Monday, February 13, 2012

What Leonard Kopelman will do for you!

It was a lovely May afternoon. I came home from work and was preparing to attend a meeting. I went to my mailbox and discovered this note from Leonard Kopelman. This was quite a surprise!

I kept this note. I did contact Leonard Kopelman by e-mail when I ran into a situation as a Light and Water Commissioner. I needed a copy of the opinion drafted by K+P for the Light and Water manager regarding a possible conflict of interest between myself and my daughter. The Light and Water manager did not want to share that opinion with the commissioners. I am required as an elected official to disclose any and all conflicts of interest. I asked Leonard Kopelman for a copy of that opinion so I could file a notice of disclosure with the Town Clerk. These e-mails show that conversation. 

I wonder if Mr. Columbus, Mr. Mullins, Mrs. Wilder have received similar letters from Mr. Leonard Kopelman? Could this be the reason why they feel the need to dismiss our current town counsel, Lisa Mead? I wonder what Leonard Kopelman promised them? I wonder what Leonard Kopelman has done for the Skeltons? Unbelievable wonderment and amazement! 

Julie Farrell                                  

1 comment:

  1. Tomorrow (Thurs) at 5:30pm is the BOS meeting to discuss firing town attorneys in order to revert back to the previous attorneys...the ones who are suspect in misrepresenting the town in previous affairs...the ones that gave incorrect information regarding open meeting laws and public document requests? This is what "moving the town in a new direction" means? "New" meaning "old"? How can this be seen as anything but a personal agenda? What's wrong with keeping fresh, new attorneys in place for a while? Ones that may be objective? What's the rush to go backwards in time? People want to move forward. If Ms. Wilder & Mr. Mullins aren't puppets, then they should show us they can be objective and actually listen to both sides before making decisions. Prove their critics wrong. If they were smart, they wouldn't show their hands so quickly into the game.

    And I understand it will not be televised. I hope someone will record and post on Youtube as LTPS, Inc. did with Candidate's Night and other meetings. So, its okay to demand television coverage and/or post video of meetings when LTPS, Inc. have a point to make but they refrain from sharing meetings with the public when they may be seen in a unflattering light? Clearly this group is fueled by anything but what is the best for this town. If they actually were prepared to act upon their own words, they would not rush to change things so quickly...especially when the election hasn't been declared legal by the state yet and before the recount has happened. Don't forget last May when the recount gave Mr. Bennett his rightful seat on the board. Things can change quickly.

    Most hard working people cannot make a 5:30pm meeting to see this unfold in person. Some of us still need to work to provide food for our kids and don't have so much free time to attend meetings and rely heavily on replays of meetings on cable to stay informed. I hope someone will Tweet from the meeting or provide details of what went down for the rest of us that can't go. I do not rely on TGN for these accounts as they have shown to be biased. Please, if anyone can go to this meeting, please inform the rest of us what REALLY happens. Thank you.

    And thank you Ms. Farrell and Mr. Mitchell for looking out for this town, taking it on the chin and continuing to fight and stand up to the bullies that have taken our lunch money again and again. Your efforts are appreciated. And so are yours, Mr. Cosentino! You are A+ in my book!
