Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday's Selectmen's Meeting

I attended the Selectmen’s meeting last Monday – there were a lot of “recall supporters” there.  There big saying is “let the people speak” well … A Mr Sparks and his neighbors had some complaints about the Candlelite. Well whether you agree with the residents or you side with the candlelite is not the issue.  These “recall” people say let the people speak yet as Mr Sparks and his neighbors left the meeting they were laughed at by the recall supporters.  

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hello Friends

I just got the Gardner News and read the Town Clerks report on the recall effort by TGN reporter Mark Harranas. He said that the town clerk verified the needed 900 signatures on both petitions. The town clerk said she certified 900 signatures on each petition, I hope I can see those signatures myself because I am a hand writing specialist.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday -Well to start the day I spent 1 ½ hours at the Athol State police Barracks. I am not stopping on my quest for a full-fledged investigation at 690 Patriots Road, town offices. I believe I am finally getting action- from the state police because I proved I have enough information to warrant a full investigation of the people involved.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jeff Bennett response to Kathy Matson

in a recent Letter to editor, Kathy Matson wrote that if you have lost confidence in your elected official it is your right to be able to remove them from office. As an elected member of the Templeton BOS, I thank her for making my point. If a majority of the BOS lose confidence in a person appointed to a position, it is our right as selectmen to remove them from that position, and in the case of coordinator, the BOS had the MGL behind them. 

Monday, November 21, 2011


To all my blog followers - if you would like to post you comments please email them to and thank you for your support.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Reply to Kathy Matson’s letter to the Editor in the Gardner News – Saturday, November 19, 2011

Well Kathy I first learned who you were when I asked a local resident who puts the stuff on the town’s website. He said “Kathy Matson from Baldwinville” I was just curious – as for your husband – I don’t know him end of story. As for your son I know he’s on the advisory board, end of story.
What I don’t understand is why you think you

Saturday November 19, 2011-9:30am Guess what Templeton

I was called by a friend   at 9AM to tell me to drive around town to see the circuses. I said who is it? He said you have to see it for yourself and put it on your blog. – well I warmed up my going to circus machine, sure  enough next to the Templeton Post office  I saw clowns Bob C and Paul Q  freezing at a recall booth set upon a citizen’s lawn.(what was that citizen promised) This is the most intimidating thing I have seen yet. By those who wish to wreck town government.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Let the people speak???

I see signs going up around town saying "let the the people speak".     well  I have a copy of a letter that Carol S had K & P send Jeff Bennett (before he was a selectmen ) telling him to stop asking questions at Selectmens meetings - note Bob M and Julie didn't know the letter was sent. Why didn't you people speak up when former Selectman Skelton told me - meeting after meeting that I could not speak. Finally when he was no longer on the board I got to speak. and for asking "do I have to go postal to make someone listen to me" (about my complaints) my rights were taken away from me for 20 days - illegally - That meeting was a open meeting violation per the Atty General (I have that letter too)  And lets not forget the most famous time that some one was not allowed to speak - Have you all forgotten Former Selectman Jerry Skelton telling Tom Royer to " sit down and shut up you don't live in town" (but Tom is a taxpayer and does plenty for this town)

Monday, November 14, 2011

response to Virginia Wilder's letter

1.       Our Town Counsel  was not “fired” they were not reappointed -  Talk about wasting money, K&P charges us for monitoring the bankruptcy of American Tissue Mill Inc. about $8,000. However American Tissue Mills of Ma Inc. the owners of 20 properties in Templeton is not and has never been part of the bankruptcy.  Also K&P let two (court ordered) Writs of Attachment in favor of the Sewer Dept. expire, the writs were for $3.7 million and $4 million. This can be verified at  search “American Tissue Mills. Also please note that the Treasurer always has had her own budget for tax taking. The truth as to what we have paid K&P is

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just some points

Recently we went to town meeting and voted on an article concerning the fuel account needing more money. Well maybe someone should take a look at the Animal Control Officer's driving logs. She was spotted in Gardner on Oak Street picking up two boys at 9:45AM on Tuesday, Nov. 8th.  As of when do our tax dollars pay for personal errand running? One more thing that Carol S was aware of (animal control abuse of her position) and kept from certain selectmen  - just like all my complaints about how a certain ComCom chairman and member treated taxpayers and about the agents illegal pay increase over two years.  and Bob C, Chris S and the Recall crew say they were kept out of the loop. How about a Town Coordinator that took my complaints and information requests and only showed them to Bob C, former Selectman Dennis O'B and past ConCom Chairman Shaun G. WHO HAS REALLY BEEN KEPT OUT OF THE LOOP FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS?  Not only Julie F and Bob M but all the RESIDENTS AND TAXPAYERS.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Let the real people speak the truth

To all Templeton residents - I have made many complaints in the past eight years - not one has been answered up to May 2011. Now we have a Board of Selectmen that is answering my many complaints and a few parasites want a recall. I have all the wrong doings of the "snakes"(quote Fuller) on paper.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Peter Farrell's Post

Templeton residents who are waiting patiently for the upcoming recall may wish to open their dictionaries and read the definition of the word fraud. According to my Webster New World Dictionary fraud is defined as “deceit: trickery; cheating. 2.) an intentional deception or dishonesty; trick. 3.) a person who deceives or is not what he pretends to be.