Thursday, February 9, 2012

the Ballot

In my opinion-well the recall election is all done for the time being. By 10 AM on Tuesday, February 7th,I had already gotten calls from concerned taxpayers about the rumor of the “chopping block” being all set up at town hall. Also three of the taxpayers I talked to said the recall ballots were very confusing to some. Well I personally talked to Town Clerk Carol Harris at candidates’ night and said, in my opinion that the ballot was going to be very confusing to a lot of people. Especially the elderly. I asked what happened to the yes or no system, I got no reply.
If any of you readers were confused about the ballot please drop me a note to express your feelings about the ballot of “for the recall” or "against the recall" question. In my opinion that ballot was not intended for the best interest of us taxpayers. The part for choice of selectmen was common sense, and the town hall issue was common sense "yes or no". Why couldn't the recall against Farrell "yes or no question" and the recall against Mitchell "yes or no". Why, yes, why the confusing part against recall or for the recall.

I realize I am under the microscope for my blog, Pauly’s Templeton watch. I have gathered all the “who said what”, and where they were said and by whom, in the past couple of years. I am not mad about the election turnout. But I am dismayed on the process of the most important part of any election anywhere in the world. Make sure the voters understand the ballot. And in my opinion that did not happen February 6, 2012 in Templeton. I have a copy of the ballot in front of me at my desk, and the more I look at it the more I feel the voters of Templeton were purposely sidetracked from "yes or no", to “for the recall of or against the recall of”. No matter who the recall was for, my point is why change a normal way of voting on an article that many voters around the world enjoy, a simple ballot. If you follow the world news on the Middle East, you can see some voters just making an X for yes and an X for no. Why, why, for what reason was the ballot changed from the norm in Templeton?

I have asked some people, but so far I have not gotten a good reason. I don't want to blame the Town Clerk for the way the ballot was written up. But who else might be to blame and it isn't only my opinion that the ballot was confusing. Many, many people ask the same question. I am begging any of you taxpayers to send me your opinion on the ballot issue. Please e-mail good or bad or better yet put your comment right on my blog so everyone can see it. A few people I talked to, had no opinion one way or another about the ballot. But many, many, starting the night of candidates night, questioned the way the ballot was worded, when the Town Clerk passed out the samples. It was too late to change the way the ballot was worded. So "what say" voters any comment? I know the election is over, but so was the posting of the election seven days etc. and again is it the best interest for the town? Or the best interest of the taxpayers? Or the best interest of the special interest group, which is it???

I must keep asking questions on my blog, because I can't depend on the editor of the Gardner news to print letters to the editor about Templeton politics,  because the Gardner news is so picky about getting sued, they might just as well just do classifieds. Now we have links on my blog to other websites. Pretty good, huh! I am going to try to use the Athol daily news with Kate Fulton of Templeton. Yes, Kate moved to Templeton a short time ago and does a good job on these articles in my opinion. This will also give the Gardner news a little competition. Give her a call if you got some news issues.

Mike Harranas does a good job for the Gardner news. But why doesn't a reporter do the pros and cons of Templeton politics? How come Mark Harranas doesn't print a reply from Bob Mitchell or Julie Farrell about the conflict in Templeton. In my opinion only one side of the story has been told, especially the recall group’s story. In fact Mr. Harranas, why haven't you done a "true” story with Paul H Cosentino Sr or Pauly’s Templeton watch? I have all the answers on paper, time stamped. And you will never, never have to worry about being sued by unhappy, not so truthful taxpayers of Templeton, like the recall group. In my opinion there are only 8 to 10 people out of 8000 that would doubt what you print. You can't learn much for the Gardner news at selectmen's meetings or at town meetings or talking to special interests people. Everyone can see these on channel 8, even then it's iffy, what is put on channel 8. If you know what I mean. I get the Athol news every day now because Kate Fulton says it like it is. So what say Mr. Harranus, want to do a couple stories with me, PHC Sr and a couple of other Templeton taxpayers that don't have to lie to get the truth across. Well thanks for reading my blog, my opinions.

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