Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Peter Farrell rebuttle to Bob Columbus' letter to The Gardner News

As a Templeton town official (under protest) up for re-election for the position of Sewer Commissioner (SC) in the May election I feel it necessary to respond to Mr. Columbus’s LTE “Let’s end harassment, make changes in Templeton” in TGN 3/25/11 edition.
The harassment issue involving the alleged politically appointed past Madame Chairman of the Advisory Board that Mr. Columbus speaks of seems to involve a letter that was typed by past Madame Chairman. This letter is alleged to be her termination letter. It is believed this letter is a public document and can be obtained at the Selectmen’s office. It is my opinion that readers of this “termination letter” may find reason to disagree with our past Madame Chairman of the Advisory Board and Selectmen Columbus. When one looks at the hiring process used by the Selectmen and specifically Gerald Skelton and Robert Columbus it appears political favors were handed out. It is alleged these “favors” were delivered after our competent past secretary was harassed from her position by elements at the Selectmen’s office, most likely Candidate for Selectmen Gerald Skelton.

The EDU billing that Mr. Columbus speaks of in paragraph four of his LTE was the result of the water department refusing to continue to do the billing for the Sewer Department. At the time of this decision by the Water Department, Candidate for Selectmen Gerald Skelton was a board member. The discontinuation of sewer billing by the Water Department allegedly resulted because of allegations concerning the illegal use of municipal funds by past Superintendent of the Light and Water Department Gerald Skelton. Candidate for Selectmen Skelton is alleged to have spent town money for lawyers to draft Special Legislation Ch 93 acts of 2000. Ch 93 Acts of 2000 that combined the Light and Water Departments boosted Mr. Skelton’s pay greatly in his last three years on the job and left him with a very comfortable public pension that will last him a lifetime. Legal documents supporting these claims are available on request.
During an illegal Selectmen’s meeting of Selectmen Skelton, Columbus and O’brien held in the spring of 2010 involving a citizen’s petition at the American Legion in Baldwinville, one senior was heard saying in regards to Mr. Skelton’s alleged illegal use of town funds “ he got his hands caught in the cookie jar”. This statement referred to Candidate Skelton’s alleged misuse of municipal funds to pad his pension.
The letter that was not read at the February meeting as discussed by Mr. Columbus in paragraph three in his LTE was from Congressman Olver’s office directing me to the FBI. The Office of Inspector General at the EPA had said that the material sent to them needed to go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as they were not equipped to handle such a serious matter. A copy of that complaint is on file at the Board of Selectmen’s office.
The complaint mentioned above concerns the alleged illegal activity of Candidate for Selectmen Gerald Skelton, Selectmen Columbus and town coordinator Carol Skelton and their involvement in the lawsuit between The Town of Templeton, Erving Paper Mills and town counsel Kopelman and Paige.
Town residents who have followed these alleged shameful acts by the Skelton’s and Columbus to name a few over the years will remember the millions of dollars it is costing the tax-payers for the alleged interference in case 02-2424C by Candidate Skelton, town coordinator Carol Skelton and BOS member Bob Columbus. This interference in the prosecution of another boards case (02-2424c) was allegedly allowed by town counsel Kopelman and Paige.
The Complaint filed with the FBI also alleges the possibility of interference by the Israel Lobby as it concerns town counsel Kopelman and Paige and the lawsuit between The Town of Templeton and Erving Paper Mills. An excellent book “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt is an excellent primer on the omnipotence of the Israel Lobby and the deleterious effect it has had on our society and legal system.
In conclusion there is no doubt that change is needed in Templeton. That change needs to come at the Selectmen’s office. The distrust that has been building concerning the Town Coordinator Carol Skelton and Candidate Gerald Skelton and Selectmen Columbus along with town counsel Kopelman and Paige would appear to be justified. The town needs individuals at the Selectmen position who are not afraid to make personnel changes to correct past mistakes.
Let’s get it right this time.

Pete Farrell


  1. Farrell has been there for eighteen years it may be wise to listen to what this man has to say.

  2. peter you are forgetting the most important piece...the conspiracy of 911..when is barrack going to fix this...i think we need a petition.... sooo everyone will understand how crazy your political views really are...stay with the sewer you are a perfect opinion
