Thursday, February 16, 2012


Well tonight Thursday at 5:30 PM the new board of selectmen held a meeting posted as being, "consider replacing town Council". What a puppet show! Jeff Bennett was absent due to a personal emergency. Kudos to Chris Stewart, who stated at the beginning that we were a few months away from the end of the fiscal year, and why shouldn't we wait till the new fiscal year to discuss switching attorneys. Kudos to Paul Q, I haven't always agreed with him in the past, but even he stated why not wait till the end of the fiscal year. Chairman Bob Columbus (folks we are really in deep SH---with this one)
he stated that he had gotten the opinion that he could replace the current attorneys, the law firm of BB and M, and the Labor attorneys and that there wasn't anything they could do about it. In other words, their contract with the town wouldn't hold up. When asked if he spoke with an attorney to get this opinion, he claimed he did not. He was asked if he had spoken with anyone from Kopelman & Paige. He said he did not. He was asked if he spoke with our current attorney about this, BB&M. He claimed he did not. When asked where he got this opinion from, he claimed he read it somewhere. Then he stated that it was just a conclusion he came to. Well which story is it.

So while all these people in the audience were asking questions, Bob Dennis, a sewer Commissioner had his hand raised. Bob was sitting right up front, yet Columbus continually ignored him. Bob Columbus, a champion of "let the people speak" group, didn't let Bob Dennis speak.

What I observed tonight, was that three puppets, excuse me I mean selectmen had already made up their minds. They were all asked if any of them had conversation with anyone from K & P – they all stated that they had not. All three – Bob C, Virginia and Mullins all voted to rehire K & P “effective immediately”. Mullins never even said a word except to vote in favor of rehiring K & P – Puppet – Puppet – Puppet!!!! Now I ask you the taxpayers of Templeton – doesn’t this seem that they (3) all had discussed this prior to the meeting and were told how to vote. This meeting was taped – I will get a copy and try to link it to my blog so you all can see. Not one member of the audience spoke in agreement with rehiring K & P.

Let the People Speak but Don’t Listen to Them!!!


  1. the town is in for a lot of trouble! they never "let the people speak" people tried to ask questions on the facebook page and Mr. Jay Skelton always responded but not with true answers and basically was saying if your not for the recall, don't post... then taxpayers said they didn't want more money in the bald. road bldg, but they are doing it anyway! if they could use this bldg without more money then why did they ask for more money? just more lies to the taxpayers...

  2. you are so right - thanks for imput - please keep spreading the word we more people to speak up at meetings etc.

  3. Who was that Pauly that bravely stood up in that meeting and warned the pretenders Templeton would become the recall capital of Massachusetts. So six months and counting.

    1. Not a Pauly but a Paul Q and seeing as there is news coming out of Winchendon about Pat Mullins we might not have to wait 6 months on him - has anyone noticed that Virginia is the female version of Bob C

    2. We will not hold our head in shame but continue to take the town back. Recall will give the strength to the towns that have given up. We must be strong in one voice.
