Thursday, November 17, 2011

Let the people speak???

I see signs going up around town saying "let the the people speak".     well  I have a copy of a letter that Carol S had K & P send Jeff Bennett (before he was a selectmen ) telling him to stop asking questions at Selectmens meetings - note Bob M and Julie didn't know the letter was sent. Why didn't you people speak up when former Selectman Skelton told me - meeting after meeting that I could not speak. Finally when he was no longer on the board I got to speak. and for asking "do I have to go postal to make someone listen to me" (about my complaints) my rights were taken away from me for 20 days - illegally - That meeting was a open meeting violation per the Atty General (I have that letter too)  And lets not forget the most famous time that some one was not allowed to speak - Have you all forgotten Former Selectman Jerry Skelton telling Tom Royer to " sit down and shut up you don't live in town" (but Tom is a taxpayer and does plenty for this town)

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