Monday, December 12, 2011

Money - Money - Money!!!

Hello friends –
Money – money – money. It seems in my opinion that those recall people do not care how your tax dollars are spent. I watched Chairman Julie Farrell bring up a question at a selectmen’s meeting about mass gen’l law updates for the selectmen’s office that cost the town $3,000.00 a year and the Mass Gen’l Laws can be looked up (for free) on the state website. A few of the people that have use of those books don’t use them anyway, look at K & P’s past bills to the town. “see my blog Nov 14, 2011” Julie Farrell suggested to drop the updates. She got flak from Bob C and Chris Stewart and a couple of people in the audience. When the selectmen interviewed the 3 final candidates for town coordinator, all three said that is was a waste of money. There was no need to purchase the updates with the MGL being online. I bet the recall people want to recall Julie and Bob M again (fast) before they save the town of Templeton too much money. Hee – Hee – Hee! I myself PHC can put on paper ways to save Thousands of dollars NOW! I did put it on paper once but it got “lost” in the recall effort somewhere,

When us “humble” people ask about wasted money, we and I am “speaking” for many are told by the powers that were that it is needed. It is a must. (yea right) like a hole in your pocketbook. Hundreds of you taxpayers have ideas on how to save the town money – send me a note and I will try to get it addressed, but if the recall is successful hang on to your “billy Goat” because bad sh----- will happen I can guarantee that, as I am sitting here writing this blog, another issue came to mind. Your proposed new town hall building at 252 Baldwinville Rd. the architect was asked (at the Town meeting in November) about the odors and dust and chemicals that are in the building. Guess what? The architect said and I quote – “ you won’t have to worry about that , its going to be covered up. – (get it) covered up!!! Just like a lot of other things that got covered up. Why can’t we the people that are speaking, get copies on paper of the progress on that building? 252 Baldwinville Rd.

Look at all the progress reports on the senior center that are given us taxpayers and other committees like the common improvement deal and Alan Mayo with all the grant stuff for the town and the sewer dept and the police dept and the highway dept. but the town hall building committee has kept everyone in the dark. How come? is this building going to be our town hall or at the last minute this building will be given to the highway dept. for good use –  sand for our icy and slippery roads. But will Bud Chase have enough diesel and gas to do the job? Ho – hum- I am surprised the building committee hasn’t given us a progress report, but they aren’t afraid to ask you naive taxpayers for another ½ million to start with, oh sorry – its only $400,000.00 to be raised by taxes and $157,000.00 from the Pajari fund. That sounds better than ½ million  $400,000.00 plus $157,000.00. I hope I got those figures right, so at town meeting the building committee are only asking $400,000.00 plus $157,000.00 from the Pajari fund. That sounds like just over 1 /2 million to me. How does it sound to you taxpayers? Now hear this, if the $400,000.00 fails (which I am 100% against this project) the building committee still wants the $157,000 from the Pajari fund. Kind of greedy huh?

A friend of mine asked me the other day what I did with all my blueberry money for the last 50 years. I said I paid all my taxes and permits and special permits like repair plates, bond for keeping a class 2 license, drivers licenses etc. He said “wow” have you got anything left? I said just enough for a six pack of bud light in New Hampshire. So if you taxpayers have a few blueberry dollars left, why not donate it to the proposed new town hall before town election in February 2012.

I am hoping all responsible taxpayers vote “NO” I am voting “NO” on the recall of Julie Farrell and I am voting “NO” on the recall of Bob Mitchell. And I am voting “NO” on the $400.000.00. this is December 12th 2011 – now I have to wait to see the ballot sheets to see what has changed – if you know what I mean.

Do any of you remember town meeting 2010? Article 23, about grade  changes. Again another attempted move by the powers that were. We taxpayers worked hard to stop the concom agent’s move – and it personally cost me PHC a lot of my blueberry money and thousands of our taxpayers dollars. Get the 2010 annual report and see for yourself. On paper – page 155- look at the amended article 23. Also look on page 7 – re: appreciation -  other words we taxpayers were lied to by the powers that were, the concom agent was already being paid at a grade 10 (illegally) for 23 months before I caught it. Thousands of dollars out of our pockets and my complaints about that issue were ignored.  By the then coordinator and the then chairman. But Julie and Bob M and Jeff are getting that addressed. I can’t embarrass those 60 percent (3) of the selectboard at the time so I must join them so I don’t need to be embarrassed.

I have taken out my papers for the replacement of Julie and Bob M if they are recalled. What if the two are not recalled, am I wasting my time? Is it going to be confusing or what?? Is the town clerk and whoever else is involved in writing the ballots thinking about the confusion of the ballot? Why not do the recall, then the $400,000.00 deal and save part of who is going to replace the 2 recall people for “later”. Like all my complaints, myself and 100’s of supporters of Julie and Bob M are going to be out in force. The powers that were made a big mistake on this recall sh-----. I hope the Board of Selectmen uncover more wrong doings by the powers that were and help me and all concerned taxpayers before the February election. This will help to put more frosting on the cake. And let us go about our business knowing we have a good board of selectmen looking out for our best interest.

 Remember all this writing is my opinion!! – Thanks for reading my blog.

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