Friday, February 24, 2012

Citizen Petitions

The following Citizen Petitions will be available for registered voters to sign:
Saturday, February 25th 3:00PM at the American Legion, Baldwinville
Stop by and sign one, some or all we need 100 signatures each to get them on the Town Meeting Warrant in May. 

Gilman Waite Funding 

To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000)from the Pajari Capital Stabilization fund fro use by the Cemetery and Recreation department to fund needed capital improvements to Gilman Waite field, or to take any other action relative thereto.

Number of signatures for Citizen Petitions 

To see if the Town will vote to petition the general court for special legislation as set forth below; provided however, that the General Court may make clerical or editorial changes of form only to the bill, or to take any other relative thereto: 

As stated in the provisions of Chapter 39 Section 10 of the general laws or of any general or special law to the contrary, The Town of Templeton Board of Selectmen shall insert in the warrant for the Annual meeting all subjects the insertion of which shall be requested of them in writing by ten (10) or more registered voters of the Town.

 Town Meeting Quorum

To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town of Templeton by-laws Article II – Town Meetings by the addition of the need for a quorum as follows:


The number of voters necessary to constitute a quorum at any town meeting shall be not less than one hundred fifty (150) persons then registered as voters of the Town of Templeton; provided, however, that a number less than quorum may, from time to time, adjourn the meeting.  

Municipal Building  

To see if the Town will vote to disband the Municipal Building Committee.  The citizens of the Town of Templeton request the following public documents:  

All documentation related to the purchase of the property at 252 Baldwinville Rd to include but not be limited to:

Signed Purchase and Sale agreement

Completed USDA loan application from the applicant

Signed Settlement Statement/Settlement Agreement

Identification of Real estate broker for this transaction

Appraisal of the building

Documentation of building inspection prior to purchase

Documentation of soil testing

Documentation of air quality testing

Documentation that all liens including back taxes were paid to the Town of Templeton

Or to take any other relative thereto.


Shall the town vote to discontinue the practice of fluoridating the town water supply or take any other action relative thereto.


  1. i like the money going to gilman that project is taken forever and there been tons of private money poured in there ..lets get it done !

  2. As an adult, that is to say, over 18, the only times I had a cavity was when we had a drilled well for our water (no fluoridated water). This is a public health issue.

    If what this blog is about is rumors, speculation, them vs. us, mud slinging, who doesn't like who, who snubbed who, stop fluoridating the drinking water, did GWB push the button on the WTC or did Dick, or any other conspiracy I afraid I really need to rethink getting involved.

    Really, I have sympathy and anger over what has transpired in the last year, if not longer in what passes for Templeton's government. There are several things that NEED to get done to restore faith in the elected officials in town.

    The treatment of public water with fluoride to prevent cavities, the inclusion of stanis fluoride in all major brands of tooth paste is NOT making people stupid. Not having a good school is.Oh, and then there is the whole parenting (or lack thereof) thing. If someone really doesn't want their kids to have teeth as adults, drill a 200 foot hole in their back yard and drink that water. I didn't think that level of conspiracy is what we were discussing. Then again....

    1. Walt I have never prevented anyone from posting on my blog (unlike the recall people on their sites) everyone is free to disagree. If you thing any of the other petitions are good please stop by and sign that - I respect your opinion on the flouride issue - if you or anyone else would like to post an opinion (other than a comment) just email it to me and I'll be glad to post it.

    2. My opinion on fluoride was similar to Walt's opinion until I looked harder at the topic. For years people would tell me that fluoride was a poison and I ignored them because I did not have the time or inclination to look at the subject. The Fluoride Action Network has excellent information concerning fluoride. Anyone who takes the time to learn about fluoride will see why it is known as The Devil's Poison". If you don't look you will not see.

    3. See my earlier comment to one of Pete's entries. My belief on the fluoride issue is not the result of wishful thinking or because one dentist told me. It is what medical science can quantitatively prove, just like penicillin, just like polio vaccines. Yes, indeed, the truth is out there. The CDC considers fluoridating water to be one of the crowning achievements of public health in the 20th century. It's on their website. To believe otherwise is to say, "I don't trust the government".
      Yes, fluoride can be toxic, it can kill you. So can water, so can NaCl yet we need both to stay alive.

    4. I have learned that water and salt are nutrients our bodies need. Fluoride is not a nutrient and according to the Merck Index is used as an insecticide and Rodent killer. Water and salt can also be used to kill insects and rodents, I have drowned a few mosquitoes in my day although I would never admit it. Many mosquitoes have the ability to hold their breaths for long periods of time under water so don't let them play possum on you. Fluoride causes enzyme disruption by distorting the proteins with its chemical bonding action and binding to trace elements like copper and other metals which it loves. Of course I would never consider that any information from our government to be inaccurate.

    5. So Walt...what your saying is we NEED fluoride in our water ?? for the simple reason of preventing tooth decay ?? why is tooth decay such a priority ??

      why are people who are too lazy to brush their teeth my problem ??

      heart disease is a much bigger problem here in the should we put statins and fish oil in the water to prevent heart problems ??

      depression is a huge issue in America...should we put lithium in the water to make us happy ??

      hell......we can add ton's of medicine to the water to prevent everything right ? vitamins for people who don't eat right and Lamasil so we don't get foot problems....Rogaine for people who have hair problems and while were at it lets dump antibiotics into the water so no one gets an infection.

      where does it end Walt ?? and why does this nanny state have to shove this crap down our throats when we really don't need it.

      buy fluoride in your toothpaste or mouthwash......keep it out of MY water that I pay for.

  3. Walt i here you i have been taken heat on rumors speculation and a bunch of other stuff. there has been Innocent people slammed ,but i still believe there is wrong doings going on and the town made a huge mistake on wilder And Mullins(aka thief but nothing in the papers)and our Buddy the nit wit Columbus i am just confused on what to believe right now sure next week will enlighten us on what direction we should head !!

  4. These citizen petitions are just a starting point to generate discussion. Maybe only 2 will gather enough signatures to be placed on the annual town meeting warrant. I started generating citizen petitions a few years ago on topics that I felt were important to the town and taxpayers.

    I submitted numerous citizen petitions even when I was a member of the BOS. If you submit a warrant article as a member of the BOS, it does not automatically get placed on the town meeting warrant. The BOS vote on the articles to place on the warrant. Many of the warrant articles that I submitted were not placed on the town meeting warrant so I would take out citizen petitions for the ones I felt really needed to be discussed as a town. The window of opportunity was so limited for submitting citizen petitions because the BOS would close the warrant for the annual town Meeting held in May in the middle of February....the reasoning behind that move was it is very difficult and time consuming to get articles worded correctly (another lie!).

    Mr. Columbus took exception to my citizen participation and submitted a "citizen petition" to require all citizen petitions to gather signatures of 100 registered voters. Mr. Columbus did not gather 100 signatures for this change. We are the only Town in Massachusetts to require 100 signatures for citizen petitions at the annual town meeting. I believe Mr. Columbus is trying to undermine the "Will of the People" to participate in their local government by this action.

    Please come to the Legion and find out more about these citizen petitions!

    Julie Farrell
