Friday, February 24, 2012

Selectmen's meeting Monday Feb. 27th 6:30PM

Here's the link for the Selectmen's agenda for Monday Feb 27th at 6:30pm.  Everyone please try to attend. From comments made by this "recall group" we know their next step will be to get rid of our new Town Coordinator and bring the former one back.  Then what?? who will be next??
I tried to get on the agenda but it's all up to Bob C who gets on and he said no.  Well will they put Carol S back in as Town Coordinator or...... will they bring Jerry Skelton in as Town Coordinator -

People must realize that the only agenda of these recall  people is to have the Skelton's and Len Kopelman (continue) to run the town!!


1 comment:

  1. Honestly, if they somehow fire this wonderful man, Mr. Ritter, I will cry real tears. He is a God-send to Templeton. He is professional, non-biased, intelligent and this is who we need to repair the damage. Please do not let the BOS out of the room if they choose to do this without giving a valid reason for firing him. Otherwise, there will be two lawsuits against the town to deal with. And if they succeed, there needs to be an interviewing process again...unlike what happened with K&P.

    I saw that at the BOS meeting regarding firing current attorneys, Ms. Wilder stated there were 3 law firms they wanted to fire. Mr. Ritter corrected her and said there were only 2. He also had the numbers right there on what has been spent on attorney fees to date. The previous administrator would not have corrected Ms. Wilder, she would have let her continue with her false information and she would not have had current figures in front of her to share. She would have said "Oh, I'll have to look that up and get back to you."

    This is why Mr. Ritter is a HUGE asset to our town. He's got his "you-know-what" together and I just hope he can weather this storm and have enough patience to deal with the "goofys" (Thank you Mr. Cosentino for that term!) until all this infighting is resolved and everyone goes back to conducting business professionally. There's a school that needs to be built along with a whole line of other projects. How's the Mall at Templeton coming? Haven't heard much on that in a while.
