Tuesday, December 27, 2011


In my opinion – when people go to the voting places, do you see all the supporters lined up near the election places? Yes some you notice, some you don’t notice and some are “ invisible” because they are only there to support the supporter – you know what I mean “one is afraid to stand alone” against freedom fighters
so now we are in the parking lot at the polls. And you see a recall person and say to yourself, I wonder if those recall supporters smartened up in the past month or so? Well I hope they did, because all the time and energy wasted and would be for a lost cause and the money wasted could have gone to towards a worthy cause. Like a new school or a quality office building or a couple of new or (good used) trucks for the highway dept. How do you like that? Now how about the $3,000.00 “our” recall selectmen saved us taxpayers on the Mass general law updates? Too bad, huh? Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of dollars the proposed recall selectmen could save with the guidance of Jeff Ritter (“our” new Coordinator) starting in 2012. And to those few voters that think I am over doing this recall issue with my blog. I am not even going to stop after the election, because our town of Templeton will still need protection against  the so called sexual intellectuals (f---in know-it-alls) A lot of us taxpayers can’t wait another 8 or 9 years to catch the wrongdoings snakes in town hall. – yes, Eddie the “wrongdoing snakes”. Like the ones you displayed at a selectmen’s meeting on your shirt, nice job! You looked good on the TV. Hee-hee-hee.

I was going to put this blog on for Christmas viewing for the recall bunch, but Santa told me to have mercy for that bunch. He, Santa said “I think most of them will smarten up by February 6, 2012. I think Santa is right as long as no “evil force” comes into Templeton and hides all the mirrors. And please do not be too harsh with the landowners with my “Pauly’s Templeton Watch” signs displayed, I intimidated them, you know like the recall booths at each Post Office , for recall signatures. Am I saying it like it was or what?
Do you taxpayers know that I “PHC” was called by some moron, 3rd or 4th call so far, about me bad mouthing certain people. I said “why don’t you face me “PHC” in public? “click” and when I tried to see who was calling the phone read restricted – another brave caller, I guess. (probably the same one who called Jeff Ritter telling him not to take the town coordinator job)
 I recently got a new pair of eyeglasses and I told my paralegal that something was wrong with them, she said “why”? I said – riding around town I swear I saw Tokyo Rose, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Sadam Hussian, Adwar Gadafi, and Elvis Presley – but I’m not so sure about Elvis. I’m going next week for new glasses, so I can be sure what I am voting for Feb 6, 2012 – recall election. So if any of you voters have doubts about who to vote for, be sure to have your glasses with you at the polls. Hee-hee-hee.

VOTE NO  - on the recall of Julie

VOTE NO  - on the recall of Bob Mitchell

VOTE NO – on the $400,000.00 for the town hall building at 252 Baldwinville Road plus the $157,000 kicker.

Thanks for reading Pauly’s Templeton Watch!

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