Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Meeting Switching Town Counsel

There is a Selectmen's Meeting Posted for tomorrow Thursday Feb 16th at 5:30PM at 690 Patriots Rd - "To discuss switching Town Counsel" That's all thats on the agenda.   Please Please - I am asking everyone to go to this important meeting.  This will cost the Town money not to mention it is a BIG mistake  - Virginia Wilder said at the selectmen's meeting Monday night "wee need Kopelman and Paige for the Recount"  Why? we have a good attorney Lisa Mead - what are you afraid of Virginia????


  1. Both sides are generally represented. If the town IS the 'new' BOD represented by K&P Julie and Bob should get their own legal representative. This is how recounts work.

    1. Julie already has retained her own attorney - Our current town atty Lisa Mead (BB&M) who we hire in July will be there for the town (advising the Town Clerk etc) if Virginia wants K & P there for her own lawyers she can pay them - Not the town!Not throw out BB & M and owethem the rest of their contract and hire back K & P. This is what they want to do.
