Saturday, February 11, 2012


Please visit Julie Farrell's new website - and click on Kopleman & Paige.


  1. Here's what I know:
    A couple, it would have been 3, duly elected and recounted (fair count) officials were overthrown. Make no mistake about it, the will of the people was overturned, Templeton's government was overthrown, or the attempt was made. A handful of people NOT elected, NOT appointed, NOT in charge, decided they wanted to be, despite the election results. Maybe it worked. This is an embarrassment, it is a disgrace that all residents of Templeton must wear, especially since they didn't, apparently, defend their civic responsibility and will on that bogus recall vote. That is shame on everyone that didn't defend their vote, defend the will of the people. Apparently any sore loser can get or pay off enough people that will do whatever they did to force a do-over. Great, if this is the way things are done in Templeton, so be it, in six months I'll buy the drinks for everyone at the bar and start a petition to recall the entire board of selectmen and force another do-over. It'll be GroundHog Day. Templeton will have elected officials for a term of six months. This town will go broke just having recall elections. Or go broke defending itself from the ensuing law suits.

  2. Thanks for the comments Walt and don't forget these people are getting "help" from Atty Leonard Kopelman. I remember when I went to Atty Mark Goldstein years ago, after he had been replaced as the town atty by K & P He told me couldn't get involed with anything involving the town for years. you are right this is an embarrassment - you should have been at the selectmen's meeting last night - Bob C is Chairman Virginia is Vice Chairman - we are so screwed
