Thursday, December 22, 2011

Attn: All registered voters

 Are you confused about the recall stuff going around town? Also the “Let the people speak” signs on people’s lawns and on the computer. Do you want the truth on paper or from the sexual intellectuals in town and at Templeton’s local watering holes. You know where (I mean local watering holes) just log onto “I am speaking” Pauly’s Templeton Watch and read my blogs and make copies that are not the truth, and I will answer them in person at my place, or  you the accuser pick the place for the stand off. Not a political standoff. A Pauly watch stand off. Virginia Wilder says
the recall effort has 40 active members. Well big deal Virginia, are they family? Or did you recruit them from a surrounding town? We the, DO NOT RECALL effort are some 5000 strong and growing, now that Pauly’s Templeton Watch is bringing out the truth on paper if they choose. How come you recall people don’t ask the former Selectman Dennis O about the letter I personally handed him to read to the whole board of Selectmen. This would have stopped the recall effort. I asked Dennis Obrien to read it because he was chairman  of the selectboard and I in person and on paper told Dennis – I did not trust the coordinator and he – Dennis (chair) was the next authority because I PHC  lost confidence and I don’t trust our past coordinator. I honestly trusted Dennis Obrien to do this so all you taxpayers would see it on DVD or witness it in person at a selectmen’s meeting. Did Pete Kasper hear Dennis Obrien read that letter to the board of Selectmen or anyone else that normally attends those selectmen meetings? And yes I wrote that letter a long time before Julie Farrell called our Town Coordinator on the carpet at a salary of some $65,000.00 per year. I PHC made the complaint so all you recall effort people by influence or friendship to our town coordinator are again , and I say again you people or you 5 or 6 people are throwing the wrong people under the bus. Just like the 5 or 6 people from the town office building, not your average taxpayer, threw me under the bus because I asked the board of selectmen – what do I have to do to get you the board to listen to my complaints? This was on DVD. I have the copy and will be putting a link on this blog soon so you all can view it hear it for yourselves.
So do not recall Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell and let  those dedicated recall effort people be embarrassed word of mouth, lies that are told (not on paper). But lies told about the 2 recall people Julie and Bob M. If they told the truth there would be no recall petitions to sign. Are you catching on about word of mouth propaganda? Go to our local watering holes and witness for yourselves after seven drinks. Hee-hee-hee.
Here’s a good story (truth) about a member of the Templeton Women’s club who came to a reappointment meeting with the Board of Selectmen to endorse a member of the Conservation Commission. I was so mad I approached the TWC member and proved to her the truth on paper. Her reply was “they (the person she was supposed to endorse) lied to the club, I will never do it again until I have proof on paper”. That’s why I – PHC say – Get it on paper – not from a so called sexual intellectual, which in my opinion – Templeton has many – but they don’t “speak” until they get some gullible to believe their line of Bull------ and then along came Pauly’s Templeton Watch – to bust their bubble, and watch them “ride bully ride” in search of another way to discredit Julie and Bob M.

One gentleman from Phillipston stopped by my place yesterday and after he was done unloading his scrap metal, he came inside and asked me “What the devil is going on with the people of Templeton, with all this recall stuff?” I said it is only a few people that are trying to do this devilish recall to Julie and Bob M. He replied – “ that’s what I thought” He also said – all this devilish stuff must be controlled by someone on Baldwinville Road. I have the proof of that statement, as I noticed when I went to the doctor’s office on Baldwinville Road – Tuesday, December 20, 2011. Want to know where? On Baldwinville Road? Send me an email – “I am speaking” and I don’t need permission. How’s that?? I will email you my information and the source I got it from on paper – get it? On paper. And I don’t care if the guilty party likes it or not. How’s that Dennis?

I was asked by a ConCom Member some time ago, - “you think you know everything don’t you, Pauly?” My reply to her was  “ I know about things in Templeton that haven’t happened yet” – so how do you like that?

In my opinion every registered voter should make a special attempt to vote on February 6th 2012. And vote NO to not recall Julie Farrell. Julie does what is right for us taxpayers. And vote NO on the recall of Bob Mitchell. He has been put through the grinder with the town coordinator and 60% of the former Board of Selectmen. Now the shoe is on the other foot as the saying goes – The recall group wants Bob M out of office before he and Julie do too many and long overdue things to save us taxpayers money $100’s of thousands of dollars!!!! And I have it on paper of the waste and collusion that went on at the town hall until Jeff Bennett got sworn in for a second time in 30 days. Pretty good Huh?? And also vote NO on the reconstruction of that cement unlined former black carbon manufacturing plant – 252 Baldwinville Road. If you want my professional opinion on that project to save Templeton taxpayers millions – stay tuned until after January 1st 2012 – and I’ll put my opinion in this blog. – Probably 2 – 3 pages but who cares it’s my paper and I am paying for it – it cost me 20 cents per page at the town hall for any information I request in writing.

I always thought us taxpayers paid for that service when we paid our taxes – but why argue about 20 cents until like my requests it is hundreds of sheets I must pay for – I am not mad at the Selectmen’s office or how they run it. My bank is getting low because of all these 20 cents but my public information bank is getting full of information. I am collecting “on paper” – get it? That is why I am not a sexual intellectual. I don’t have to spit all over people to get the point across, I just hand them a copy on paper and I don’t charge them 20 cents a copy. Its free!!  Our selectman is living proof that his 20cents wasn’t wanted when he requested info on who got paid – how much and for what reason. His reply from your town coordinator - “not my” town coordinator was – “ it’s classified”. I, PHC was at that selectmen’s meeting and on the way out after the meeting adjourned – I said to Bob Mitchell in the hallway – now you can witness all the shi--- that I have been going through, But don’t stop until you are satisfied, well he didn’t stop and the recall people – all 6 or 7 of them are mad – that’s why they started the recall. – not to mention the powers that were.

Do any of you remember Col. Tucker from Norcross Hill Road – Karen Tucker’s father? Well, when Col. Tucker stood up at town meeting and spoke – people listened to him because he was and honest man and nothing to personal gain by speaking. I remember him once saying to everyone at a town meeting “we the people of Templeton are living for happiness and freedom for our children and as always our grandchildren. If the Town fathers don’t heed all warnings now – in the future we will be only living to pay our taxes”. I never forgot that speech and that was a lot of years ago.

 Our Dept. of Revenue said in 2009 to “be careful how we do things – the future is on hold. I was sitting right behind the gentleman from the Mass DOR – look what was happening that very year – banks going for broke- Federal Government full of thieves – Fanny Mae – Freddie Mac – world Bank and look at the foreclosures that are going on now the end of 2011.

So voters of Templeton – Please vote NO on Julie Farrell’s recall and please vote NO on Bob Mitchell’s recall and please vote NO on the used town hall ballot question for $400,000.00 plus the $157,000.00 Pajari free cash that you probably don’t even know about yet – but the recall group does know it. Another secret for us taxpayers!! Thanks for reading.


Private joke – two congressmen were trying to sneak 3 bubble dancers into their private party – one congressman said the taxpayers are not going to pay for 3 bubble dancers for our private party. The other congressman said – let’s try this – 3 bubble dancers and only one bubble – hee-hee-hee

If you enjoy my humor please email me if you don’t enjoy my humor – take a hike. And for all who don’t know what a sexual intellectual is -- it’s a” f----ing know – it- all”

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