My Name is Paul H Cosentino. I started this Blog in 2011 because of what I believe to be wrongdoings in town government. This Blog is to keep the citizens of Templeton informed. It is also for the citizens of Templeton to post their comments and concerns.
Paul working for you.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Call it Cushy or Parasites
In my opinion, Checkn000 is right about some people giving 100% and more. But also look at the few that are taking 100% and more. And it's been going on for a long time. But the powers that was, and the power that is, won't allow PHC Sr to do an investigation on this issue. These wrong doers in my opinion are shameless thieves and will not stop until they face jail time. Many people read my letter of complaint but, as you people that were at the selectmens meeting March 26, 2012, heard Chris Stewart say-he wants more info on the letter for an investigation. While Columbus says where is the letter in question.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Carol S new lawsuit
to Skelton Discrimination Complaint
Town Coordinator, Carol Skelton has filed a discrimination complaint against:
FARRELL, in their capacity as
discrimination complaint is MCAD Docket No.:08BPR02077
EEOC/HUD No.:16C-2012-00411
document is
the response to that complaint. Will the current BOS vote to defend the Town of
Templeton in this matter?
The “blue links” are active!
$$ Budget Time $$ version 2.0
These “Green Sheets” contain
the line by line accounts for Town Charges. The following document
is the second version of the Town Charges
for FY 13.
Print out this draft. Review
it. Think of line items YOU would cut to
make the bottom line. Maybe you would cut a program. If enough “non-essential”
programming is cut maybe the across the board reduction would be 5% instead of
This budget is YOUR money! Please help our current BOS make
decisions about YOUR hard-earned tax
dollars! Be prepared for town meeting. Ask questions.
Town charges are one
component of the budget. These sheets
have more information from the Town Accountant regarding the revenue and
obligations in Templeton.
Do you support an override
to pay for a settlement of Jeffrey Ritter’s contract? Do you support an
override to pay for runaway legal costs from K&P? Do you feel the current
BOS has a credibility issue? Do you support the current BOS’ personal agenda?
Do you feel the current BOS is misusing YOUR tax
The “blue links” are active!
Julie Farrell
24 Myrtle St.
Baldwinville, MA 01436
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Why destroy first Baptist Church in Baldwinsville?
In my opinion, Shirley Peabody, that church is a historic piece of history and it should be kept. As that, your letter to the editor was the second time I heard about that church. The first was about the big bell that was given to the Templeton historical Society. End of story. Is the church worth restoring? Don't ask the powers that be, the majority will probably say tear it down, so Baldwinville can have a drive-through coffee shop. That is my opinion, does Baldwinville Center need a drive-through coffee shop? Ask cumbys they were there first. So, put another coffee shop right across the street, directly on Route 202. The traffic from cumbys is bad enough as it is. I don't think that coffee shop is a good idea. Besides where is the planning board and the powers that be on this issue? Find out first what the permitting authority plan to do about a permit. In layman's terms, don't try to help a horse that has already been shot.
Templeton selectmen, we can't hear you
Well people of Templeton, we did a good show of numbers at Monday night's meeting March 26, 2012 selectmen's meeting. But, yes I said but, we still were not allowed to really-really voice our opinions and suggestions on issues. First the police chief gave a warning about the meeting to us taxpayers about our behavior during meetings or "you will be asked to leave". Well in my opinion chief Whittaker should have addressed the "hostile members of the board of selectmen", about their obligation to us taxpayers. As a "note", Jeff Bennett trying to explain to the people on an override and mentioned a couple of not so good decisions from the present board of selectmen. The whole room lit up,
Budget and coordinator inextricably linked
One may not have anything to do with the other, except in the eyes of the taxpayer. If the taxpayers are not happy, do not expect much in the way of economic aid from them. That is my opinion, based on conversations I have had with many taxpayers. Voters have even indicated that they do not like this one or that one, I do not like or agree with Julie Farrell but I will not vote for Bob Columbus for anything. It seems to be the actions taken by a majority of the BOS have gotten the taxpayer out and about and they are saying what is on their minds. Ruthe Miller made a good case for the override, technicalities aside, the basis on principal for presentation of an override was sound, the taxpayers/voters just may not be listening, (much like columbus & co.) the taxpayers want Jeff Ritter to stay, as do town employees.
The Scrapper
Please click this link to Youtube to view the song "the Scapper" aka "Ode to Pat Mullins"
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Please follow this link
Follow this link to an article about Choromium and how a Michigan Company got rid of it - just as I said - and while you are reading it think about 252 Baldwinville Rd - My brother Franny Cosentino sent this to me from Jacksonville - Pauly
Jeff Bennett will be organizing and planning to begin the recall process of two selectmen, virginia wilder and patrick mullins in August. The irresponsible action on February 16, 2012, firing of town counsel and now the literal wasting of taxpayer money, $5 grand in less than 2 weeks with more wasteful spending to come, as in paying K&P attorney to write motions and agendas because apparently the group is not capable of reading or calling state agency's who could advise you on how to write a proper agenda, then tell taxpayers you need to pass an override because we/you need the money. Also on my mind will be the very vocal and unmistakable campaign to get columbus out of office, for the sake of Templeton and it's residents.
How to File a Public Records Request
to your second session on How
to File a Public
Records Request. Sometimes
people have questions about how to file a request for Public Records. Maybe as
a taxpayer, they are curious about how much money a town spends on legal costs.
Maybe as a taxpayer, someone would like to review all the invoices for vehicle
repair at the DPW or highway department for a certain period of time. A citizen
may just be interested to know how much money a town collected from the redemption
of scrap metal.
TEMPLATE should get you started. Not
all documents are public records, but you would be amazed at what is a public
record. Sometimes the records obtained under a public records request are
redacted. Redacted means that certain parts of the document will be blacked
out, because that particular part of the document is “confidential”. You also
need to figure out which department is the keeper of the records you seek –
usually a town accountant or a treasurer or even a town manager.
Also, be prepared to pay for some of the documents. E-mail messages cost more per page.
your imagination go wild. Extra credit is available for multiple public record
requests. This concludes our lesson for today. Remember:
Practice! Practice! Practice!
always click on the blue links….
Templeton taxpayers are not stupid.
In my opinion, in the eyes of stupids that call us taxpayers stupid, they are the stupid ones. But we the taxpayers smarten up after we realized who was calling us taxpayers stupid. And took a good look at them on the DVD or in person at the meetings. Why do those few people on the committees think we are stupid because we asked questions that are smart and just want a good "common sense" answer. What's wrong with that? Let's do a common sense story, let's say Bill Rucky who lives next door to 252 Baldwinville road puts his house for sale and a potential buyer says-what was used in that building next door the chemicals? After discussion with the potential buyer, the buyer wants an environmental tests done. Bill says okay but the buyer must pay for the tests because the bank is insisting on it. Then E21 test comes up with hazardous materials on Billy's land. Now we all know Bill never used chemicals on his land, so we had the chemicals come from and who is going to pay for the cleanup?
Monday, March 26, 2012
Bob Mitchells letters to TGN and Gov Patrick
To: Templeton watch, I sent the following letter to the editor
with the statement below in hopes they might print it in a timely manner since
I have not seen it yet and expect we may not see it in the Gardner news. I am
sending it to you. Thanks for all the community service. Bob
To the Gardner news,
I am sending you this letter and hope it will be printed within
two days as I would like to see it in black and white before it hits the
internet as I have not yet posted it there. I will call you to check on the
status of this as I believe your ability to respond in a timely manner is vital
to the future success of print media and the people you employ. The below
(without closing & signature) is exactly 1000words and I am in hopes you
will appreciate my efforts
Please do not let the new present majority of the Board Of Selectmen undue everything accomplished in Templeton the past 12 months, just to satisfy their personal vendetta. Attend Monday night, 3/26/12, Select Board meeting. 7 pm Narragansett Middle School Cafeteria. Our present Town Coordinator was the best of 30 qualified applicants and is the best qualified Town Coordinator the Town of Templeton has ever had. Remind the new board that they represent and work for the residents and taxpayers of Templeton and not for anyone else.
Concerned Templeton Resident
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Selectmen Meeting Monday March 26th 5:15pm NMS Cafeteria
Please everyone try to attend the Selectmen's meeting tomorrow Monday, March 26, at the Narragansett Middle School Cafeteria 5:15PM is the interviews for Treasurer - with the regular meeting at 7:00PM
You don't have to say anything if you don't want to - just sit there and smile - you may be on camera!!!
You don't have to say anything if you don't want to - just sit there and smile - you may be on camera!!!
May 7 election, budget and recall August 6, 2012
With the May 7 town election fast approaching, (not fast enough) there will probably be a significant change on the board of selectmen. Depending on how Mr. Stewart decides to govern will determine Templeton politics until after the recall of Wilder and Mullins. May 7 will be an important election and likely make a statement on how happy the voters and taxpayers are with the recall crowd. Politics is much the same as town meeting. People say and do many things, but when in the voting booth and nobody is watching, (we hope) my opinion is people can do as they wish without any pressure from the masses. Take town meeting for instance, an override passes by a good amount, say more than 2/3, by hand-count. Then the question goes to ballot and it fails. There, in the voting booth, there is no pressure from neighbors or friends to question you on how could you be against a school or raises for your fellow workers.
Friday, March 23, 2012
What is legal next, cocaine?
Just a reminder there is a selectmen's meeting March 26 Monday at Narragansett middle school cafeteria 7 PM
That building at 252 Baldwinville Rd. is such a controversy that may be the committee should have bought a submarine, maybe it would have been easier to sell to the taxpayer's! I went to the building committee meeting Wednesday night at 690 Patriots Rd. a couple of people asked Jerry Skelton questions. He said the selectmen's office had all the information on the purchase and sale and the E 21 tests and other stuff, when he was asked about the item to go to town meeting by a woman in the audience. But the answers were not clear, then she asked what if the town said no to the plan and Jerry told her the town would lose $600,000. She said can't we resell that building, Jerry's reply was - would you (the woman) by a building that needed $400,000 worth of repair to the roof. She said - why did you guys by that building, didn't you check the roof? Jerry said, yes, our architects said it would be okay.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
sent to me anonymously!!! Click on the blue words- it's amazing!!!!
How to File an Ethics Complaint
Welcome to your first class in How to File an Ethics Complaint. Sometimes people have questions about how, when or why to file an Ethics complaint. For our first lesson, we will cover the basics on how to file an Ethics complaint.
There are three ways to file an Ethics complaint: online, by phone or by mail.
There is a nifty ONLINE form you can complete to submit your ethics complaint.
You can call from Monday to Friday from noon -5:00 pm -
617-371-9500 or 888-485-4766
You can mail your complaint. This TEMPLATE will help get you started. It also helps to include supporting documentation.
All materials relating to a complaint are required by law to be kept confidential, as well as the name of the complainant.
This concludes our lesson for today. Practice! Practice! Practice!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
a question from a follower
This was emailed to me today - thought I ask all you good people about this one.
Has anyone asked the question why so many employees left the selectmens office to go work in another department/town, this was all under the last aTown coordinator.
Has anyone asked the question why so many employees left the selectmens office to go work in another department/town, this was all under the last aTown coordinator.
Election, Election, Election
To my friends and bloggers and anyone else that wants to chip in for the re-election of Julie Farrell. I am confident that I would win the race for Selectman. But I decided at the last minute not run. Here is why, as a selectmen you can either be popular with the taxpayers or be part of a hatefull group. Get it, a hateful group. I would rather be with the taxpayers group of 4500 taxpayer "voters" then be on a 3 to 2 vote to wreck Templeton and ruin our children and grandchildren's future.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Some more info for the good people of Templeton!
How sad and difficult it must be for Jeff Ritter. He wants to do the job he was hired to do but we all know that the powers that be want to get rid of him. I believe that the only reason that they didn’t get rid of him at the executive meeting they had was – the possibility that maybe Mr. Leonard Kopelman (who is paying him to review Mr. Ritter’s contract? It better not be us Taxpayers. ) could not find a loophole in Mr Ritter’s contract. Or maybe it was because the executive session was not posted correctly. Either way the rumor is they will try again to get rid of him – maybe as soon as a couple of weeks. Just a note I believe Mr. Columbus and Ms Wilder are trying to make it impossible for Mr Ritter to do his work. This is just not right – talk about selectmen who only want their personal agendas!!!!
I want to fill a few people in on the meeting that was held last Thursday to discuss the budget and the town meeting articles. One article was for the town to take/purchase the land at exit 20- It appears that the Elementary School Building Committee wants to enter into a purchase and sale with Colonial Cooperative Bank for that land. Here is the problem the bank does not own the land –
a "meeting" that is causing some gossip
There seems to be some gossip around town about a "meeting" that took place at my house at the junkyard - to clarify things - I have in my possession all the Mass Dep records concerning 252 Baldwinville Rd when it was Material Unlimited - I received these records from the DEP through a public records request. One friday I extended an invitation to people if they wanted to view these records Julie came by, Jeff Bennett came by, Tammy Coller came by, etc etc - The records are on my kitchen table - anyone who wants to look at them - stop on by - I was even questioned about this "meeting" by Kate Fulton/Athol daily news. No meeting just a bunch of us looking over DEP records for a property we "stupid" taxpayers bought - oh and by the way these records mention chromium - mercury - creosote
and DEP fines come an take a look!!!!
and DEP fines come an take a look!!!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
$$ Budget Time $$
$$ Budget Time $$
(Click on the words "document" and "sheets"and it will take you to the those pages)
The “Green Sheets” contain the line by line accounts for Town Charges. The following document is the first draft of the Town Charges for FY 13.
The bottom line is $4,513,076 for the FY 13 budget. This budget is a first draft and reflects a 20% across the board reduction from FY 12.
Print out this draft. Review it. Think of line items YOU would cut to make the bottom line of $4,513,076. Maybe you would cut a program. If enough “non-essential” programming is cut maybe the across the board reduction would be 5% instead of 20%.
This budget is YOUR money! Please help our current BOS make decisions about YOUR hard-earned tax dollars! Be prepared for town meeting. Ask questions.
Town charges are one component of the budget. These sheets have more information from the Town Accountant regarding the revenue and obligations in Templeton.
As these budget documents are revised, they will be updated. It is not uncommon to have 4-5 revisions of the first budget draft.
Julie Farrell
24 Myrtle St.
Baldwinville, MA 01436
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Another Blog from Jeff's sofa!
For anyone keeping track in Templeton, according to the budget vs. actual report for the Town of Templeton, dated March 14, 2012, you have spent $10,667.50 on town lawyer. From the minutes of selectmen meeting of February 16,2012....available for legal $31,117.50 - $20,440.00 = $10,667.50 spent. That is the short version. The long version is there was $73,000.00 budgeted for FY2012 and according to the minutes of the BOS on February 16, 2012, there was a balance of $31,117.50 left. On the budget to actual dated March 14, 2012, there is a balance of $20,440.00 left in legal. Being a simple guy and a little slow, I round that to $10 grand in one month for legal. I think it is safe to say that there was no budget consideration in play when team columbus
Just how stupid are we taxpayers?
Hey O'Brien, just how stupid do you think us taxpayers are? Your quote at your meeting "televised" on the cable channel, Thursday, March 15, 2012 or near that date. Look at yourself on TV and then decide who is the stupid taxpayer. Buy the DVD for five dollars maybe you will want to keep it for your grandchildren or your great-grandchildren, but don't hide the DVD at the bottom of the hope chest, like you tried to hide a lot of other things. You do know what I mean don't you Dennis? You should be ashamed of yourself as a former select chair, but liked Mullins you think you are above the law. Don't hold your breath and wait, and may I remind you that calling your taxpayer partners f---a---h, will not make you any more popular with us stupid taxpayers.
Question for Those Who Voted “no” to the Question about Pat Mullins – Should he resign
(sorry Mark this went to my "Junk" mail, I fixed my mail so it won't happen again)
I am interested in the reasons why those who voted “no” on the poll as to whether Mr. Mullins should resign.
You see, I have heard the rumors, and Mr. Mullins has not spoken on these rumors. His explanation for his sudden resignation from his dream job does not hold water. Remember, this is the man who wanted to be the dump monitor when Casella made their pitch. We all have evidence that Mr. Mullins prefers this line of work. Why would a man leave the apex of his employment dream? Certainly, we can expect that he would clearly outline his reasons. What is this other “opportunity” in Winchendon? Are there two dumps or transfer stations in Winchendon? Is this other “opportunity” working for the town of Winchendon? Is Mr. Mullins drawing a paycheck? Who is his employer? When did the action that is alleged take place? Was Mr. Mullins under investigation, at any time, by the District Attorney? Does Mr. Mullins have a wife who works for the District Attorney? Was he under investigation when he was recruited to run for selectman in Templeton?
With all the distrust that accompanies Mr. Mullins position on the BOS, I would think that he would address these questions directly. He has chosen to dodge these legitimate questions. Mr. Mullins, this member of the “people” wants YOU to speak. I want you to address the accusation that you have stolen while on the job. I ask that you STOP dodging the elephant in the room. This is not going away. The people of Templeton deserve answers to each and every question. If you cannot answer these questions, then explain why. If any of the influence gained as a selectman would raise an eyebrow, then you owe it to the people of Templeton to come clean. Public officials must avoid both SCANDAL and the appearance of SCANDAL.
I would appreciate responses from ANYONE who voted that Patrick Mullins should not resign. I would appreciate a direct response, to each question I asked, from my selectman, Patrick Mullins.
Mark P. Barrieau
Bullying at Town Hall
I received the following email with a request to post it - Pauly
Recently a lot us witnessed (watching through the windows @ NRMS) involving Mr. Ritter our new town coordinator. I believe that Ms Wilder, Columbus and Mullins did not get there way. Through the window we could see Ms wilder flailing her arms - guess she was pretty mad. There is talk in town that maybe the for some legal reason they could not do what they had set out to do so ---- Mr Columbus and Ms Wilder are now very mad and yelling at and bullying Mr Ritter for every thing and anything! This is not the first time Mr Columbus has done this kind of behavior - Doreen Noble (former COA director)Tammy Coller (former Treasurer) -others who are still employeed and I do not wish to name - Now Ms Wilder is joining in not only toward Mr Ritter but also to other employees - I am so embarrassed that our elected officials are treating our employees this way! I found the rules below on another towns website - perhaps we need to put these in our By-Laws. Pay close attention to the highlighted ones!!!!
H. Make decisions only after all facts on a question have been presented and discuss
Thank you Pauly for posting my blog - thank you all who read and/or participate in this blog. Let's make these selectmen acountable for their actions
Recently a lot us witnessed (watching through the windows @ NRMS) involving Mr. Ritter our new town coordinator. I believe that Ms Wilder, Columbus and Mullins did not get there way. Through the window we could see Ms wilder flailing her arms - guess she was pretty mad. There is talk in town that maybe the for some legal reason they could not do what they had set out to do so ---- Mr Columbus and Ms Wilder are now very mad and yelling at and bullying Mr Ritter for every thing and anything! This is not the first time Mr Columbus has done this kind of behavior - Doreen Noble (former COA director)Tammy Coller (former Treasurer) -others who are still employeed and I do not wish to name - Now Ms Wilder is joining in not only toward Mr Ritter but also to other employees - I am so embarrassed that our elected officials are treating our employees this way! I found the rules below on another towns website - perhaps we need to put these in our By-Laws. Pay close attention to the highlighted ones!!!!
A. Support all Board decisions once they are made.
B. Be well informed concerning the duties of a board member on both local and state levels
as detailed in the General Laws and the By-Laws.
C. Accept the office of Selectman as a means of unselfish service and not benefit personally
or politically from his or her Board activities.
D. In all appointments, judge all candidates only on merit, experience, and qualifications.
E. Abide by all Federal, State, and Local ethics regulations.
F. Recognize that action at official legal meetings is binding and that he or she alone cannot
bind the Board outside of such meetings.
G. Uphold the intent of executive session and respect the privileged communication that
exists in executive session.
H. Make decisions only after all facts on a question have been presented and discuss
Thank you Pauly for posting my blog - thank you all who read and/or participate in this blog. Let's make these selectmen acountable for their actions
Friday, March 16, 2012
Ex-Lax spells relief
Is freedom of speech and my opinion or your opinion still good in Templeton? I received word this morning from a reliable source that my complaints have been acknowledged and I can plan on action within 5 to 7 days from a much higher authority. So I guess all my friends and taxpayers can still hold their heads high with pride. So I guess someone out there does not think I am a senile old man.-Thanks again to the Worcester telegram for the investigating team, FrontPage of the Sunday, March 11, 2012. That team is what I call fair and truthful to all its readers. To quote Bill O'Reilly's TV show "the spin stops here". If the news media did their job as journalists, I would not have had to start my blog.
Information for taxpayers:
Actually, I do not own a couch, I have a sofa. So enoughisenough can relax. Last night, Thursday, March 15, 2012 at the middle school auditorium, selectmen gave an overview of the budget as well as the articles for the annual town meeting. The board of selectmen voted to remove an article from the elementary school building committee that basically requested the town of Templeton to take by eminent domain a parcel of about 50 acres. It was brought forward that along with multiple mortgages on the property, there are about $900,000.00 in liens on the property. Seems Colonial cooperative bank may be wishing the taxpayers of Templeton take this troubled land off their hands. Concerns were raised by town citizens that if the town takes this land, taxpayers could be held responsible as in paying the bills on these liens. Take the land, which takes it off the tax rolls and then have to be responsible for paying off these liens too. Now that sounds like a financially responsible thing to do to me.........NOT I think even enoughisenough would agree with me on this one.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Our nice town of Templeton
I was watching Channel 42 of world news Sunday morning and the teletype just under the event picture on a rotating message on my TV said the message-and don't quote me -Israel says Iran needs a total cleansing. While that sounds pretty diplomatic to me, how about you people, sound good? Well now comes Iran's dictator in my opinion of course, saying wipe Israel off the earth, his actual words on national TV from Iran. Well my friends let's try this action above in layman's terms. Paul’s Templeton watch is trying to get the proper authorities to answer his "Pauly’s" complaints. Well Julie Farrell, Bob Mitchell and Jeff Bennett have a hearing on-how to start cleansing Templeton with the dismissal of our former town coordinator. Well a few "in my opinion" are not educated enough to find out what the lawyers advised chairman Farrell about this issue. I know I sound like a broken record, but after a few third-grade sessions a couple of these people dropped out and learned the truth. But going back to the Israel issue about cleansing Iran, get it, cleansing Iran. Stop all the fighting and self-destruction and misery.
Who authorized this move by the municipal building committee
According to the committee chairman Gerald Skelton, he contacted the USDA and asked for a 90 day extension to hold that money for the town and that he plans to ask for another 30 day extension. I wonder what part of no do they not understand. According to figures from the warrants, the town has paid an average of $145,000.00 per year for the past five years and the building committees own figures show it will cost $188,000.00 per year for the "new" building at 252 Baldwinville Road. Of course the $145,000.00 average is based on actual spending numbers, the $188,000.00 could turn out to be more. I also have a question for Ms Wilder, do you think it is responsible to spend an additional 1.4 million dollars just because we have already spent $500,000.00? If we spent say another $400,000.00 on east Templeton school we would still have spent less than the 1.4 million. and we would no longer be on the hook for rent. When you are in a hole over your head, the prudent and smart thing to do is to stop digging! The building committee wants to put the question of borrowing another $400,000.00 on the special town meeting within the annual and then if it passes, hold a special town election. The way to stop this madness is to disband this committee once and for all and wait until we get on better financial footing. I hope the committee members remember it is not their money they are spending, it is your money and you the taxpayer control when it is spent or not. Remember too that the town accountant is a vendor, not a town employee, so why does he have such a big say in your budget? I hope at Thursday night (March 15, 2012) meeting for the budget, we have copies for everyone who wants them so they can see the numbers involving your money. Taxpayers should also ask about this contract for over $900,000.00 for the elementary school study. It is a signed contract after all, no matter what the intentions are or were. Just an explanation of how and why. Jeffrey Bennett
Another Columbus boondoggle as Chairman
If one takes the time to look over the agenda for the selectmen meeting held on Monday, March 12, 2012 at the Narragansett middle school cafeteria and you stay when the board went into executive session as you watched through the wall of glass only unable to hear what was going on, you would have seen town coordinator move from his position from sitting at the same table as the selectmen to a chair facing the board. That is the same position taken by anyone who comes before the board any business, including executive session. The one thing about this meeting was you were able to watch through the glass. The man in the suit sitting next to Mr. Ritter was an attorney from Kopelman & Paige. As Len Kopelman stated last July, 2011, he works for the majority of the board.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
And the Award Goes to
It has become more clear that are town is in very bad way-we are floating down the river, heading for Tully Dam, with no one in charge smart enough to row toward shore, or throw out the anchor.
As for our, lady selectmen, at this point I am not sure if she is the "queen of mean"or a " drama queen"
A young child knows it is wrong to yell for help for no reason. There are some things you do not do: you do not yell fire in a crowded room when in fact there is no fire.
Calling for the police the other night when everyone was leaving the room, please! Getting a restraining order against Pauly, just to embarrass him-gives the Gardner News something to write about-Good move! Just think, forbid something was to happen-who is going to rush to your aid-it reminds me of Chicken Little .The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Who is going to look up.
The drama queen sure has found a way to play to the press. I'll bet she has never had so much attention in her whole life. It is too bad we don't hand out Academy awards. The three of them could do well as best in comedy, if they were not so sad. She could get a award for best in drama, seeing this whole picture is a horror show.
Oh damn, this is not Hollywood-this is Templeton-to find Hollywood go West. I'll help you pack.
This is my view from the hill on South Road.
As for our, lady selectmen, at this point I am not sure if she is the "queen of mean"or a " drama queen"
A young child knows it is wrong to yell for help for no reason. There are some things you do not do: you do not yell fire in a crowded room when in fact there is no fire.
Calling for the police the other night when everyone was leaving the room, please! Getting a restraining order against Pauly, just to embarrass him-gives the Gardner News something to write about-Good move! Just think, forbid something was to happen-who is going to rush to your aid-it reminds me of Chicken Little .The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Who is going to look up.
The drama queen sure has found a way to play to the press. I'll bet she has never had so much attention in her whole life. It is too bad we don't hand out Academy awards. The three of them could do well as best in comedy, if they were not so sad. She could get a award for best in drama, seeing this whole picture is a horror show.
Oh damn, this is not Hollywood-this is Templeton-to find Hollywood go West. I'll help you pack.
This is my view from the hill on South Road.
Templeton Burning: Listen to the People
While the Town of Templeton is not literally on fire, politically it is, and in my opinion it is the direct result of the recall people. Interestingly, the website seems to have disappeared. My opinion is there will be a new recall site coming soon as I indicated to Wilder and Mullins that I intend to begin that process on them in August as soon as 6 months is reached. That is another story for another time though. Templeton is on fire politically because in my opinion, the people do not feel they have gotten what was advertised and sold to them. The old saying of buyer beware comes to mind. I believe the first mistake made by let the people speak, inc. was the bringing back to Kopelman & Paige. Now the next thing in their sights appears to be the new town coordinator.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Mrs. Wilder:Here Are a Few Legitimate “Fears”
While I realize that serving as a Selectman may seem like a daunting task, and at times it may even seem scary, I’m not quite sure why Mrs. Wilder feels the need to make her so-called “fears” known in The Gardner News. I fail to comprehend how a 75 year old, barely audible constituent could make her so fearful, and for Mrs. Wilder’s benefit, I have provided a few of my own fears. I hope that Mrs. Wilder will review the following and prioritize:
1.I fear Robert’s Rules of Order, as in Robert Columbus’ Rules of Order, not the parliamentary procedure rules of order. I can’t recall all of the details of Mr. Columbus’ initial statement, but I do know that it was a shallow attempt at laying down the law. It reminded me of the rules my 7th graders devised prior to a recent class discussion.
2.I fear that the taxpayers will ultimately have to pay
Selectmen's Oath
Thank you Pauly for letting me post to your blog - I was an observer last at last nights Selectmen's meeting - I have one question for the Board Did you all take the oath of selectmen when you got elected? That oath means the minute you became a selectmen in our town of Templeton, your duties and obligations are to the residents and taxpayers, from the youngest to the oldest, to the people who voted for you and against you. Your "special interest" were to be put aside for the betterment of the town.
Now with that all said - I would like to thank all the people who attended the meeting and let the ones who could not attend know that the selectmen did have an executive session with Jeff Ritter. We do not know the outcome - I'll have to refer to people who now more about the law as to when we can find out what happened.
What I saw last night was a lot of people who are concerned about their town and where it is headed. I saw people asking questions about the different agenda items. The people had many good questions and concerns. I sat quietly and watched. I don't understand why Ms Wilder made the comment to TGN about people attending to disrupt the meeting, This seems to be the attitude of Mr Columbus, and Mr Stewart also seems irritated at the number of people. Mr. Mullins doesn't seem to say anything except to second every motion that Virginia makes. Do you have a brain Mr Mullins can you think for yourself? I did notice him smirking when a few people start say "Mullins resign" at the end of the meeting. So Mr Mullins, do you think all this is funny? I don't. Why don't you come clean to the voters and residents?
When Mr. Ritter stated that it would be in executive session, people started asking why and did not want to leave the meeting. Nothing unruly, Just people asking why? Ms Wilder stood up and started yelling for the police to come in. Is this how she reacts when people are just looking for answers. yell for the police!
I can't help but wonder if Mr. Ritter was bullied by our Town Counsel and our selectmen. As far as I know the only snafu was when the election warrant was not posted. I did get chance to talk to a former employee who worked in the selectmen's office. She said that the warrants always came over from the Clerks office. I am not blaming the clerk, I am just pointing out the character of Mr Ritter, taking the blame, what a good man he is. A man this town should not lose.
What did it cost us taxpayer to have K &P look over Jeff Ritters contract for a loophole. What did it cost us taxpayers to have a lawyer from K & P there last night, just for the executive session?
Remember everyone -------- Selectmen take an oath, they work for ALL in OUR town of Templeton.
If Mr Mullins, Ms Wilder and Mr Columbus are only there to serve their personal agendas, as has become obvious they should all step down and resign. They seem to not care about the oath they took or us taxpayers or the fact that we are facing a huge budget shortfall. They just keep wasting our taxpayer money.
An Observer
Now with that all said - I would like to thank all the people who attended the meeting and let the ones who could not attend know that the selectmen did have an executive session with Jeff Ritter. We do not know the outcome - I'll have to refer to people who now more about the law as to when we can find out what happened.
What I saw last night was a lot of people who are concerned about their town and where it is headed. I saw people asking questions about the different agenda items. The people had many good questions and concerns. I sat quietly and watched. I don't understand why Ms Wilder made the comment to TGN about people attending to disrupt the meeting, This seems to be the attitude of Mr Columbus, and Mr Stewart also seems irritated at the number of people. Mr. Mullins doesn't seem to say anything except to second every motion that Virginia makes. Do you have a brain Mr Mullins can you think for yourself? I did notice him smirking when a few people start say "Mullins resign" at the end of the meeting. So Mr Mullins, do you think all this is funny? I don't. Why don't you come clean to the voters and residents?
When Mr. Ritter stated that it would be in executive session, people started asking why and did not want to leave the meeting. Nothing unruly, Just people asking why? Ms Wilder stood up and started yelling for the police to come in. Is this how she reacts when people are just looking for answers. yell for the police!
I can't help but wonder if Mr. Ritter was bullied by our Town Counsel and our selectmen. As far as I know the only snafu was when the election warrant was not posted. I did get chance to talk to a former employee who worked in the selectmen's office. She said that the warrants always came over from the Clerks office. I am not blaming the clerk, I am just pointing out the character of Mr Ritter, taking the blame, what a good man he is. A man this town should not lose.
What did it cost us taxpayer to have K &P look over Jeff Ritters contract for a loophole. What did it cost us taxpayers to have a lawyer from K & P there last night, just for the executive session?
Remember everyone -------- Selectmen take an oath, they work for ALL in OUR town of Templeton.
If Mr Mullins, Ms Wilder and Mr Columbus are only there to serve their personal agendas, as has become obvious they should all step down and resign. They seem to not care about the oath they took or us taxpayers or the fact that we are facing a huge budget shortfall. They just keep wasting our taxpayer money.
An Observer
Sunday, March 11, 2012
We will be meeting in the parking lot at 7:00PM.
Their plan is to rehire Carol Skelton with a three year contract so she will be able to make big money off the town and us taxpayers!!!! Columbus - Wilder and Mullins don't care about us taxpayers or the town, this is all about payback for the Skeltons. See you there!!!!
Know the truth in layman's terms.
Know the truth in layman's terms.
Is Pauly’s Templeton Watch full of bologna-or full of baloney-or full of blarney or whatever one wants to call it. Now hear this, don't let me lose my confidence in the "law". Read Worcester telegram, Sunday edition, March 11, 2012, FrontPage, page A13 and A15. Read it carefully a couple of times. Does that story sounds like what is happening in Templeton? If you don't subscribe to the Worcester telegram, go out and buy a copy. If you are not satisfied with the report and think that you wasted three dollars. Bring the complete Sunday telegram (one copy per household) dated March 11, 2012 and I personally will reimburse each reader three dollars for they copy in an extra two dollars for their troubles.
Is Pauly’s Templeton Watch full of bologna-or full of baloney-or full of blarney or whatever one wants to call it. Now hear this, don't let me lose my confidence in the "law". Read Worcester telegram, Sunday edition, March 11, 2012, FrontPage, page A13 and A15. Read it carefully a couple of times. Does that story sounds like what is happening in Templeton? If you don't subscribe to the Worcester telegram, go out and buy a copy. If you are not satisfied with the report and think that you wasted three dollars. Bring the complete Sunday telegram (one copy per household) dated March 11, 2012 and I personally will reimburse each reader three dollars for they copy in an extra two dollars for their troubles.
Getting rid of Ritter
The enclosed link is to the transcipts of the letting go of our last Town Coordinator.
We all know that the past coordinator kept things from certain members of the BOS. My complaints are only one example.
The current majority of the BOS is going to do exactly what they accused and recalled the former selectmen for. On whose authority did Leonard Kopelman review Jeff Ritters contract? What is he charging the town to do this? Nancy at the BOS sent Mr. Kopleman documents that he requested recently, I don't remember the BOS voting to have him give his opinion on anything. Does anyone else.
Jeff Ritter is being bullied out of town by Leonard Kopelman - also by Wilder, Columbus and Mullins.
There is an executive session scheduled at the end of Monday March 12th 7:30PM meeting. This is for the termination of Mr Ritter. Mr Ritter will have the choice of a closed or open session but it has already been relayed to him that if he chooses to have an open meeting - the powers(K&P) will black ball him throughout the state -making it very difficult to find another job, they will delay him collecting his severance ($35000.00) He was told that if he goes away quietly they will not give him any problems.
Who the hell is running this town?? After the Town Coordinator who will be next - the Fire Chief for wanting to keep the ambulance money for ambulance expenses and equipment as the people voted at the last town meeting and as was voted originally in 2006. For anyone who did not attend Thusday's BOS meeting Columbus, Wilder and Mullins want to bring it back to town meeting - totally ignoring what the people voted last November. maybe it will be Highway Super Bud Chase because they(Columbus & others) tried to get rig of him before, Will they be looking to put Mullins in a position now that he doesn't have a job?
We have lost a good treasurer thanks to Columbus and the Skeltons and now we lost a good asst treasurer because of this political BS.
Let me fill you people in on something - When Carol Skelton first became town coordinator Jerry Skelton was elected Selectmen and K &P were hired as our attorneys. Mark Goldstein had been our atty for about $30,000.00/yr As long as Jerry was a selectmen and right there with Carol she could do the job also she had Jean Fountain and Margaret G in her office - two top notch Admin. assistants. when Jerry S didn't get re-elected Carol still had K & P's Kay Doyle. to help her (costing the town oer $100,000/yr) and of course Jean. Then Jean F went over to highway when AnnMarie retired - Jerry (on the personnel board ) and Carol tried to have Jean's pay lowered. (ask Jean) Now this past year K & P were replaced with BB&M. Carol couldn't do her job - Her assistants(Nancy & Kate) were not the caliber of Jean and Margaret. No offense to them but they don't have the experience.The assistants started to complain to the some of the BOS that Carol was dumping her work on them with no guidance - they were asking other employees for help.
Jeff Ritter has been the best thing that has happened to this town - his experience and knowledge is so far above our last coordinator. For Columbus, Wilder and Mullins to ignore the taxpayers and just follow their own agenda's and of course the Skelton's agenda. Firing the lawyers and bring back K&P before the year was done, trying to sabotage the people's vote on the ambulance issue, the 252 Baldwinville Rd issue etc (why were they all at the Skelton's house Thursday after the BOS meeting)(why all the meeting with the Skelton's at Mullins house , Columbus' house and the Turtle?) ( sorry it's a small town you can't do anything without everone knowing it! They hear you at the Turtle or see your car parked somewhere) Is all this just to get Carol back her job and Jerry back his building project or is there something more - I just wonder why Mullins - Columbus and Wilder just can't think for themselves - why does Jerry Skelton have to pull their strings (puppets).
Why is Leonard Kopelman thrying so hard to get rid of Jeff Ritter.
Please attend Monday March 12 meeting at 7:30PM in the NMS Cafeteria
We all know that the past coordinator kept things from certain members of the BOS. My complaints are only one example.
The current majority of the BOS is going to do exactly what they accused and recalled the former selectmen for. On whose authority did Leonard Kopelman review Jeff Ritters contract? What is he charging the town to do this? Nancy at the BOS sent Mr. Kopleman documents that he requested recently, I don't remember the BOS voting to have him give his opinion on anything. Does anyone else.
Jeff Ritter is being bullied out of town by Leonard Kopelman - also by Wilder, Columbus and Mullins.
There is an executive session scheduled at the end of Monday March 12th 7:30PM meeting. This is for the termination of Mr Ritter. Mr Ritter will have the choice of a closed or open session but it has already been relayed to him that if he chooses to have an open meeting - the powers(K&P) will black ball him throughout the state -making it very difficult to find another job, they will delay him collecting his severance ($35000.00) He was told that if he goes away quietly they will not give him any problems.
Who the hell is running this town?? After the Town Coordinator who will be next - the Fire Chief for wanting to keep the ambulance money for ambulance expenses and equipment as the people voted at the last town meeting and as was voted originally in 2006. For anyone who did not attend Thusday's BOS meeting Columbus, Wilder and Mullins want to bring it back to town meeting - totally ignoring what the people voted last November. maybe it will be Highway Super Bud Chase because they(Columbus & others) tried to get rig of him before, Will they be looking to put Mullins in a position now that he doesn't have a job?
We have lost a good treasurer thanks to Columbus and the Skeltons and now we lost a good asst treasurer because of this political BS.
Let me fill you people in on something - When Carol Skelton first became town coordinator Jerry Skelton was elected Selectmen and K &P were hired as our attorneys. Mark Goldstein had been our atty for about $30,000.00/yr As long as Jerry was a selectmen and right there with Carol she could do the job also she had Jean Fountain and Margaret G in her office - two top notch Admin. assistants. when Jerry S didn't get re-elected Carol still had K & P's Kay Doyle. to help her (costing the town oer $100,000/yr) and of course Jean. Then Jean F went over to highway when AnnMarie retired - Jerry (on the personnel board ) and Carol tried to have Jean's pay lowered. (ask Jean) Now this past year K & P were replaced with BB&M. Carol couldn't do her job - Her assistants(Nancy & Kate) were not the caliber of Jean and Margaret. No offense to them but they don't have the experience.The assistants started to complain to the some of the BOS that Carol was dumping her work on them with no guidance - they were asking other employees for help.
Jeff Ritter has been the best thing that has happened to this town - his experience and knowledge is so far above our last coordinator. For Columbus, Wilder and Mullins to ignore the taxpayers and just follow their own agenda's and of course the Skelton's agenda. Firing the lawyers and bring back K&P before the year was done, trying to sabotage the people's vote on the ambulance issue, the 252 Baldwinville Rd issue etc (why were they all at the Skelton's house Thursday after the BOS meeting)(why all the meeting with the Skelton's at Mullins house , Columbus' house and the Turtle?) ( sorry it's a small town you can't do anything without everone knowing it! They hear you at the Turtle or see your car parked somewhere) Is all this just to get Carol back her job and Jerry back his building project or is there something more - I just wonder why Mullins - Columbus and Wilder just can't think for themselves - why does Jerry Skelton have to pull their strings (puppets).
Why is Leonard Kopelman thrying so hard to get rid of Jeff Ritter.
Please attend Monday March 12 meeting at 7:30PM in the NMS Cafeteria
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Legal opinion in from K&P attorney Mark Reich
In a legal opinion to the town, Mr. Reich writes that even though the borrowing of $400,000.00 passed at special town meeting in November, 2011, the ballot question failed. The building committee wanted to just put the question back on the annual town election scheduled for May 7, 2012, reworded of course. At a meeting of the municipal building committee, Jerry Skelton stated that since it passed special town meeting vote, we can just put it on the May 7, 2012 ballot, reworded. Not so fast says Mr. Reich. Also Mr. Reich opines that since there is no funding in place, the board of selectmen may authorize the building committee to advertise the project for bids, but since there is no funding currently available
Friday, March 9, 2012
Political Sabotage
If you had an employee who was intelligent, articulate, honest, transparent and objective, would you terminate this person? In Templeton, apparently, an employee who meets these criteria is an employee who should fear the current Board of Selectmen. With regard to the Town Coordinator position, it seems we’re looking for a less-educated candidate with a questionable job performance record, and a history of lawsuits against the town.
Why would the Board choose to terminate an employee who has only been on the job two months? In this time, Mr. Ritter has proven that he is knowledge and committed to Templeton’s best interests,
It appears the current Board of Selectmen, when faced with an astounding budget shortfall of $600,000, will take the most logical and sensible approach to handling this monetary fiasco and fire the new Town Coordinator – who has the skills necessary to handle this financial crisis.
Are you confused ? Are you angry? Please attend the BOS meeting scheduled for Monday March 12th in the Middle School cafeteria for 7:30 pm. This is YOUR town!
The Town Coordinator Contract was negotiated in good faith and in public session. Read section 5 Dismissal and Severance of this contract. How will dismissing the current town coordinator and paying him over $32,000 in severance pay benefit the TOWN? Unless the current BOS intend to breach this contract as well?
Double click on the words "Town Coordinator Contract " to view it
A Blog from "Anonymous"
On your Blog, I would like you to copy and paste this as I would respectfully request to remain anonomous:
Did you tax payers know you purchased a building on Baldwinville Road using an email as the support in the vendor warrant? Did you know the email was sent to Carol Skelton by K&P and not even a signed settlement statement was put into the warrant for backup? You bought a building using an email for support. Ask to see the warrant it's totally true. Did you know the email was signed off on by B. Columbus, C. Stewart and D. O'Brien?
Did you know the Graves bill the Town is being sued over was not initially pulled by the Town Accountant? Ask the former Treasurer what the circumstances were surrounding the pulling of that bill which now has the Town involved in a lawsuit. Ask the former Treasurer if she ever witnessed Carol pulling a bill from the Selectmens folder when she was advised by her office staff that Julie was on her way in to sign bills.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Jeff Ritter to be let go
columbus, wilder and mullins seem to have the plan to get rid of Templeton town coordinator. Residents should look at the agenda for Monday, March 12, 2012 at 7:30 at the cafeteria, nrhs middle school. Executive session put on agenda by the chairman bob columbus. I am guessing but I do recall columbus very much against the dismissal of carol skelton. I have seen enough of wilder and mullins to make a safe guess that they will vote for his removal as well. How much will this bonehead move cost the taxpayers? Who is orchestrating all these moves and why?
This blog is written by "need change"
I have lived in Templeton for over 50 years and for the first time I can honestly say WE ARE SO SCREWED!!!! My thoughts were that the Selectman work for us, I guess it use to be true, but not anymore. We have a million dollar deficit and I for one will not voter for a override of any kind. I have a strict budget that I have to follow and at these times is getting harder and harder to pay bills. A few of our selectman are a joke!!!! (new elected and chairman) People want to know what's going on that is WHY we are at the meetings. If there is a recall sheet coming, let it come real soon before the state takes over our town. We have no Tammi which should have been filled before she left. Not giving the new town coordinator a year to do his job or maybe it's because he's doing what's best for Templeton they don't like. So we can bring back a person who once again is suing the town and is 70 years old what, give her another year so she can retire with a higher pension, then once again we will be looking for a new coordinator. Great town to work for NO job security. Beside these selectman are moving backward, not forward like promised.
Virginia and Patrick, your ad in paper states "We hope to serve the people of Templeton well " How by accusing us of sabotaging a meeting and your best comment "we hope that we can put our differences aside and work together" Well you haven't done that either...Lies nothing but lies! Pat should be a man and stand up and address the tax payers of Templeton the TRUTH! But my personal feeling are you lie so much, you don't know what the truth is. Please Step Down and for Bob, hopefully you will be replaced with either Julie or Bob in May!
How disgusting.
Bikers get involved
In my opinion every biker in Templeton better tune up you bikes and fill them with gas because the 3 members of the Board of Selectmen are going to take you for a long ride. Starting at 6:00PM tonight at Narragansett Regional Middle School Cafeteria join Pauly’s Templeton Watch and be a witness to history. There is plenty of room and bring your “Mullins Resign” signs. You know what I mean. How much embarrassment can we, yes we take? It seems Mullins is not embarrassed at all, to allow Virginia to put his name in the paper. And did you notice there is a Skeleton involved. And if you listen real close you can hear the people in Winchendon thanking Templeton, Hee-Hee-Hee.
See you tonight at 6:00PM NMS Cafeteria.
PS Mr. Mullins you should have rode off into the sunset of Winchendon!
Word on the street, Innocent until proven guilty
Some of the following is my opinion, some is "water cooler talk" and some is factual based. Water cooler talk first, rumor on the street concerns a certain Templeton selectman who use to work for the town of Winchendon, apparently taking scrap metal was not the only idea to come from the transfer station, no, scrapit was not good enough, one must go to a certain repair garage in Baldwinville and have personal vehicle worked on and charge parts to the Winchendon Highway department. Imagine that, having taxpayers pay for personal vehicle repairs. New word on the street is there may be some missing monies from a certain snowbound club in Massachusetts
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Taxpayers Will Come - By Bev B
I think I have told you my family has been in Templeton for four generations. I love the land I live on and I plan to stay here until I die.
My husband spent most of his life in Leominster. They have a mayor and a city Council. I told my husband "in Templeton we have town meetings. You can vote for what you do or do not like". We have selectmen, you can go to a meeting and discuss any issue you have and they can try to get problems resolved. It always felt good that we as citizens could have a say in what was going on. I always felt it was more open and honest, a better form of government.
Important letters from Bob Mitchell
To: Templeton citizens,
You are seeing this on blog face book or email because I seem to be having some problems getting a letter to the editor or even an investigative story written at The Gardner News. Below you will find the open meeting law violation I filed and the two ethics violations I filed. If any citizen has any complaints or issues regarding these I hope you will write back, tweet , blog ,face book or whatever else, because I will try to get it printed one way or another and while I may wish it was on paper that may not always happen. Below is what is being sent by registered mail to our state government, and I hope you will all be interested in how your state government works for you.
March 3, 2012
To: Attorney General Martha Coakley
Re: Open meeting law violation
Dear Mrs. Coakley,
I am making an urgent request that your office begin an immediate investigation of the open meeting law violation/complaint that is enclosed. The situation in Templeton is deteriorating far too fast for any delay, when the FBI is calling Templeton’s Police Dept., warning of possible violence at our Town Meetings. Please see attached Gardner News article of February 29, 2012. “Chief: FBI had urgent concerns”.
Enclosed below and in order, is the original complaint with supporting documentation that was filed at the Town Clerk and Board of Selectmen Offices, and sent to the Gardner News. Also you will find the draft minutes and video of the 2-16-2012 BOS meeting in question. Below that you will find the BOS denial that an open meeting law violation occurred, along with the video of the meeting on 2/29/12. I can only assume the letter/opinion I received was written by K & P. Therefore, I have included below that the memorandum written by Lauren Goldberg of K & P, January 19, 2012, that makes the denial letter nonsensical. See page 2, number 2.
In reviewing the 2/29/12 BOS meeting DVD, you will see Selectman, Chris Stewart, state that my claim “is unjust”. Perhaps that is because Selectman Stewart is unaware of the Bylaws in the Town of Templeton Articles XLIV and XLV regarding the official town web site and the posting of warrants and bylaws in town and that documentation is included straight from the town bylaws manual .
Below that you will find a video of the BOS meeting held 2-27-2012 attached to a sheet of paper entitled evidence of ongoing violations and the need for urgency/expediency from the Attorney General’s office. I believe this tape surely shows that the violations/problems are ongoing and that the present chairman and newly elected selectmen are more concerned about holding a meeting to support their own agenda, than they are with upholding the open meeting laws or even the physical safety of the town’s citizens. This is the evidence in the case in regards to the “letter” and “intent” of the open meeting law postings and I am certainly in hopes you will uphold both.
Beyond the evidence regarding the posting I would like an investigation into the much more serious issue” that this meeting occurred without the citizens of Templeton being properly protected and advised by legal counsel”. Much more of my tax dollar going towards paying legal counsel than goes toward paying the salaries of an uneducated and unadvised BOS and it is legal counsel representation that I expect at a meeting with such serious implications. When the chairman of the board and board members deny having contact with legal counsel and do not provide the advice of said counsel at the 2-16 2012 meeting I believe I have been subject to the most serious and fundamental open meeting law violation of all “taxation without representation”. This is obviously something that should not be allowed to occur anywhere in America and especially not in the very state where it incited the revolution.
In order to move forwards and in an effort to prevent future violations I have also included the two ethics complaints that I have filed regarding the selectmen involved in the 2-16-2012 meeting. I have included these as I am requesting that you investigate the ethics commission’s performance as I sincerely believe that their failure to enforce their own mandate 268A: 29. (Included and highlighted) that require a senior level employee of a municipality be designated and trained as a liaison to the commission is a big part of the reason for this complaint and why future complaints will continue. For this reason I am requesting that you obtain and provide to me as an FOIA request the List of Massachusetts towns that are in compliance and those that are not as I now know that Templeton is not and It is my contention that your office will not be able to keep up with the open meeting law violations until we remedy and prevent the unethical behaviors that create them.
I have sent this letter by registered mail, as I expect acknowledgement of it being received by phone or email within 24 hours, an email detailing what your response to the complaint will be within 48 hours and the FOIA information or denial of said information I requested within 10 days. Please also check your past record of complaints from Templeton as I have been advised by others that I am wasting my time with your office and would certainly like to see a timely, effective and consequential response to all my requests as no one I know in this state wants to be taxed for representation they do not receive.
To: The ethics commission
I am formally filing a conflict of interest complaint against Templeton selectman Robert Columbus for his vote to change town counsel at the February 16 2012 Board of selectman’s meeting held at 690 patriots road Templeton. I believe that Mr. Columbus’s past history of personnel complaints, some still unresolved, and his past use of the town counsel to put forward a petition as a rate payer and tax payer without a vote by the TBOS to do so constitutes a conflict of interest when voting in favor of changing town counsel to Kopleman and Paige. This makes myself and many others in town question if his vote to change law firms to Kopleman and Paige was a conflict of interest as we have no idea if Mr. Columbus’s was voting for K&P in Templeton to resolve his past personal issues.
I am also filing this complaint as I believe Mr. Columbus’s denial that he contacted legal counsel and failure to provide the towns citizens with said advice at the above mentioned meeting, constitutes one of the most serious ethical violations in this country, taxation without representation. Much more of my tax dollar goes for legal advice than for an uneducated opinion from the board of selectmen and it is that representation (legal counsel) that I want at a meeting with such serious implications.
I am asking this commission to access any and all files regarding Mr. Columbus’s past history in the town of Templeton including but not limited to: Personnel complaint records, Selectmen meeting records/videos, and past and present correspondences between Kopleman and Paige and the town of Templeton regarding Mr. Columbus’s personnel complaints and use of town counsel for personal reasons.
I am also asking the commission to investigate your own records to find out when and if Mr. Columbus has passed any ethics training. I am also requesting the name or names of our past and present municipal liaison with the state ethics commission as required by the Conflict of interest laws As amended by c. 194 Acts of 2011 268A;29.
Please contact me forthwith regarding the name of the town’s liaison with your office as I believe this town is now without a liaison and as I further believe that there were multiple violations at the meeting and a number of citizens questioning Mr. Columbus’s past history and conduct. I hope you will investigate this issue as soon as possible in lieu of and in the absence of said trained liaison.
March 1, 2012
To: The ethics commission
I am formally filing a conflict of interest complaint against Templeton selectman Patrick Mullins for his vote to change town counsel at the February 16 2012 Board of selectman’s meeting held at 690 patriots road Templeton. I believe that Mr. Mullins was alleged to be involved in possible misconduct and an investigation in the adjacent town of Winchendon, whose town counsel is Kopleman and Paige, prior to during and now, with his resignation after, his vote to change law firms to Kopleman and Paige was a conflict of interest as we have no idea if MR. Mullins was voting for K&P in Templeton to resolve his issues in Winchendon.
I am asking this commission to access any and all files regarding Mr. Mullins in the town of Winchendon including but not limited to: police files, court records, and correspondence between the Town of Winchendon and Kopleman and Paige regarding Mr. Mullins employment and resignation in that town.
I am also asking the commission to investigate your own records to find out when and if Mr. Mullins has passed any ethics training. I am also requesting the name or names of our past and present municipal liaison with the state ethics commission as required by the Conflict of interest laws As amended by c. 194 Acts of 2011 268A;29.
Please contact me forthwith regarding the name of the town’s liaison with your office as I believe this town is now without a liaison and as I further believe that there were multiple violations at the meeting and a number of citizens questioning Mr. Mullins conduct. I hope you will investigate this issue as soon as possible in lieu of and in the absence of said trained liaison.
Sincerely Yours
Robert C. Mitchell
Citizen volunteer for truth in government
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Letters asking for Mullins to resign!!!!
Ok people - the poll here on my blog says 75 people say Mullins should resign (I can't call him Mr.) I hope that all you 75 people have send in you letters to the town coordinator asking for Mullins' resignation. I still want to see his certificate for taking the online ethics test see www.mass,gov/ethics click on the online training - there's the test and the certificate prints out when you are done.
So everyone get those letters done. We need trust in this town.
Also please note there is a Municipal Building Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday March 7 at 6:30 at 690 Patriots Rd - according to the agenda thats posted on the towns website they will be discussing a prop 2 1/2 overide for the 252 Baldwinville Rd project. Check with the Town Clerk at 978-939-8466 to see confirm that this meeting is still on.
Also SELECTMEN'S MEETING - THURSDAY, MARCH 8 - 6:00PM at Narragansett Middle School Cafeteria - See you there!!!
So everyone get those letters done. We need trust in this town.
Also please note there is a Municipal Building Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday March 7 at 6:30 at 690 Patriots Rd - according to the agenda thats posted on the towns website they will be discussing a prop 2 1/2 overide for the 252 Baldwinville Rd project. Check with the Town Clerk at 978-939-8466 to see confirm that this meeting is still on.
Also SELECTMEN'S MEETING - THURSDAY, MARCH 8 - 6:00PM at Narragansett Middle School Cafeteria - See you there!!!
last night's meeting and an ethics question
To all who could not attend last nights selectmen's meeting or who were stuck in the hallway at 690 Patriots road and could not hear my letter asking for an investigation of the town - My agreement with the police was that I would be allowed to have my letter read by Peter Farrell (because of my voice) but then I would have to leave the meeting immediately and no one, not the selectmen or anyone attending the meeting would be able to make any comments on my letter. I will attach my letter to this blog later today. What kind of town do we live in when in order to bring something to the attention of the BOS you must have you rights to assemble violated. and just a note Jeff Bennett left the meeting last night when it was brought to the attention of chairman Columbus that the meeting was violating the open meeting laws because of people in the hallway not being able to hear or participate in the meeting - the meeting was eventually closed.
Just some food for thought - If someone violates ethics in their capacity as an employee of a municipality (remember all municipal and state employees must take the ethics test and abide by ethics laws) in other words if someone has disregards ethics laws in their job as a municipal employee - do you thing they will abide by ethics laws as an elected official??? Just a thought!
Just some food for thought - If someone violates ethics in their capacity as an employee of a municipality (remember all municipal and state employees must take the ethics test and abide by ethics laws) in other words if someone has disregards ethics laws in their job as a municipal employee - do you thing they will abide by ethics laws as an elected official??? Just a thought!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Pease read Bev's new post
Please read Bev Bartolomeo's new posting at
In my opinion, yes in my opinion, why do some people here in Templeton not, I mean "won't", understand layman's language? I have been begging our officials, police, selectmen, state police, Atty. Gen.'s office, FBI (never again) Sen. Brewers office, state rep Ann Gobi’s office, civil liberties Union office/Worcester, our previous chairman of the board of selectmen Dennis O'Brien (never again). Honestly what gives? In layman's language, what gives here in Templeton with the present board of selectmen? Am I considered "senile" to these elected officials and appointed officials and Jeff Ritter? What happened to let the people speak? How about it Mr. Columbus, you, yes you are one of the elected officials attending the recall booth
A note from a Pauly's Watch Follower
I would like to thank Templeton Watch and Pauly for the opportunity to keep Templeton voters informed on events that are occurring in their town.
Mr. Cosentino has informed me that a certain past Templeton Board of Health Director is disturbed by accusations made by this author in regards to the allegation
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Talking to the deaf so called leaders
In my opinion people to quote Joan M Gould from her letter to the editor in the Gardner news on Tuesday, February 21, 2012. I agree with you 100% but your comment to give it to the zoning board of appeals is not always the way to go unless it is televised. Why? Because after a decision is made by the zoning board of appeals it's over for that issue. But if there is a DVD of that meeting
Something on the current state of affairs. by Peter Farrell
Templeton residents should be curious as to why a large law firm like Kopelman and Paige are so interested in being town counsel for this Rt2 bisected piece of real estate.
It has been my experience that money always has something to do with the motivation of not only the masses but also large law firms like Kopelman and Paige.
Mr. Kopelman who does not need to collect scrap metal and cash it in to survive has probably come up with other methods to show a profit for himself and his law firm.
Beware Templeton Taxpayers
We are going into a fictitious story to try to make it easier for us taxpayers to except the brunt of the impact you are going to get with the million dollar short fall in Templeton. For example Pauly Sr. went to a specialist with the name of Jerry. The specialist after examination said my left leg must be removed. I said Doc Jerry - how much is this going to cost, He said - how much do you have. I said - not much. Dr Jerry said that will cover it (other words everything I have) I decided to get a second opinion. I then consulted a Dr Obrien. He informed me that he reviewed my previous exam with Dr Jerry. Dr Obrien said Dr Jerry is wrong. Both legs must come off. I said jc I don't have any more money. Dr Obrien said - thats ok, just get out of Templeton and shut up! I decided to get a 3rd opinion by a team of doctors (3) Julie, Mitchell and Bennett. They said - we reviewed you previous examinations, we cannot charge you for this office visit, because this is an ethical issue. In all honesty you do not have to have both your legs removed. you have a ingrown hair on your butt. so just walk to the pharmacy and get the medicine we prescribe and continue your quest in Templeton. and all your socalled sicknesses will eventually be addressed. please give your medicare card to the receptionist
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