Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Attorneys

Well the town of Templeton now has new attorneys. Thank you Board of Selectmen!  One question that was posed by Bob Columbus to Kopelman and Paige during the interview,  Mr. Columbus stated that someone keeps bringing up the writs of attachments regarding  American Tissue Mills 
and K&P billing for monitoring the bankruptcy. Well K & P went on about "one parcel and the limited number of days to file and abatement and a bunch of other "bs" that made no sense. in other words - if you don't know the answer dazzle them with bs!!! Well Mr. Kopelman here's what happened - your firm let 2 writs of attachments in favor of the Templeton Sewer Dept (1 for 4 million and 1 for 3.5 million) expire. A simple notice recorded with the Worcester Reg. of Deeds for $75.00 each would have kept them active! Now in the other matter from 2004 to 2010 Templeton paid your firm to monitor the bankruptcy of American Tissue Mills Inc. a bankruptcy that had nothing to do with American Tissue Mills of MA Inc. a private Massachusetts Corporation.  This was discovered when Deputy Assessor Sue Byrne made a few phone calls and spoke with the US Attorney  General's office and confirmed that ATM of MA was not involved and never had been.  When she asked your atty Kay Doyle why Templeton been billed for Atty Kathryn ODonnell's "work" Atty Doyle stated "she's no longer with the firm". So in other words thanks to K&P we lost liens in favor of the Sewer dept totaling $7.5 million and we paid out several thousand to monitor the bankruptcy of a company that had nothing to do with Templeton. 


  1. Kopelman and Paige represented the town during the contract transfer of 1991. K&P appeared to be highly irresponsible in their actions. With K&P out of town it would be prudent to review their actions regarding this matter. The Town of Templeton has lost millions of dollars due to the handling of the WWTP contract.

  2. I totally agree and lets not forget the May 2011 TM when Kay Doyle of K&P gave the incorrect advise to John Henshaw and the government study committee
