Wednesday, May 2, 2012

TO:   Jay (the other side of the story) Paul Skelton

In my opinion Jay you are pretty smart, as you write “Dear Citizens of Templeton” , I don’t care where you got your information.  But I PHC SR was “not” investigated by the F.B.I.  I asked for an investigation “by” the F.B.I. get it?  And for the police, I was “not” investigated by the police, I asked the state police to do an investigation here in Templeton, get it?  Wonder why the state police and the F.B.I. use your own judgment.  And as far as I PHS SR making threatening statements, I retract my comment of you being smart, did you view the dvds at any meeting?  That should answer any of your questions, please don’t be niave about what has been going on here in Templeton, witness it in person not from e-mail.  Up to date Pauly’s Templeton Watch has over 106,000 hits and growing, why won’t your parents friends Columbus and Wilder allow PHC SR to have police investigation on wrong doings here in Templeton, why Jay why this is the second time I ask you that question, remember. 
You certainly the other side of the story, and as for derogatory remarks, you never heard the remark “fruitcake” from me on my blog or anywhere else, as far as being a anonymous contributor, if you lived here in Templeton and didn’t retaliation how would you handle it, “right”, move away, we have been lied to, deceived, bullied and called a liar by elected officials and appointed officials, how would you react?  Well answer up?  As I said before I have the proof on paper, and when the investigation is complete, I want to hear some remarks.  As far as who did what t degrade the town.  I think you will be very sad, us people in Templeton cannot depend on the Gardner News so we started our own news outlet and its working good, or I would not be reading your “other side” letter, and a note of correction for your information Farrell & Mitchell were not recalled by a clear majority of voters, check the numbers a matter of 30-40 voters out of 4500 registered voters, what do you consider a majority?  By the way if you want to review a dvd I have dozens of them from the beginning and I can cut you one anytime.  As for Jeff Bennett you can’t take anything away from him, he says it like it is, and don’t have to hide to do it, get it?

P.S. Jay, -A blog is not just one side of the story, blogs and comments are on the same page.

Thanks for reading my opinion


  1. A vote for Bob Columbus is a vote for Carol Skelton! That's one hell of a campaign implication.

    1. In my opinion both of the Skelton's belong behind bars for what they did to their town concerning the alleged interference in case 02-2424C or the treatment plant contract case. It is also alleged Ch93 acts of 2000 was also an illegal use of municipal funds for a ballot election. Add to these two possible felons the town money that was returned to Casella without town meeting approval and 252 Baldwinville Rd our possibly new town hall and we are just getting started. When team Skelton thought the Golf Course would make a nice addition to the town and possibly a right a way to what was once called Echo Hill Estates one starts to wonder just who these nice people work for. There is a lot of frustration here in town due to the close relationship between team Skelton and Leonard Kopelman. This relationship has been good for team Skelton but bad for our town. It is believed even a good son would hang his head in shame if he knew all the details.

    2. Oh, you got it!! They are the most COSTLY people that ever moved to this town. It's always been about them. Never about the town as a whole entity. All the decisions they made were to benefit themselves. They did a good job of setting up the lavish life they wanted disregarding the NECESSITIES we needed over the WANTS of their self-entitled mentalities & got anything they wanted in the process with a little help from their "friends". They should have started producing a remake of Lifestyles of the rich & famous into Lifestyles of the Rich & Notorious!! I say that only because thieves are Notorious not Famous!! Maybe when they are looking at the shiny bars after their arrests, they can actually have time to write their memoirs. Should make for an interesting movie maybe called "How we sucked the life out of Templeton & enjoyed every minute of doing it" These are all my opinions.

  2. Okay so I am a bit confused, Mrs. Skelton is always talking about how her daughter married one of her students. Did I miss something? Why is this so offensive to Jay Paul Skelton? I don't know about anoymous blogs so I can't speak to that but I do know Recall Supporters are blogging on this site under cover of anonmity. I raise the possibility Jay Paul that one of your own may be writing horrible things on this blog so that it appears to be coming from good honest people. Just a thought and just my opinion.

    1. Those Skeltons sure raised a home team kid. Seems to me if young Jay Skelton got his facts right he would be out holding signs for that new Citizens 4 Templeton bunch and voting for Farrell. Columbus seems to be a tyrant and i am not going to support that guy ever.

  3. A message to Jay Skelton

    It is apparent that you are unhappy with the politics in Templeton, more so, with the people that you may see as “the opposition” to your family. In the heat of debate, people do sometimes step over the line of decorum. They may express their frustrations in ways that make others feel offended and, as you point out, threatened. This is unfortunate. It is also unfortunate that people get this frustrated with the way the town has been run. Some people may not have the capability to express their emotions with anything but anger. Life would be great if we all could live in a utopia, but we don’t. We are flesh and blood. We make mistakes. Hopefully, we try to learn from them. Hopefully we can forgive and be forgiven.

    In the interim, we have to deal with the reality that we wake up to every day. The reality in Templeton is that some of the people that have been in power have broken rules, disregarded laws, and skirted the truth. The people attending meetings these days have been awoken from their slumber, their dreaming that the elected and appointed officials are doing the right thing, looking out for everyone in town. The attempt is to gain knowledge, to educate themselves on the right way to operate town business. The time for transparent local government is here. It is disappointing that you feel their actions may be a witch hunt, A hunt it is, a hunt for the truth. Those that have told lies or personally gained because the town was sleeping should be nervous. Their lies and misinformation will catch up to them in the end. Time will tell if they are forgiven.

  4. What a great message, Phil. So very Well said!!

    1. Phil is absolutely correct that people speaking up are Not just trying to purposely hurt anyone here in Pauly's Blog or related sites. And because the GN has been so slanted in their reporting many saw the urgent need to get the other side viewpoints out there in another way. Thus, these blogs & news spots were created. A lot of townspeople are frustrated & many of them have been hurt themselves by a certain few that have been cited. Also, the sense of BETRAYAL is felt over how their trust has been broken with the many irresponsible decisions that have gotten us into a nightmare of a mess that is hurtling us toward bankruptcy. It always Amazes me how some people can trample over others to get what they want, with No regard for who (they view) "stands" in their way. Then when those that have been trampled on call the "tramplers" on it they get upset. Now why is it okay for them to treat others any way they want & often badly then expect that they won't eventually have to be accountable for those improper & possibly illegal actions? Why is that? Do they really think they are better & more deserving than the trusting taxpayers & residents that they betrayed? Remember many of these whiners who say they feel they are being set up in a Witch Hunt have made hefty salaries over the years with fantastic benefits because of the trusting taxpayers they have not done right by. Why wouldn't we be upset after we find out that much of our tax money has been squandered on frivolous things, as well. These few, some who are making well over 6 figure incomes with their benefit & retirement packages are crying over what? What is it that you are so hurt by? How do you think the "little" guy who is only making $23,000 a year feels when they find out how their hard earned taxes are spent? Yes, that is right, according to the Dept. of Revenue that is the average salary of the Templeton resident/taxpayer at this time! You want that person to feel badly for these people? Gosh, I would have thought they could have gotten past their tears by now, Geezzzz!! Anyway, we as a town are very very frustrated by the way we have seen those few mentioned spend money we don't have on foolish things such as recently $3000.00 for 3 desks, doubling up on legal bills to 2 law firms, money wasted on a useless bldg. that cost more than it was appraised at, severance pay of $14,000 to a man let go who was doing a great job straightening this town out, & countless other unnecessary expenses over the years. We have kept silent for almost 10 years now & this is an accummulation of those years of anger that has built up over what appears to be collusion, corruption & at the least just plain bad decisions that have downgraded the status & standing of this community. Hopefully, others who read the one-sided editorials in the GN will have a better picture of what we are experiencing here as an all time low in Morale! Right Pauly!! These are my views & opinions!

    2. Jay, The true " witch hunt" was when the recall group went after Julie and Bob. Oh yah, that was ok when they went door to door," room to room up at the nursing home", telling lies. A guy I know told me that was campainging...Well this is our town, that is not the way it should be. Maybe I am nieve, but that is not the way to do business. If you can not do any better than writing discusting crap in the GN to get sympathy, You better try again! Our citizens 4 Templeton group is here to stay. We will continue to work for the people in our town. Now that the bids on our wonderfull town hall are in, and we would need over three million dollars to build it , oh yah, not counting the roof...Another one of JS projects from hell. The town needs all the help it can get, to get us back on our feet. We can never be so trusting again. Like Bart says " You get the government you deserve" If you don't vote or go to town meeting, then when you get your tax bill, don't go yelling at the tax collector. As I have said so many times , "It will all come out in the wash." Oh Jay, Some of my best friends are gay, no big deal. I'm glad I did not ask for a 1.9 mil. loan without authority!

  5. Dear Jay,
    This election is about the future of the town of Templeton. This election will determine the type of local government people want.

    If voters wish to be denied a voice at public meetings, then vote for Robert Columbus. If voters want to be denied access to public records, including minutes to executive sessions, then vote for Robert Columbus. If voters wish to be stonewalled and not given answers to simple questions, then vote for Robert Columbus.

    If the voters want more open, honest government, then vote for Julie Farrell.
    If the voters want access to public records, then vote for Julie Farrell.
    If the voters want to participate in public meetings, then vote for Julie Farrell.
    If voters wish to be welcomed at public meetings and not viewed as an intrusion or a burden, then vote for Julie Farrell.

    It is just that simple.

    Julie Farrell

    1. WOW!! JULIE, WELL SAID!!!!!

      Citizens for Templeton, this would be a gread add to be in the Gardner Snews and I think we still have time to get in for this weekend.
      Is this a good idea? We got till noon today.

    2. Dear Jay-

      I want to thank you for your letter in the Gardner News. You have provided the public with one of the best pieces of memorabilia in this historic campaign. I suggest to everyone to cut this letter out and put it in your scrapbook as the best example of negative campaigning and proof of exactly how extreme the mud slinging got in this story.

      Is your family so desperate that they have to sling their own mud now? Is it because there is no mud to sling that belongs to your opponents? Why in the world would you reprint those comments about you and your family if they were so hurtful? Not many people had heard them before, but now that you and TGN printed them, they have reached a great deal more of people. That just seems desperate and manipulative. More importantly, you have taken the spotlight off your chosen candidate, Mr. Columbus, and shined it (once again) on your family. How narcissistic of you?

      Back in February, you and I had a conversation on LTPS, Inc. facebook page about how awful bullying and harrassing was. You agreed that it was wrong and needed to be dealt with. If that is your true feelings, then why would you write a letter such as this that would spread the divide in our town even wider? What you did is in no way productive or positive, nor did you effectively defend your family's honor.

      And another point, you mentioned that if anyone wanted to see the negative words written on this blog, which "may have been deleted by now", you have a copy to share. My question is, in your copy of said posts from this blog, does it include the comments from others who instantly stated any bashing was wrong or did you delete those comments? I believe I had commented on some instances that were not appropriate as well as several others and that person apologized and took the comments down. If those comments are not in your "version", no worries. I have a copy to give you.

      Finally, if you want people to vote for Bob Columbus, PLEASE tell the public what his good qualities are, what his ideas are for the future and how he plans on implementing his forward-thinking ideas. Is that so hard to do? Maybe it is. The only comments I have read from ANY and ALL Columbus supporters is negative, name calling words about Ms. Farrell. The message these supporters (and you with your letter) are sending is "it doesn't matter what this guy stands for, this lady is evil and awful and you should fear vote for this guy instead."

      Mr. Columbus has not interacted with the public to listen to their concerns, did not show up to Candidate's Night to give a speech, and has not promoted ANY positive ideas or platforms for the future of Templeton. Ms. Farrell has. Ms. Farrell has also provided many many public documents pertaining to town business that back up all of her talking points. It shows credibility. Ms. Farrell is not the one leading all the community groups, blogs and facebook pages. Those were created independently by citizens who believe in getting the TRUTH out and helping this damaged town heal. We feel she is working in our best interest which is why we support her. There hasn't been this many people working together and basic communication in Templeton in decades! It is so POSITIVE and completely opposite of everything you wrote in your letter. This movement goes way beyond this election, as Bev stated. And I believe that if you came home and saw all the positive, community-based things that are happening, you would smile.

      Jay, I'm sorry that you felt you had to write that letter. I hope in hindsight you will feel a twang of regret for doing it. Once people like you stop slinging mud, we will welcome everyone to join us in rebuilding the community into a supportive, productive, harrassment-free environment.

    3. I am not sure where Jay Paul Skelton lives but I find it strange that his name did not pop up until his mom was fired. I do not recall seeing his name when his dad lost in 2010 nor his bid for re-election in 2011. And Jay, you certainly are not the first gay man to be called a fruitcake, just like any other ethnic group or social group who appear to be different from the so-called norm. Enough said, welcome to the human race where stuff happens. Now, what does that have to do with the atmosphere in Templeton with regards to public meetings and the response or lack of to the taxpayers by their elected officials? We would not have such animousity if after the recall, the group that yelled let the people speak would have followed through. They did not, they have put it in reverse and have been going backwards for 3 months, no change at all. People do not like being lied to, stonewalled and ignored. I have yet to be yelled at, chastised, felt threatened or needed a police escort anywhere. I have talked with people who like Julie Farrell and those who, not so much, but the overwelming point with all has been pretty plain and simple, Julie Farrell or Bob Columbus, I am going with Julie Farrell. Bob and the other two have failed to move forward, let people speak, answer questions and be honest with them, that is pretty much all they want, a little respect. Just so you know, Mitchell, Farrell & Bennett did not nor do we agree on everything. We did basically agree on public acess to information and records, answer questions as best we could and listen to the people. Templeton is not unique or different than anyother place in the country or the world, people are tired of being ignored and lied to by the very people who are suppose to be working for them. Selectmen can argue, disagree all we want, as long as the people feel we are working for them, we could get the things we say we need to operate the town and they would trust us. Right now, that does not seem to be the case. Jay, if you remember, Julie made a remark about a lack of trust she had in your mom, that is exactly the same feeling the taxpayers have right now, a lack of trust in the system and that is why there are large turnouts at meetings, it is a lack of trust, not a desire to disrupt. Listen to them and let them be heard and Templeton will right itself and we will prosper, if us selectmen ever figure that out. Please feel free to forward those printouts you say you have of the things I said that were unfit for a family newspaper and I will send you a copy of my 30 plus year old court record.

  6. All of the above comments are honest and truthful. Too bad the GN won't print this side of the story. To add another aspect to the truth, I have reviewed the Warrants for the annual town meeting article by article and have decided I think the departments can do witout new equipment, etc. for another year while we are getting back on our feet.I am voting NO to any articles that have big money requests. No to proposition 2 1/2, and, I am voting for the article concerning senior volunteers. I believe there are at least 20 seniors out there that have excellent skills and good work ethics who can still be productive in this town at a price tag of only $10,000 ($500 each off taxes) for the town to absorb. Getting rid of the slouches making big bucks for doing nothing would easilly take care of that.

  7. Dear Jay-

    I want to thank you for your letter in the Gardner News. You have provided the public with one of the best pieces of memorabilia in this historic campaign. I suggest to everyone to cut this letter out and put it in your scrapbook as the best example of negative campaigning and proof of exactly how extreme the mud slinging got in this story.

    Is your family so desperate that they have to sling their own mud now? Is it because there is no mud to sling that belongs to your opponents? Why in the world would you reprint those comments about you and your family if they were so hurtful? Not many people had heard them before, but now that you and TGN printed them, they have reached a great deal more of people. That just seems desperate and manipulative. More importantly, you have taken the spotlight off your chosen candidate, Mr. Columbus, and shined it (once again) on your family. How narcissistic of you?

    Back in February, you and I had a conversation on LTPS, Inc. facebook page about how awful bullying and harrassing was. You agreed that it was wrong and needed to be dealt with. If that is your true feelings, then why would you write a letter such as this that would spread the divide in our town even wider? What you did is in no way productive or positive, nor did you effectively defend your family's honor.

    And another point, you mentioned that if anyone wanted to see the negative words written on this blog, which "may have been deleted by now", you have a copy to share. My question is, in your copy of said posts from this blog, does it include the comments from others who instantly stated any bashing was wrong or did you delete those comments? I believe I had commented on some instances that were not appropriate as well as several others and that person apologized and took the comments down. If those comments are not in your "version", no worries. I have a copy to give you.

    Finally, I have said it several times and I will say it once again. If you want people to vote for Bob Columbus, PLEASE tell the public what his good qualities are, what his ideas are for the future and how he plans on implementing his forward-thinking ideas. Is that so hard to do? Maybe it is. The only comments I have read from ANY and ALL Columbus supporters is negative, name calling words about Ms. Farrell. The message these supporters (and you with your letter) are sending is "it doesn't matter what this guy stands for, this lady is evil and awful and you should fear vote for this guy instead."

    Mr. Columbus has not interacted with the public to listen to their concerns, did not show up to Candidate's Night to give a speech, and has not promoted ANY positive ideas or platforms for the future of Templeton. Ms. Farrell has. Ms. Farrell has also provided many many public documents pertaining to town business that back up all of her talking points. It shows credibility. Ms. Farrell is not the one leading all the community groups, blogs and facebook pages. Those were created independently by citizens who believe in getting the TRUTH out and helping this damaged town heal. We feel she is working in our best interest which is why we support her. There hasn't been this many people working together and basic communication in Templeton in decades! It is so POSITIVE and completely opposite of everything you wrote in your letter. This movement goes way beyond this election, as Bev stated. And I believe that if you came home and saw all the positive, community-based things that are happening, you would smile.

    Jay, I'm sorry that you felt you had to write that letter. I hope in hindsight you will feel a twang of regret for doing it. Templeton is a great place to live and is getting better every day. Once people like you stop slinging mud, we will welcome everyone to join us in rebuilding the community into a supportive, productive, harrassment-free environment.

  8. Dear Jay-

    I want to thank you for your letter in the Gardner News. You have provided the public with one of the best pieces of memorabilia in this historic campaign. I suggest to everyone to cut this letter out and put it in your scrapbook as the best example of negative campaigning and proof of exactly how extreme the mud slinging got in this story.

    Is your family so desperate that they have to sling their own mud now? Is it because there is no mud to sling that belongs to your opponents? Why in the world would you reprint those comments about you and your family if they were so hurtful? Not many people had heard them before, but now that you and TGN printed them, they have reached a great deal more of people. That just seems desperate and manipulative. More importantly, you have taken the spotlight off your chosen candidate, Mr. Columbus, and shined it (once again) on your family. How narcissistic of you?

    Back in February, you and I had a conversation on LTPS, Inc. facebook page about how awful bullying and harrassing was. You agreed that it was wrong and needed to be dealt with. If that is your true feelings, then why would you write a letter such as this that would spread the divide in our town even wider? What you did is in no way productive or positive, nor did you effectively defend your family's honor.

    And another point, you mentioned that if anyone wanted to see the negative words written on this blog, which "may have been deleted by now", you have a copy to share. My question is, in your copy of said posts from this blog, does it include the comments from others who instantly stated any bashing was wrong or did you delete those comments? I believe I had commented on some instances that were not appropriate as well as several others and that person apologized and took the comments down. If those comments are not in your "version", no worries. I have a copy to give you.

    Finally, I have said it several times and I will say it once again. If you want people to vote for Bob Columbus, PLEASE tell the public what his good qualities are, what his ideas are for the future and how he plans on implementing his forward-thinking ideas. Is that so hard to do? Maybe it is. The only comments I have read from ANY and ALL Columbus supporters is negative, name calling words about Ms. Farrell. The message these supporters (and you with your letter) are sending is "it doesn't matter what this guy stands for, this lady is evil and awful and you should fear vote for this guy instead."

    Mr. Columbus has not interacted with the public to listen to their concerns, did not show up to Candidate's Night to give a speech, and has not promoted ANY positive ideas or platforms for the future of Templeton. Ms. Farrell has. Ms. Farrell has also provided many many public documents pertaining to town business that back up all of her talking points. It shows credibility. Ms. Farrell is not the one leading all the community groups, blogs and facebook pages. Those were created independently by citizens who believe in getting the TRUTH out and helping this damaged town heal. We feel she is working in our best interest which is why we support her. There hasn't been this many people working together and basic communication in Templeton in decades! It is so POSITIVE and completely opposite of everything you wrote in your letter. This movement goes way beyond this election, as Bev stated. And I believe that if you came home and saw all the positive, community-based things that are happening, you would smile.

    Jay, I'm sorry that you felt you had to write that letter. I hope in hindsight you will feel a twang of regret for doing it. Templeton is a great place to live and is getting better every day. Once people like you stop slinging mud, we will welcome everyone to join us in rebuilding the community into a supportive, productive, harrassment-free environment.

    1. I could not agree more with you Olive!

    2. Hey! Where did Olive's post go? I just saw it here.

    3. I don't know. I tried posting it twice.

    4. Dear Jay-

      I want to thank you for your letter in the Gardner News. You have provided the public with one of the best pieces of memorabilia in this historic campaign. I suggest to everyone to cut this letter out and put it in your scrapbook as the best example of negative campaigning and proof of exactly how extreme the mud slinging got in this story.

      Is your family so desperate that they have to sling their own mud now? Is it because there is no mud to sling that belongs to your opponents? Why in the world would you reprint those comments about you and your family if they were so hurtful? Not many people had heard them before, but now that you and TGN printed them, they have reached a great deal more of people. That just seems desperate and manipulative. More importantly, you have taken the spotlight off your chosen candidate, Mr. Columbus, and shined it (once again) on your family. How narcissistic of you?

      Back in February, you and I had a conversation on LTPS, Inc. facebook page about how awful bullying and harrassing was. You agreed that it was wrong and needed to be dealt with. If that is your true feelings, then why would you write a letter such as this that would spread the divide in our town even wider? What you did is in no way productive or positive, nor did you effectively defend your family's honor.

      And another point, you mentioned that if anyone wanted to see the negative words written on this blog, which "may have been deleted by now", you have a copy to share. My question is, in your copy of said posts from this blog, does it include the comments from others who instantly stated any bashing was wrong or did you delete those comments? I believe I had commented on some instances that were not appropriate as well as several others and that person apologized and took the comments down. If those comments are not in your "version", no worries. I have a copy to give you.

      Finally, if you want people to vote for Bob Columbus, PLEASE tell the public what his good qualities are, what his ideas are for the future and how he plans on implementing his forward-thinking ideas. Is that so hard to do? Maybe it is. The only comments I have read from ANY and ALL Columbus supporters is negative, name calling words about Ms. Farrell. The message these supporters (and you with your letter) are sending is "it doesn't matter what this guy stands for, this lady is evil and awful and you should fear vote for this guy instead."

      Mr. Columbus has not interacted with the public to listen to their concerns, did not show up to Candidate's Night to give a speech, and has not promoted ANY positive ideas or platforms for the future of Templeton. Ms. Farrell has. Ms. Farrell has also provided many many public documents pertaining to town business that back up all of her talking points. It shows credibility. Ms. Farrell is not the one leading all the community groups, blogs and facebook pages. Those were created independently by citizens who believe in getting the TRUTH out and helping this damaged town heal. We feel she is working in our best interest which is why we support her. There hasn't been this many people working together and basic communication in Templeton in decades! It is so POSITIVE and completely opposite of everything you wrote in your letter. This movement goes way beyond this election, as Bev stated. And I believe that if you came home and saw all the positive, community-based things that are happening, you would smile.

      Jay, I'm sorry that you felt you had to write that letter. I hope in hindsight you will feel a twang of regret for doing it. Once people like you stop slinging mud, we will welcome everyone to join us in rebuilding the community into a supportive, productive, harrassment-free environment.

  9. Olive, I have had postings do that too, gets a little frustrating to have to type it over and over. Sometimes I think this computor does not like me. I wonder if along with the senior tax work off if we could Call Jeff Ritter up and see if he would be out temp town coordinator, he could work off that 14 grand we gave him to resign. That would sovle the problem of having money to pay a temp, just a thought.

  10. This is defense of Mr. Jay,
    Maybe he doesn't know about his fathers illegal activity concerning the documents on 252 Baldwinville Rd. Maybe he does not know that his father chose to tell the people of Templeton that a full 21E was not needed because the assessed told him it was nit needed, when in fact the report states it was up to the officials to move forward with a full assessment. They only take responsibility for the visual as they note all the fines, illegal labeling and dumping. Oh ya the smell that was persued by O'Brien . Maybe he is unaware his mother changes articles after being closed, and the 2 lawsuits filed by his mother. Maybe the Citizens 4Templeton paid some of his tuifion. Maybe he us unaware of his parent illegal activities in town. As for sexual preference, nobody in town cares if you gay, we judge on facts and Jay MAYBE you should check out some documents concerning all these truths about you parents. As for your sister, didn't she marry him, I could be wrong!

  11. S.L. Forget the GN...Daren gave them something to Print about Citizens 4 Templeton. It did not see the light of day, or the ink on the paper. This group at the paper have done more damage to the town of Templeton than anyone else, "in my opinion". Seeing the only the people without a computer, have only the daily papers for information, This is very bad when the informatin is so one sided. I wonder if there is a law against it. It surely is not very ethical! I have tried to shame them [just a little] on this blog. I was hopeing they would "get the message", with no results. You know what they say, " you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink." If they are on the "take", maybe free drinks at the local watering hole, Dammed if I can figure out why they do not have enough pride in their job to do it right. Maybe this too will "come out in the wash".

  12. The gardner news just sent notice to Templeton that their legal advertisement cost will be going up. I am looking into the requirements of advertising now and if we can switch, I vote to go with the telegram and take our money away from the gardner news, hopefuly after monday there will be new powers at be and we can make some changes to benefit the taxpayers.

    1. Maybe we could just post everything (for free) on the blog seems more templeton people read the blog than the snews

  13. I agree Pauly, with over 1,000 viewers ya hooo, people know the truth.

  14. Mr. Bennett you are funny, such a great Guy. Loved you response!

  15. Mrs. Farrell- although I am no longer a citizen of Templeton,it was my home town so I have been keeping a close eye on the political happenings that are taking place.

    Above you state that if the citizens want open for Julie, if they want to have a voice... then vote for Julie, if they want to feel welcome at the for Julie. How can you promise this when just a few months ago when you were chairmen, you provided none of this?? I watched the meetings where you would not allow certain people to speak. When asked why they couldn't speak, you replied, " because I said so" you kicked tax payees out of brought items to thetablw without sharing with other selectmen first. These are not qualities of a good leader. I doubt if elected you would suddenlychange your old ways.

    I was recently elected to my local school board, so I understand what it is like to be on a board. We work as a team, we communicate as a team and make decisions as a team. We make decisions based upon what is best for ALL of our taxpayers. We do not make decisions based upon emotions or what is best personally.

    How about working together and doing what is best for the Town of Templeton instead of name calling and childish games.

    I am truly disappointed with what is happening in the Town of Templeton.


    1. I would like to address the comment from Tina. First of all thank you for your input. I understand that many people who haven't been involved in recent (within approx. last 10 yrs)town politics are only seeing the very surface of the picture in a lot of instances. I can't speak for Julie's feelings or actions but I can speak to some of what has gone on behind the scenes that many have not witnessed. I know Ms Farrell had her reasons for how she led that particular meeting. She is a very honorable woman & has been through a lot trying to do the right thing for the town as a whole. She has had to come up against a BIG well entrenched political machine here in Templeton. I know this because what I can tell you from a personal standpoint is that I tried to bring out certain things regarding this "machine" years ago & got crucified in the process. I can tell you that there are people here & maybe others running the "show" who possibly live elsewhere that will come after you if you say something they do not like. I know this because I have had this happen to me. I grew up here & always spoke out at meetings & never worried that what I said would ever be cause for retaliation especially since everything I ever said or did was for the overall good of the town or out of concern for the safety of the residents here. You can imagine the shock I had when I was threatened & bullied in ways that might alter your opinion about Ms. Farrell actions. She is one of a very few who have been brave enough to challenge the status quo & actually try to change it to being more open & honest. It has been a very tough road for her & Bob Mitchell to have been unethically recalled. The Let the people speak group has spewed lies about her, Bob M. the meeting & their actions regarding Mrs. Skelton. You & many others may not realize that there have been some very "shady" things going on that have cost the taxpayers dearly. We are on the verge of bankruptcy due to the decisions of a few selfish reckless spending people that have not led Templeton down a path of success but more down the road to ruin. Mrs. Farrell, Pauly, Bob M., Jeff B. have all uncovered things that have started to open the eyes of the townspeople. It is not the same Templeton that you might have known. It is Not the same Templeton that I knew & loved growing up in. The problem is like any other Major problem in this world. Follow the money trail & it will lead you to the "perpetrators" We have begun following that trail & those involved are beginning to get a bit worried. That group is now crucifying Julie's words, actions, & anything else they can attack her on, trying to take the focus off the real issues since they know that the stuff that is now being exposed will most likely lead to people, that a good portion of the town would be shocked at, who are part of the taking over of the town. I am sure as time goes along we will find out more & more, possibly leading to some arrests. There is much more here than meets the eye. I encourage all concerned to help Julie, Pauly & others keep looking. I do hope the authorities will get here soon! I think you will be hearing more about Templeton in the future. Probably not in the way you would hope or expect. Please keep checking Pauly's blogspot for updates because you will only get ONE side of the story in some of the newspapers. I, as one of many, Thank God we have someone like Mrs. Farrell who is strong enough & committed enough to still be willing to represent us & stand up for what is right. Someday you will see why she had to act as she did! In fact, I think we are already seeing it. Thank you Julie!

    2. To Tina aka the McGann Family aka Virginia Wider's niece - Thanks for the comment - did auntie ask you to do this.

    3. Ah Hah !! Makes perfect sense. Thanks for that vital piece of information Pauly!!

    4. I have attended meetings here and there. Hasnt Julie has been apart of the mess for 7+ years? She's going to raise the bar all the sudden? We love her because she's a whistler blower or the lessor of two evils? Why stand by and allow this to happen for 7 years? Credibility of elected officials review your Annual Town Report are you familiar with the family names...most are related...hold more than one position/committee seat. How about a bylaw that prevents the town from hiring more than one family member or perhaps 3 from the same line? Isn't Pauly's daughter employed by the town? The Issues in the letter you distributed are all aimed at the board people you don't like - not the real issues. Cut the town department budgets and they will have to let go some "Dear friends". Stalking?? We have sex offenders in town who get less attention then you have given to the Skelton family. Your blog is getting hits for laughs - you are really crazy bunch who make the rest of the solid citizens in town look bad. Many have said they all should have been fired - too bad we had only Julie against Bob but given the crazy blog no one would sign up for this crap.

    5. If you don't like the blog stop reading it - as for Julie - she is the one who tried for over a year to call attention to Tammy being harrassed and bullied by Jerry S and Bob C same as Mr Bennett has tried to do - bringing attention to the wrong doings but when you are one against a corrupt TC and 3 Selectmen well and as far as a bylaw stating that people could not hold more than one position on boards - that was a recomendation in the Dept of Revenue report that the then majority JerryS Bob C Dennis Ob voted not to accept - If you are going to slam - no the facts! ALL OF THEM

    6. 2nd Anonymous, You are absolutely correct about Julie trying to get the TRUTH out about all the bullying, lying, cheating, reckless spending, etc & it goes on & on. How does anyone expect ONE person, such as Julie, to turn this MESS around alone, even in a few short years when the Big abuses have gone on far longer than that? Also, I believe we are dealing with some well oiled, well connected, behind the scenes people who have yet to show their faces or be found out that have been adding to this mess. I tried years ago to do some of what Julie has done (as far as awareness) & got bullied myself. The town wasn't aware enough then so I was pretty much a lone soldier it felt like to me. With ensuing threats & other harassment I had to leave it alone at that time because of a fear for my safety & that of my family. So, to 1st listed Anonymous, who either does not really know what is going on or is a buddy of the GS gang, I say you better do some more homework before you spout off about Julie. She is about all we got right now on the BOS besides Jeff B. who will work in our favor & for us as a whole. We better hope she gets all the help & support she needs from us as a town wishing to survive. Because if we ALL don't open our eyes & help we are doomed. My opinion!!

  16. Right on point isteach. Thoughts of a few months ago when Julie took a stand and did not let people speak, when she had to make the decision to take action against the TC, come to my mind occasionally. If I didn't have some knowledge of the underhanded wrongdoings with these people I may have looked at this in another way too. You did a great job explaining, and, I hope anyone who has doubts will read and take to mind what you are saying. I'm happy the McGann family brought this opinion to the blog.

    1. Thank you, Checkn000, for your kind response. Your words will also surely help with some of the confusion regarding that meeting that I'm certain must have been very difficult for Julie to have had to conduct that way. It is so the opposite of what kind of govt. she truly stands for. Sometimes less than favorable circumstances create the situation where one has to make decisions based on a greater good even when it is tremendously tough & troublesome. I believe that was one of those times. Thanks again for your confirmation of my explanation. I appreciate it.

  17. The meeting that you are referring to, Tina, was an executive meeting. Executive meetings have different rules than open meetings. They are usually held without an audience. If an individual who is the subject of the executive meeting so chooses, the meeting can have an audience, but it is still run as an executive session. Julie did not break ANY rules by conducting the meeting the way she did. She also acted on the advice of town counsel in order to protect the Town. The Let the People Speak, Inc. were pissed that their friend was let go, so they tried to say that it was unethical how Julie ran the meeting. They also said many other lies about her that, unfortunately, people who didn't know any better believed and she was recalled. The recall was a fraud. The citizens now want to correct that mistake now that the truth has come out on so many issues and people realize what they were told was, in fact, lies.

    Even the speaker of the Let the People Speak, Inc. group (Mr. Matson) who pushed for the recall admitted that no rules were broken in said meeting when Mr. Dennis, a very knowledgable citizen who has taught parlimentary procedure, asked him if the Robert Rules of Order were broken at Candidates Night. You can see this for yourself at the 15min. 16sec. time mark at this link:

    If you feel that her actions were still considered unethical, would you also agree that a selectman calling the Chair "chicken-sh*t" is unethical? Because that is what Mr. Columbus did at the end of said meeting. See this comment for yourself 31min 34sec time mark at this link:

    There are no moral laws on record. But, there are ethical laws that exist. No ethics violations occurred. What one considers "moral" is subjective and can be debated forever. To me, lying is immoral. The Let the People Speak, Inc. group lied to citizens in order to get support for the recall. They said that Ms. Farrell fired K&P. Incorrect. When the contract for legal counsel ended (as it does every year), The previous BOS went through the interviewing process in which K&P was an applicant. They did not interview well and did not provide the lowest fee. So, another firm was chosen. They also lied by saying Ms. Farrell fired Ms. Skelton because she didn't like her and that she had done nothing wrong. Incorrect. Ms. Skelton did not perform her job the way she should have and therefore the Board chose to part ways.

    The facts are that Ms. Farrell did nothing illegal or unethical. Ms. Farrell does not have any harrassment complaints made against her. Mr. Columbus has at least three on record. So, between these two candidates, who is more ethical and moral? Tina, so many things have happened since that meeting back in September that you may not be aware of. The Let the People Speak, Inc. went away after they got their people into office. They didn't stick around to make sure their mission continued. The new BOS has not conducted themselves in a professional manner. All decisions have been made behind closed doors. Public documents are missing. People have NOT been able to speak at open meetings. There have been numerous ethics violations, open meeting law violations. The citizens have been called "stupid". There has been misuse of municipal funds. And those are just a few of the wrong doings. Tina, I would also suggest reading up on the Town Hall project. This is the reason so many citizens have gotten pissed off and taken a stand. Everyone may not agree with Ms. Farrell's opinions or actions all the time. But her business is conducted in public and she provides public documents to support her actions. At a time when the whole country doesn't trust their government, facts are the one thing that speak without prejudice.
