Friday, July 8, 2011

Senior Center

Kudos to all the volunteers who are working so hard on the Senior Center!!!!    Bud and the highway dept, Dianna and Doug Morrison, Frank Moschetti all the COA members and staff etc etc you people are WONDERFUL!!!!  every one pitching in ...  Now comes the the Conservation Commission ....

At the June 13th ConCom meeeting the senior center was on the agenda all the Concom members were there except Shaun Grimley.  The engineer Chris Mossman was there with the plans.  Some ConCom members wanted to continue the meeting to the following month ( another delay)  so it was continued to July 7th (thank you COA for securing Scott Hall)  Now at last nights meeting (July 7) Agent David Koonce was there as well as members Paul Cosentino, Shaun Grimley and David Symonds, not a quorum,  finally member Irwin H showed up, phew!  Now Engineer Chris M had previously told the ConCom he could not make the July 7th meeting.  Well Agent David K stated that he had questions for Chris M - I guess he couldn't have picked up the phone during the 23 hours he is paid by the town and talked to Mr. Mossman.  Shaun Grimley also stated that he had some questions - okay so you couldn't make the June meeting when Chris was there, so why couldn't you have put your questions on paper and had another member or the agent ask them?  the whole project gets delayed because Mr. Gimley had another commitment (affordable housing seminar) so maybe you should give up one instead of delaying the Seniors......
Oh yeh and Mr. Grimleys questions - Storm water runoff , the planning boards jurisdiction not the ConCom, Hey Shaun let the Planning Board handle there own stuff!!!
So it seems that the Senior center will be on the agenda for the next ConCom meeting - Bud can start taking down the trees (before the snow flies) however Concom stated that Bud needs the engineer to show him were the buffer zone border is ... an engineer that has to be paid by the taxpayers, when we have a town employee Conservation agent, paid by the town, why can't agent David Koonce show Bud during his 23hrs he is paid by the town - Why the waste of money??? isn't this why we have an agent? can't departments work together? 
At the June meeting member JoAnn Burdin made a comment and last night member Shaun Grimley made a similar that there are laws to follow etc.   well I guess thats only for non Concom members - right JoAnn, how's that wind turbine? did you get any permits for that or how about you husband's (scrapping metal, logging, gravel, selling bark mulch) enterprises?  Oh that's right you built your house with no road frontage or even a permit.  And member David Symonds - saw you ad in the Gardner News - plant/greenhouse store, any permits, is you business registered with the town clerk? Irwin H any secrets with TDC? I have big ears and big eyes!!!!!
Just a note the ConCom agent's hours were increased because he wrote 1 grant and for him to over see that grant for Open Space,  How many grants has Eileen and the COA written and received???? A LOT more that ONE, why weren't their hours increased???

I thought things were going to change with a new selectman, maybe I have to run next year ha ha ha!!!!!
Maybe the Concom is just against the Senior Center like Bob C, Carol S and others.........
Please everyone who supports the Senior center write me your comments
Thank you

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