Friday, May 25, 2012

please read

Interesting Reading (Click on the blue links)

FOIA May 23, 2012

BOH 3/20/12 Fluoride               BOH 3/30 Fluoride

BOH 4/11 Soil Testing                    BOH 4/11 Zone II

BOH 4/25 Soil Testing          TGN        Letter to editor

BOH 5/3                   BOH 5/7          BOH 5/8                       

BOH 5/9                                          BOH 5/15  

Enjoy! Julie Farrell aka “controversial commissioner” (former)   


  1. Thank you Julie. Access to these kind of files gives us a better view of work being done in OUR town. The more we know, the better we can make informed votes at meetings and elections.

    1. Thank you Julie. Keep up the good work. No wonder Jerry called for a meeting on Thursday night at his home. Good reading!

  2. I thought the BOH agent worked for the Town not the Light and Water??? Reading the emails feels like to good old boys club is seeking it's newest member. Julie Farrell being cast as the "controversial commissioner" is just a joke JDriscoll. Seems like you don't want any honest transparency where your kingdom is concerned. What overall percentage have light bills gone up in say the last 7 years as compared to National Grid? Just my opinion but still hoping for that transparency Mr. Driscoll....

    1. Oh and don't forget those "service fees" on the bills while you are at it.

    2. It's time rdavan is removed from the Senior Center Building Committee. J.Driscoll said in his e-mail that he and Davan DID NOT CARE if a Senior Center was built or not because one is from Leominter and the other from Winchendon.Why is the one from Winchendon on a committee for the people of Templeton??? Also what right does Mr.Driscoll have calling Julie a Controversial Commissioner? Maybe Chris Stewart will take over where Julie left off. Hope so. While I'm at it what about the anonymous caller after the bad soil at Sadie's Pit. Not J.S.? Really? Could be Scrapit directed by J.S.

    3. I believe one of the reasons they call Julie controversial is because she won't go along with the good old boys club!! Also, because she is getting the info out to the taxpayers/rate payers. I think the "club" that is saying this is like the pot calling the kettle black!! They all need to look in the mirror when they are stating these things. I think this Rogue group & I mean in all the dept. screw ups underestimated the GOOD people of Templeton. Do they call Julie controversial because they don't recognize what Good is anymore? Has this group been allowed to be on their "own" for too long that they also don't have a clue about ethics & integrity? Think about that one Mr. Driscoll when you say "controversial" things about Mrs. Farrell.
      I also agree that No one outside of being a Templeton resident should be on any of those committees. Just my opinion, as usual.

  3. In hopes of being labeled a nimrod (probably already have an acronym for me in some households in Templeton) but here goes.In annual report for 2011 of Templeton, page 6, affordable housing coordinator is listed expenses for the office: voted at town meeting $500.00 then expended $45.98 on office supplies and workshops & conferences $155.00. what seems to be missing is salary for shaun, $14,120.00 (page 169 of said report) why not list salary under the heading of the report item? As shaun states in the report he is a member of the gardner community developement corporation board of directors so would not that corporation pay for those workshops and conferences since that is the corporation that has helped 29 Templeton house holds and 69 family members obtain benefits such as credit counseling. Templeton resident Robert Hubbard heads up that organization so maybe shaun could volunteer some time and save some Templeton tax money and help out on two fronts, town budget and town residents. Just a thought, of course ole shaun was at the lates big meeting at echo hill so he is probably trying out to figure out a way to stay at the public trough. While in the annual report, see page 20, conservation commission. Agent salary $24,220.56, clerk salary $2,299.20, chair salary $279.00 (chairman is shaun grimley, shaun what ya doing taking two checks from the town??) where is your spirit of volunteering that you and your members spoke of when you tried to get Paul Cosentino sr. off the commission? anywho, wetland protection fee collected $4,325.00 and expended $2,913.73. I hope that money was spent on something good. There were 11 notices of intent filed, 9 requests for determination of applicability filed, 9 order of conditions issued and 2 certificate of compliances issued with zero enforcement orders issued. That is less than one issue a month on average so please tell me again why we need a full time agent? And how were wetland protection fees and filing monies going to be able to supplement the pay of the agent, unless there is a whole pile of money sitting in that account. Does not seem like there is enough work at this time to cover or justify the cost of the agent. Give the clerk a little increas in hours and pay and I believe the town and commission would be ahead of the budget game and still get the work done, the commission probably thought it was good having someone else do their work for them. So it is either step up to the plate (as pat mullins said before the recall) or leave and someone else can step up who may actually care. Please not the agent has a degree in physics, not in any environmental science or biology field, which strikes me as strange.

  4. Jeff, you've inspired me to re-read the 2011 Report. How come there is no Emergency Reserve Summary from the Advisory Board for FY'11 like the one in the 2010 report?

  5. Instead of researching the health effects of fluoride Phil and John spent all their time trying to infringe on our Constitutional right of petitioning our government. If you are not inclined to look at the health problems involved with fluoride get a smart friend and have them get hold of me so that I can point them in the right direction concerning the many health problems involved with this poison. Like you I spent most of most life with my head up my ass on this subject, its out looking around now.

  6. Apparently Mr. Leger does not agree with Ms. Farrell's stand on fluoride. He is not the only one. There are a lot for and a lot against the practice. However, I have heard wonderful things about Mr. Leger with regard to his knowledge and professionalism. He is a vast improvement on our last health agent and I would hate to have his reputation in question because of this one issue. I am happy to have him in town and I hope he stays.

    1. Dear Grateful Senior I believe you may have missed the point. If you do not look at the information regarding fluoride as in my opinion Mr. Leger has not you are putting your whole town in jeopardy with your ignorance. Sodium Fluoride is between four to five times more biologically active than Calcium fluoride Hexaflourosilicic acid a hazardous waste and used most often has never been tested properly by those adding this substance to our water and may be even more toxic than Sodium fluoride, despite this hexafluorosilicic acid is used in 90 percent of the applications regarding fluoridation. It is great that you have bonded with Mr. Leger and feel he is both knowledgable and professional. I feel his ignorance of this subject is an indication he will go along to get along so long as he makes no waves to established doctrine given him from the Department of Public Health and Myron Allukian. I hope that as a Greatful Senior you will put in an effort to learn the truth concerning the effects of fluoride so that future generations are spared the health effects that are wrought by this poison. Even though Dr. Allukian alluded that the National Research Counsels study "Fluoride in Drinking Water:A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards" had no bearing on municipal water dosed at the proper concentration this may be a blatant misconception due to sodium fluoride being four to five times more biologically active than calcium fluoride, the type of fluoride the NRC study was looking at. The NRC study is very pertinent due to this fact even though Allukian blew it off. Even though this apparent friend (fluoride) has been amongst us for over sixty years he was and still is "The Devil's Poison". Please take the time to learn about this substance by reading "The Fluoride Deception" by Christopher Bryson and "The Case Against Fluoride" by Connett Micklen and Beck. Like many I thought that fluoride was my friend but on closer scrutiny I learned that I was badly mistaken. Join those who wish to make fluoride a thing of the past. Fluoride was a lie in 1951. Fluoride is a lie in 2012. Let's do what is rarely done in Templeton and make an informed opinion by getting some facts before making a declaration concerning something we have made neither the effort nor time to understand.

    2. Dear Baldwin Templeton I believe you have missed the point. I was not commenting on fluoridation. I did not express whether I am for or against it. I was simply saying that I don't think Mr. Leger's reputation should hinge on this issue. As for bonding with Mr. Leger, I haven't met him, but I have friends who have dealt with him and had nothing but praise. Pardon me for feeling the need to defend someone. I'm still smarting from the "Jeff Ritter Resignation".

    3. Dear Grateful Senior prior to town meeting I had brought books and sent material to Board of Health members concerning fluoridation. They knew what I was doing in regards to the citizen's petition as it was not a big secret. I was told that Myron Allukian was not coming up to town meeting as it would not be necessary. Had I known that Myron was coming to monopolize and hypnotize the crowd I would have contacted Dr. Mike Dolan a Geophysist from the University of Massachusetts to offset Myron as he did a great job last year. I felt somewhat betrayed by the BOH and perhaps this betrayal is being shown in my opinions here on "The Watch". I don't intend to back down on this subject of fluoridation due to its ill effects on young and old alike. As far as defending Mr. Leger you can still defend the man but question the information he is delivering to people who are counting on his unbiased professional opinion. In my opinion Greatful Senior we are all going to have to do our homework ourselves on this subject if you have a chance to read "The Fluoride Deception" by Christopher Bryson you will understand why. Templeton Mass Afa is a great facebook site with many short videos on the subject of antifluoridation. Myron said you can not learn much from these video but in my opinion Myron is abuzz in misinformation. Myron uses our ignorance against us he has been at the misinformation game a long long time.

  7. Please read the blog entry entitled "Hostile Takeover" again. Then please, please read these e-mails. Next visit the website and review the links regarding Casella.

    It's déjà vu all over again. Turning money back to Casella was insane! Especially when you know your dept. needs to do a Zone II delineation which costs big bucks! And you department is flat broke.

    Unless, maybe you made some kind of deal. You know, using taxpayer/ratepayer money inappropriately. Any of this sounding familiar?

  8. Dear Grateful Senior:
    As far as Mr. Leger is concerned I do believe he is a good BOH director. We disagree on water fluoridation and will probably always disagree on water fluoridation.

    I was hoping for some hint of openness in government . These e-mails prove the opposite.

    Julie Farrell

    1. Thanks Julie, I don't feel quite as ignorant now.

    2. For the record, I am not Baldwin Templeton. I do know Baldwin Templeton quite well. I'll let you figure out the rest.

      I believe for a matter like the citizen petition to end water fluoridation, Mr. Leger, as our health Director, should be able to present information to town meeting on the "wonders of water fluoridation". Why the big secret about bringing in Myron Allukian?

      I live in Templeton. I pay top dollar for my water from the water department. I believe we have a well qualified BOH director. Why bring in outsiders? This is a Templeton issue. Water fluoridation was voted in at the annual town meeting on March 5 1951.

      Whether Mr. Driscoll feels it is a "silly Farrell(Nimrod) " petition or not, a citizen petition to discuss ending water fluoridation is our right as citizens to present to town meeting as long as we gather the appropriate number of signatures.

      Do not let Mr. Driscoll, do not let ANYONE, take away your right to participate in government. Do not let anyone, including Mr. Driscoll, try to limit your right to free speech.

      Julie Farrell

  9. Well, well, well, A very deep subject. Looks like Mr. Driscoll is very threatened by a smart woman. It seems he is very full of himself. I think it shows how narrow minded some of these guys are. You would think, they should have more to worry about than if a citizens petition goes on our town meeting warrant. Thanks alot for waisting more money on our favorite lawyers. I think this should not be his job. The best thing about all the information Julie has uncovered is, there are no surprises. We now know where these guys are coming from. I do agree, we do not need any out of towners on the senior center comittee. Get them off. With friends like this, you don't need any enemies. Bev.

  10. Can anyone provide info on some resignations from town office or employment?

  11. Been a long time since this subject of fluoridation has been kicked around. I agree with Grateful Senior we need to give our new guy some time to get settled. If I remember right Bob Young who worked on the water department when Christ was a child tried to warn us about fluoride. My memory ain't what it was yesterday I don't think but I thought Mr. Young said it was rat poison and why would you want to drink it. Someone told me it makes you feel older when your not older. Well I guess I'll never learn any younger, time to put an effort into learnin about this stuff.

  12. Mr. Driscoll needs to be sent an email and be asked about the issue of % of payment to town. What is their formula?
    What should the formula be? Its one thing for sure ,that it's not a standard percentage year to year!
    One of those questions needing answers!2008=125k2009=100k2007=125k2010=100k short a little boys!
    Time to go and check these things out! Get it on record about the formula/formula's in use or not in use and

    1. With the amount of money they are sitting on it looks like they are sand bagging to me. Asking questions about the light company will send Driscoll into orbit. I think he is one strange dude. At any rate I think this crap about the dirt being polluted at the senior center is just another way to throw a wrench into the senior center being finished. I would not be surprised if it was one of the JS gang.

  13. Why did the BOS allow the Light/Health Depts to contact town counsel about a frivolous issue (if a citizens petition article was legal to go on the town meeting) and they did not allow the Sewer Dept the same contact to town counsel regarding a HUGE issue with the WWTP/Am. Tissue situation? Why would there be an article a year ago on town meeting to make the BOS the sewer commissioners? Answer: cover up. Its time to take a closer look at all the allegations that have been made over the past several years which some may have deemed absurd or out of the realm of possibility. The evidence is sure stacking up in favor of these allegations. Casella/dump, K&P, tampering with lawsuits, misuse of municipal funds, hush money, harassment, misuse of political all leads to the same place. The town of Templeton has been a victim of some really shady sh*t for a long time and its time the evidence comes out and the victims get some justice. The time has come for this to be addressed and dealt with. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I believe every word that Isteach, Julie, Jeff, Pauly, Baldwin Templeton and numerous others have said. Its time to put the pieces of this awful puzzle together, stand shoulder to shoulder and defend our turf. There is power and safety in numbers. I think the recent election and the town meeting prove there are numbers of people on the same side here...the side of Templeton. Please take the time to read as much info as you can that has been provided and take it upon yourself to find even more info on your own. This is more than a political tennis match. This is about defending YOUR/OUR property and money as well as the future of this town. Every tax payer should feel an obligation to educate themselves on what is happening here. Knowledge is power.

    1. Thank you above & you are absolutely right! This is a big issue (actually several big issues that are overlapping). You are correct Anonymous that if anyone cares about having anything left to call their own here they should start reading all these blogs over & whatever else they can find to substantiate what we have been saying & do all they can to protect what is rightfully theirs. At this rate no one will be able to afford their property or anything for that matter. And I agree it is time these puzzle pieces start falling into place. Heaven knows it has been fragmented long enough & there have been a few of us who (for a long time) have been trying to sort them out & get them before ALL the citizens of this town. Believe me, I wish I could have stayed in my cosy little la-la- land like it was when I was growing up here. I fell upon this MESS quite unexpectedly & prayed to GOD to help me answer why? I guess it was because he knew I couldn't sit idly by forever & let it go without saying something. I also agree that people should do their own investigating & help to put these pieces together & make those responsible for tearing our town to shreds be accountable & do payback Big time. I believe the town will eventually see that you are correct in that all the corruption leads to the same group. Shame on all of them for what they have done! I believe some of them know what they have done is wrong, some don't care as long as they get their pockets full & others are not so sure & are possibly unsuspecting pawns in the "game" but, will they be surprised when they have to answer for the wrongdoings & are found to be guilty by association. I am thankful that now others, such as yourself, are doing your own research & have come to the same conclusion that many of us have had for some time now. Again, I express my opinion here & am exercising my 1st amendment right again, thanks to Pauly. Julie is so on about not letting anyone take that away. Just from what has happened here I can feel a sense of what a full dictatorship must be like. We can't have that & must fight back at all costs or we are done with life as we know it! Take care & be safe in all this!! These people do NOT play nice!!

  14. Missed the amount templeton light charges templeton water for rent! yes we pay rent there also 2009=33,435.00-pg 49 check the in lieu of tax gift of 175,000.00. one time they stept up to the plate and shows what it use to be. town of ipswich give 325,000.00 in lieu of taxes. I think their short on the do ra me , for you and me. show us the money!
