Friday, December 9, 2011

My Signs

I hope all of you noticed my "I am speaking" signs. Here is another shot in the back by the powers that "was", a few people that I asked to put my signs on their property, politely said "no" because they feel they will be the target of the powers that "was" in Templeton, well I accepted their wish. I am not mad - because - they are afraid of retribution, by you know who. But fear not I have received phone calls from townspeople asking me to put a sign in front of their house, This is the beginning of the "I am speaking" campaign.
I will not order more signs "dozens & dozens" for the people who are not afraid of retribution and called me and told me in person that I could put signs “I am speaking” on their property. This cheap move by the recall people to try to oust 2 selectmen because they are so ignorant they and I mean all the recall organizers and their supporters, trying to disrupt town government, because they think the town of Templeton selectmen should not have started an investigation on all my complaints that were ignored by the former Town Coordinator. Also my complaints in 2002 – 2003 were ignored by the former Town Coordinator James Henry. How many people made complaints to the town coordinator before Carol Skelton and got no answers, because the old town hall back then was an embarrassment to the town. Well do you think that a new town hall will stop all the dishonest sh____ that is going on now? Bad Election, Recall effort, Bullying by elected officials, Misuse of municipal funds, Lying to taxpayers, by elected officials, municipal employees threatened to be replaced. I can go on and on. The average taxpayer did not know about this until I (PHC) got hammered on by the powers ”that were”  I call it cheap retaliation by the former powers that were, called “quote”

just making sure PHC were in compliance. Bull_____  I can name others in town  that are not in compliance. But I don’t do that kind of cheap sh---. When I saw one former selectmen come out of the Kiva room after the hearing for the Town coordinator saying “recall coming – recall coming” I said to my friend, now there is a good example of a bonehead. And he will know just exactly who I am talking about. This bird has a lot of questions to answer when all involved is put under oath. Go ahead Grimley say – it’s a threat. Not so!! Under oath means tell the truth “no Problem” I am a witness to the fact in Worcester Superior Court in 2003. Do you recall organizers think a nice guy like myself would start a civil court case against the wrongdoing scoundrels in Templeton?  I’m sorry but I must keep that a secret for now.

 I had a good friend of mine (one of hundreds) ask why I keep repeating some sentences on my blog. I said I am not repeating my sentences. I’m just reminding people that wish to forget what I wrote.  – here’s a chuckle for you. I went to a restaurant in Worcester the other night to celebrate a birthday upon sitting down at our table, I noticed a sign on the wall that read – “if you drink beer to forget please pay when served” He- he- he ! There are people in Templeton that forget what they said yesterday, that’s why I always want things on paper.

I hope everyone in Templeton reads my signs that I put in parts of town to get my blog address out to all the taxpayers before the $7000 or $8000 dollar recall election is final. Please give my blog to everyone you know good or bad, lets hear from the hundred that don’t even know the truth about the $7000 or $8000 recall election for 2 good honest selectmen.

I can’t understand why the taxpayers would agree to spend that much of their tax dollars to unseat 2 selectmen. Get the truth on paper before you go to the polls. Remember loose lips sunk a lot of ships. Do any of you remember that phrase? For all the new people in Templeton – don’t ask people from Boston or Cape Cod about the problems in Templeton – ask us people that are directly involved, and get it in writing. I would like to join the group that goes to the general store but someone has already poisoned that group – right Kenny? I dropped a note on the round table up at the general store – my name was the center of the note and a bonehead ask me who wrote the note. I said “who’s name is on the note ?” He said “yours , but why didn’t you sign it – end of story. ?” My replay to this bonehead was I can’t spell my last name.

Tonight is  selectmen’s meeting night and it started at 5:30 – so I didn’t have a chance for supper but it was worth it. The selectman had one last interview with the top 3 applicants. I couldn’t hear them to good but I had other things on my mind. I asked the 2nd applicant if he was the town coordinator and a taxpayer proved  that he (town Coordinator) did wrong and made bad decisions what would he expect form the board of Selectmen? His answer was – “I would expect a warning  or a reprimand,  or be terminated. So what the selectmen did to the past town coordinator wasn’t out of the question. You must watch the DVD of the Dec. 5th   selectmen’s meeting then make up your minds on who is looking out for us taxpayers. It certainly is not Columbus or Stuart.

Thank you for reading.

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