schlichter: Liberals’ Hatred Will Inevitably Turn Into Violence

Liberals’ Hatred Will Inevitably Turn Into Violence

Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Jun 25, 2018 12:01 AM

Many of us are predicting that eventually these foam-spitting, psycho liberals are going to embrace violence out of frustration at their inability to recover the power we stripped from them, but we’re already past that point. Just ask Steve Scalise, alive today only because the Bernie bro who tried to massacre a bunch of Republicans, as well as Jeff Flake, did not know how to shoot.

But we Normals do know how to shoot, and that’s significant. Because, as I have grown hoarse from shouting, I see these leftist morons charging headlong down the same slippery slope I was stationed at the bottom of in Kosovo.

The bottom of the slope is really bad, and they should stop their descent. Now.

But there’s no sign of sanity. This week they turned the hate up to “11,” then cranked it to “17.” There are not many places to go once you reach “You are real live Nazis murdering children by not letting aspiring Democrat voters flow into the country at will!” At some point, instead of a few wild-eyed randos with crummy aim trying to off libs’ political/cultural opponents, they are going to start collectively going to go for the throat.

Our collective throat. Which I do not anticipate us Normals responding to in a huggy, loving kind of way.

You can see it coming as they grow more and more unhinged. Peter Fonda, astonishingly still only the second most garbage Fonda, got on Twitter to pedo-threaten Trump’s kid and to call for the public rape and torture of a conservative women, and exactly zero prominent Democrats seemed to complain. I don’t mean one or two. I mean zero.

None. Maybe I missed the liberal outcry in defense of the right of conservative kids and women not to be abused. Or maybe there wasn’t one because no prominent Dem is willing to anger a liberal base that accepts both options if it helps get Trump out of power and them back in.

Well, there was Jake Tapper and though he’d deny being liberal – acceptance is the first step toward recovery, Jake – he is on CNN, so I guess that’s something. But I saw nothing about it from my close personal friend Don Lemon; I suspect he’s too busy preparing to have Stormy Daniels and Tom Arnold get married on his show and then sitting down with the bride and goon after the ceremony to allow them to weigh in on their feelz about Trump’s aluminum tariffs. WHICH ARE THE WORST THING EVER.

As for Peter Fonda, instead of being rejected by Hollywood he’s probably already signed on for a part in the Roseanne-less Roseanne reboot. After all, he did channel Tinseltown titans like Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein. I’d bet you $100 he gets a standing O at the Oscars for his brave resistance to the idea of children not being molested and women not being abused, except I spent that $100 on ammo.

When people tell you they want to hurt you, you should believe them. And we Normals are starting to listen to what liberals say.

There’s really nowhere else for the liberals to go but towards embracing widespread violence. The logic of their twisted mindset is such that Normals are not merely wrong and not merely evil, but that normal Americans and those who represent them are the evilest evildoers in evil history.

This does not leave much room for reasoned debate. In fact, it makes reasoned debate impossible. So, since they’ve taken reasoned debate off the table, there are not a lot of options left for resolving political and cultural differences. There are lies, intimidation, and violence. That’s about it. And the first two have stopped working.

We’re already seeing it play out. The mainstream media quit even pretending to be honest – it’s in full scale fib mode. Look at the Time magazine cover of the little girl whose scumbag mom dragged her across the desert to help her break our laws (apparently without daddy’s permission and not for the first time). That Time cover is a lie, but it’s no surprise. The only surprise is that Time magazine is still a thing.

In fact, the whole manufactured outrage over Democrat-preferred criminals being treated like every other criminal was a lie. And the media not only doesn’t care but actively and consciously supports lying to you to support its liberal allies. But no one cares anymore. They can lie and lie and lie, and do, and we just smile and buy more guns and ammo.

So the leftists attempt to intimidate us into submission, showing up at people’s houses and screaming at them in restaurants. Take that, Sarah! The idea is since the leftists can’t convince Normals with the power of their ideas – because leftists’ ideas inevitably involve Normals ceding more of their rights and money to leftists – the left wants to make submission and obedience the price for being able to participate in the culture. But what’s inevitable is that us newly militant Normals, whose power is political rather than cultural, are going to respond pursuant to the New Rules and demand that leftists bake us a cake.

Just wait until some enterprising legislator passes a “no political discrimination” law and a couple of over-priced, precious restaurants selling small plates of pressed duck confit with mango-pepper chutney get bankrupted because Don, Jr., sues them into oblivion for screaming at him when he stops in for a bite.

That leaves them only violence. We’ve already seen it, and you can sense that it’s only a matter of time before the liberals openly embrace it. They have set the conditions for it. They have dehumanized the opposition, that is, us. Their lesser tactics aren’t working. The lies no longer resonate because we Normals are woke – the polls indicate that most Americans greeted the whole kids in cages fraud with a collective shrug. Criminals separated from their kids? Doesn’t that happen every day? It would sure happen to us if we broke the law, since we aren’t the Democrats’ Great Foreign Hope for a future electorate that is pliable and obedient.

Intimidation isn’t working. It makes the libs quiver with joy, but it just makes us mad. Getting your opponent riled up is a poor strategy, especially at the ballot box. Mad people tend to retaliate. November is coming, and we all fully understand that every middle finger selfie, every vicious tweet, every assault on a conservative diner, is an attack on us.

So, the left will embrace violence. It’s only a matter of time. They have to go there, because there’s nothing else left to try to undo our successful rebellion of 2016. The inertia of their hatred makes it inevitable. If we really are Nazi murderers who butcher children, don’t they kind of have to respond violently? Is violence against us justified? If what they are saying was true, it would be mandatory. Now, we know a lot of big name liberals don’t believe the crap they are spewing, but the base does. Do you think at Democrat gatherings, in fern bars and bus stations, they don’t giggle and whisper about how they hope the next time one of their own attacks a bunch of conservatives he, she, or xe runs up the body count?

Do you hear a single prominent – or not prominent – liberal pleading with his, her, or xer fellow travelers to pull back from the brink? No. They can’t.

The Democrat base won’t tolerate a retreat from extremism. They must push forward, get more extreme, pump up the volume, with each MSNBC chatterclown striving to top the previous doofus’s Hitler hyperbole. These Democrat idiots are going to talk themselves into a Second Civil War and then act surprised when it works out poorly again.

I wish I had some suggestions about how to make this not happen. I’ve pulled the alarm about it here at Townhall and in books highlighting the potential for the country to split apart and descend into chaos. But there is nothing we can do to stop this because we did not start it and we are not driving forward. This is a result of a liberal elite (supported by its Fredocon fellow travelers) enraged that it has been ejected from the positions of power in the government by the mass of Normals their own mismanagement and greed have turned resolutely militant.

Only liberals can choose not to go down the road to widespread, systematic violence. But if they choose poorly, Normals are ready, willing, and able stop them. Last month, Normal Americans bought over two million new guns. They’ve got 400 million already. Normals are sitting on a towering mountain of lead-launching freedom.

But we’d prefer the option the liberals have ignored – a return to a society where disputes are resolved via the processes outlined in the Constitution and the individual rights set forth within it are respected.

Don’t go with violence, progressives. It will end badly.


What The ‘Boys Of Pointe Du Hoc’ Could Teach Our SJWs

What The ‘Boys Of Pointe Du Hoc’ Could Teach Our SJWs

Too bad that don't teach real American history in the schools any longer.

General Mark W. Clark
Chairman, American Battle Monuments Commission, 1969-1984

As you walk into the American Military Cemetery at Omaha Beach, the first thing you notice is the silence. Maybe the birds are chirping, the waves are crashing on the beach below, but that is all. The people, those walking around the graves, are silent. Their faces torn with emotion and respect…and something else…fear, fear of what these men had to face.
The visitor’s center is even more remarkable. There are a myriad of people there – young and old, black and white, male and female…French, Americans, Czech, Dutch, all of them stare at the memorials, and learn in a fearsome quiet, awed by the actions of the men who fought and died in this holy place.
The approximately 9,000 stone grave markers, are perfectly aligned, with military precision.

I was struck by the emotion of a young, black girl who stood in front of a portrait of a 21 year old soldier for probably 15 minutes, who gave everything for his friends, and for his country, and is buried at the American cemetery at Omaha Beach. I saw a young French woman cry at a video of the veterans who survived, explaining the psychological scars that they will carry with them to their grave.
The experience at Pointe du Hoc is the same. Here, where a few hundred Rangers scaled these cliffs under withering gunfire to save the day and begin the process of saving the free world, is another holy place. The ground literally yearns to tell its story of what happened there so long ago. The destroyed bunkers, the cratered landscape, scream out in pain, so that no one will ever have to experience this Hell again.

I think these memorials to the gallant American spirit should be mandatory for every American, once he or she turns 21, to visit. They will come away with a different view of America than what they were taught in their communist schools back home. Those who moan with their fake victimhood, have no idea what real hardship, or sacrifice, really is. After all, America used to be about sacrifice, not how much you could get from the government before the lights went out.
Remember “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?”

I really want the young, black school girl who screamed ‘**** you’ in a twenty minute rant to her professor at Yale, in a video that went viral, to come here and experience what oppression really looks like.
Would she have the guts to face certain death for her country? I think not.

And one more thing, the men who save the world here during those frightful few months, were white. They were white males. Thank God! for toxic masculinity that could defeat the German war machine.
Yes, the ‘Boys of Pointe du Hoc’ could tell a thing or two to our SJWs, safe in their ‘diversity’ positions in our elite universities. It’s time we taught our children the real history of America. The history that saved the world, many times over. The history that put men on the Moon. The history that rebuilt Europe. That is the America I know, and the one I am teaching my children about.

Rest in peace my proud warriors. Your job is done.
Ours is just beginning.


5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health!

5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them 

"By attacking all of these important systems in the body, EMFs attack everything we care about including our health (in many ways), our reproductive systems, the integrity of our genomes and our ability to produce healthy offspring. "

Written and Compiled by Martin L. Pall, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences Washington State University
Address: 638 NE 41
st Ave., Portland OR 97232 USA 503-232-3883 May 17, 2018 


We know that there is a massive literature, providing a high level of scientific certainty, for each of eight pathophysiological effects caused by non-thermal microwave frequency EMF exposures. This is shown in from 12 to 35 reviews on each specific effect, with each review listed in Chapter 1, providing a substantial body of evidence on the existence of each effect. Such EMFs:
  1. Attack our nervous systems including our brains leading to widespread neurological/neuropsychiatric effects and possibly many other effects. This nervous system attack is of great concern.
  2. Attack our endocrine (that is hormonal) systems. In this context, the main things that make us functionally different from single celled creatures are our nervous system and our endocrine systems – even a simple planaria worm needs both of these. Thus the consequences of the disruption of these two regulatory systems is immense, such that it is a travesty to ignore these findings.
  3. Produce oxidative stress and free radical damage, which have central roles in essentially all chronic diseases.
  4. Attack the DNA of our cells, producing single strand and double strand breaks in cellular DNA and oxidized bases in our cellular DNA. These in turn produce cancer and also mutations in germ line cells which produce mutations in future generations.
  5. Produce elevated levels of apoptosis (programmed cell death), events especially important in causing both neurodegenerative diseases and infertility.
  6. Lower male and female fertility, lower sex hormones, lower libido and increased levels of spontaneous abortion and, as already stated, attack the DNA in sperm cells.
  7. Produce excessive intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i and excessive calcium signaling.
  8. Attack the cells of our bodies to cause cancer. Such attacks are thought to act via 15
    different mechanisms during cancer causation.
There is also a substantial literature showing that EMFs also cause other effects including life threatening cardiac effects (Chapter 3). In addition substantial evidence suggests EMF causation of very early onset dementias, including Alzheimer’s, digital and other types of dementias (Chapter 3); and there is evidence that EMF exposures in utero and shortly after birth can cause ADHD and autism (Chapter 5). 

Each of these effects is produced via the main mechanism of action of microwave/lower frequency EMFs, activation of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) (Chapter 2). Each of them is produced via what are called downstream effects of VGCC activation. It follows from this that we have a good understanding not only that these effects occur, but also how they can occur. The extraordinary sensitivity of the VGCC voltage sensor to the forces of the EMFs tells us that the current safety guidelines allow us to be exposed to EMF levels that are something like 7.2 million times too high. That sensitivity is predicted by the physics. Therefore, the physics and the biology are each pointing to the same mechanism of action of non-thermal EMFs. 
The different effects produced are obviously very deep concerns. They become much deeper and become existential threats when one considers that several of these effects are both cumulative and eventually irreversible. There is substantial evidence for the cumulative nature and eventual irreversibility of the neurological/neuropsychiatric effects, of the reproductive effects, the mutational DNA effects, the cardiac effects, of some but not other of the hormonal effects (Chapter 3); any causation of ADHD and autism may add additional concerns (here the cumulative nature is probably limited to the perinatal period). When we know that sperm counts have dropped by more than 50% throughout the technologically advanced countries on earth, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the vast majority of the population in those countries is already substantially impacted. The same conclusion can be made based on the widespread nature of the neuropsychiatric effects in those countries. Both of those effects will get much much worse even with no increase in current exposures, due to the cumulative nature and irreversibility of these effects. I expect we will see crash in human reproduction almost to zero as happened in the Magras and Xenos mouse study which I estimate to occur within about 5 years, without any increases in our exposures. Obviously 4G and 5G will make the situation much worse. Similarly I expect that the deterioration in brain function that we are already seeing will seal our fate if we fail to act rapidly and vigorously. Our collective brain function may become completely incapable of dealing with such a mega-crisis situation. 

Now it can be argued that some of these may not develop as I expect, although those expectations are based on the best available evidence. One may even be able to argue this for all of those expectations. However, when we have substantial risk of multiple existential threats to every single technologically advanced country on earth, failure to act vigorously means there is a very high probability of complete destruction of these societies. And the chaos which would inevitably ensue, in a world that still has nuclear weapons, may well lead to extinction. In the face of these types or risk, the only reasonable course is to move with great vigor to stop new exposures and lower current exposures. One can still access the internet, using wired connections. And we can lower cell phone tower and cell phone radiation substantially. Smart meters, if needed, can work via wired connections. 

Over 60% of this document (Chapters 5 & 6), is focused on the failures of statements from SCENIHR, the telecommunications industry, the U.S. FCC and the U.S. FDA to reflect the science. Their statements repeatedly omit much, often all of the most important science. Their statements are rife not only with omissions, but also with easily demonstrable falsehoods and with false logic. These have often occurred at times where we know that they knew better. These have occurred along with vigorous efforts by the telecommunications industry to corrupt the science by attacking individual scientists whose only fault is that they have obtained important findings that the industry does not like. These attacks have occurred along with vigorous efforts to corrupt two agencies that have important regulatory roles. 

There are also possible concerns about individual industry-linked research studies. All wireless communication devices put out polarized EMFs that carry information via pulsations. Both the pulsations and the polarization make these EMFs much more biologically active. There are three other factors that also influence the production of effects. Several industry-linked studies may have used these factors, along with using very tiny numbers of individual animals in their studies, to produce studies which may have been designed to fail (Chapter 5). It is not clear at this point whether this type of concern is quite limited or whether it is very broad.

The European Commission has done nothing to protect European citizens from any of these very serious health hazards and the U.S. FDA, EPA and National Cancer Institute have done nothing to protect American citizens. The U.S. FCC has been much worse than that, acting vigorously with wanton disregard for our health. 

The document that follows was, in its original form, sent to many of the authorities of the European Union, in conjunction with other documents sent to the same people by a group of European scientists. It was in response two documents that were, in turn, written by Mr. Ryan and Dr. Vincinas responding to a large group of European and other international scientists expressing great concern about the safety of 5G. I was asked by the leaders of the group of scientists to write my own response to those two documents. Mr. Ryan made the statement that “There is consistent evidence presented by national and international bodies (International Commission on Non Ionising Radiation Protection - ICNIRP, Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) that exposure to electromagnetic fields does not represent a health risk, if it remains below the limits set by Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC1.” In fact, that is not either the ICNIRP or SCENIHR position – their position, and similar positions have been taken by the U.S. FCC, FDA and the National Cancer Institute, is that the evidence is inconsistent or conflicting and therefore, in their view, no conclusions can be drawn. Some of these organization have also stated that there is no known mechanism by which effects can be produced. What is shown below is that there is a vast amount of evidence in the independent scientific literature that conflicts with both the conclusion about lack of demonstrated effects and the conclusion about lack of mechanism. 

The European Commission, according to the Ryan and Vincinas documents and the U.S. National Cancer Institute, according to their web site, are each depending on the SCENIHR 2015 document to make judgments about EMF effects. Consequently, the reliability of SCENIHR 2015 is an essential element in determining the reliability of both of their assessments. 

The document that is presented below, differs from the document that was emailed to EU authorities in three different ways: 1. The original document was sent as an email with multiple attachments. In this document attachments are simply provided as citations. The current document is a stand-alone document. 2. Some material is inserted to discuss positions taken by the U.S. FCC, FDA and National Cancer Institure, so as to be particularly relevant to the U.S. situation. 3. Substantial additional evidence is also provided. 

Meetings the Week of June 25, 2018

Meetings the Week of June 25, 2018

Monday  6/25/18
BOS                              PCS Town Hall*                     6:30 pm

Tuesday  6/26/18
Berkshire Wind                Wakefield                                10:00 am
Water                                Bridge St                                  6:00 pm
Light                                 Bridge St                                  7:00 pm            

* Pauly Cosentino Sr. Town Hall

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Supreme Court protects even the unruliest of government critics from retaliation

The Supreme Court protects even the unruliest of government critics from retaliation

Do YOU Know What's in a Vaccine?

Vaccine authoritarians try to censor billboard that dares ask, “Do you know what’s in a vaccine?”

Image: Vaccine authoritarians try to censor billboard that dares ask, “Do you know what’s in a vaccine?”

(Natural News) Do you know what’s in vaccines — or perhaps more importantly, is it “wrong” to ask such a question?, a non-profit organization founded by an ex-Merck employee, put up a billboard in Perth, Australia, which asked one important question: “Do you know what’s in a vaccine?” It’s a simple question, yet astonishingly few people know the answer to this question.

In response, the Australian Medical Association has demanded that this thought-provoking billboard be removed. The vaccine propaganda group says that even raising such a simple question is a “public health risk,” “misleading” and “conspiracy theory garbage.”

Demanding transparency in virtually any other arena would not be met with such hostility; in fact you might even get a gold star for demanding to know what’s in your food or your infant’s baby formula. But when it comes to vaccines, “transparency” is a four-letter word. Indeed, the fact that simply wanting to know what’s in vaccine is seen as such a despicable, rebellious act that it requires immediate silencing should be alarming enough.

Shutting down dialogue about vaccine safety concerns with insults and censorship is undoubtedly the mark of an industry that can’t afford to be transparent
Australian Health Minister Roger Cook publicly expressed his displeasure with the billboard, denouncing it as “nasty” and “devious.”

Cook declared, “This devious and nasty billboard behind us would have people believe that a reference to a U.S. website would actually provide useful information about how people can best look after their health care.”

“It’s dangerous and misleading and puts people’s lives at risk,” the Health Minister continued.
Perth MP John Carey has also voiced his discontent about the billboard, claiming it was spreading “a deadly message.”We do not want this kind of gutter rubbish being promoted in my community,” he said.

“We know that vaccinations save lives, that is the simple reality,” he added.

Tell that to all the children who’ve been harmed and the families who’ve been torn apart. Children are suffering at the hands of a callous, profit-driven establishment; isn’t that all we really need to know?

Simple realities can handle transparency

More importantly, however, is the simple fact that denying the reality that vaccines can and do harm an untold number of children everywhere is patently wrong.

To use Carey and Cook’s own words, it’s “misleading” to promote the idea that vaccines are 100 percent safe — and it’s  total “gutter rubbish” that government officials are advocating for total compliance among their citizens with zero transparency.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Ugly Facts

Ugly Facts

This situation is what Thomas Huxley described as the “great tragedy of science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.” 

In a recent article the New York Times (NYT) made a very embarrassing mistake. Specifically, it cited a videotape that repeated a serious mistake on the toxicity of fluoride that was corrected 6 years ago.

The mistake made in the video was the claim that an important meta-analysis of 27 IQ studies carried out by a team from Harvard University (Choi et al., 2012) - comparing the IQ between children from villages with high fluoride exposure and villages with low-exposure- reported an average loss of 0.45 of an IQ point. In reality, the Harvard researchers reported a loss of 0.45 of one standard deviation, which amounted to a loss of 7 IQ points. A huge difference. A loss of half an IQ point might be insignificant, but a loss of 7 IQ points would be very serious at the population level. Such a loss would more than halve the number of very bright children (IQ greater than 130) and increase by at least 50% the number of mentally handicapped (IQ less than 70).

Under any other circumstances this would be a very embarrassing mistake but on the matter of fluoridation the NYT is not embarrassed easily.  For example, in 2015 the senior science editor wrote an email in connection with fluoridation:

“… I understand that you disagree, but I think it’s fair to say
that most members of the science staff of The New York Times
consider this debate to have been decided – in fluoride’s favor –
about 50 years ago.”

Buyer Beware!

The US Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) is a federal agency that will take complaints on utility smart meters from all US states.  If you have or had smart meter electrical or fire problems CALL: (800) 638-2772  Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET  or submit your complaint by email.     

 Utility claims the homeowner is liable for smart meter meltdown

8/1/2017 Dry ground pulls power boxes from homes in Regina, causes six fires REGINA – “There was a popping sound like fireworks, yellow sparks and a plume of black smoke as a power meter caught fire at a home in Regina. Provincial utility company SaskPower says the fire Monday night was the sixth power meter to ignite in the city in the last two weeks because parched soil is causing the ground to shift.”

If your electrical wiring in your home is over 10 years old , you might want to "Opt-Out" of smart meters!  

Fluoride Literally Turns the Pineal Gland to Stone, Research Suggests

Fluoride Literally Turns the Pineal Gland to Stone, Research Suggests

The pineal gland has been known as the 'seat of soul' for hundreds of years. Could fluoride, a ubiquitous vector of toxicity in the modern world, actually be calcifying this gland and literally turning it to stone? 

The Discovery

Research published in 2001 showed that fluoride (F) deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated with enhanced gland calcification. Eleven aged cadavares were dissected and their pineal glands assayed:
 "There was a positive correlation between pineal F[luoride] and pineal Ca[lcium] (r = 0.73, p<0 .02="" a="" accumulated="" age="" and="" between="" bone.="" bone="" but="" by="" correlation="" em="" f.="" f="" gland="" has="" higher="" is="" its="" no="" old="" pineal="" ratio="" readily="" than="" the="">
This is the not the first research to implicate fluoride in contributing to so-called ectopic calcification, or the calcification of soft tissue. We address this in a previous report on the potential for fluoride to calcifiy the arteries.

What Is The Pineal Gland?

The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain, and is sometimes called the "third eye" as it is a light sensitive, centrally-located organ with cellular features resembling the human retina.
One article describes the role of the pineal gland in more technical terms here:
"The role of the nonvisual photoreception is to synchronise periodic functions of living organisms to the environmental light periods in order to help survival of various species in different biotopes." [Source]
The pineal gland is best known for its role in producing the hormone melatonin from serotonin (triggered by the absence of light) and affects wake/sleep patterns and seasonal/circadian rhythms. Like a tiny pea-sized pine cone it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres  and is a unique brain structure insofar as it is not protected by the blood-brain-barrier. This may also explain why it is uniquely sensitive to calcification via fluoride exposure.

More Than An Endocrine Gland

Technically the mammalian pineal gland is neural tissue, and the cells within the pineal gland - the pinealocytes - have characteristics that resemble the photorecetpor cells in the retina.
This has given rise to the opinion that it should be reclassified:
"In our opinion, the main trend of today's literature on pineal functions--only considering the organ as a common endocrine gland--deviates from this structural and histochemical basis." [Source]
The pineal gland has been a subject of much interest since ancient times. Galen described it in the 3rd century, and the philosopher RenĂ© Decartes (1596-1650) identified the pineal gland as the "seat of the soul." His explanation for this conclusion is quite interesting:
"My view is that this gland is the principal seat of the soul, and the place in which all our thoughts are formed. The reason I believe this is that I cannot find any part of the brain, except this, which is not double. Since we see only one thing with two eyes, and hear only one voice with two ears, and in short have never more than one thought at a time, it must necessarily be the case that the impressions which enter by the two eyes or by the two ears, and so on, unite with each other in some part of the body before being considered by the soul. Now it is impossible to find any such place in the whole head except this gland; moreover it is situated in the most suitable possible place for this purpose, in the middle of all the concavities; and it is supported and surrounded by the little branches of the carotid arteries which bring the spirits into the brain." [Source]
Decartes was one of the few philosophers who was experienced in vivisection and anatomy, and who righly pointed out the unique nature of the pineal gland's location in the brain and blood supply.
The "third eye" is also a well known symbol in Eastern literature, and may be concretely grounded in the anatomical structure and function of the pineal gland.

Calcium Stones In the Brain

Pineal gland calcifications upon dissection resemble gravel, and are composed of calcite (calcium carbonate) and/or calcium hydroxylapatite, the latter of which is not unlike dentin or bone. [Source]
Pineal gland calcification is associated with a number of diseases in the medical literature:
  1. Alzheimer Disease
  2. Bipolar Disease
  3. Circadian Dysregulation
  4. Hormone Imbalances: Low Melatonin
  5. Insomnia
  6. Low Back Pain
  7. Parkinson Disease
  8. Schizophrenia
  9. Sleep Disorders
  10. Stroke 
Learn more about the role of brain calcification in Alzheimer's disease.

Fluoride As A "Therapeutic" Neurotoxin?