Sunday, June 3, 2012

E 21 Phase II complate

E 21 Phase II complete
In my opinion, the phase II 21E was completed in May and an inch thick report was sent to town hall before the town meeting. I just printed a complete report off of the computer, it's about 1 inch thick. If you don't understand all those symbols and hash marks, don't be alarmed. I made a nice notebook with all the paperwork in order. I personally witnessed the testing and talk to one of the engineers/site analysis people. She, a young lady explained to me PHC Sr how the tests would be conducted.
I knew how it was done anyway, I used to be a certified environmental inspector, back a few years and while I was there during the testing I did not see anyone from the building committee. But who cares anyway the test was being done and with the proper equipment. In my opinion this test should have been done before they signed the purchase and sale. And the previous owner would've had to pay $14,000 plus fee. The final conclusion was the place was clean enough to pass the DEP regulations at this time. Well people, one thing is for sure, the people that did the test are out of Agawam MA, got Templeton off the hook, so now if dirty tricks are played, guess who is responsible. So to all you concerned taxpayers our efforts for a 21E were not in vain, so if you're building committee had done things proper, maybe that Townhall would have been done without any fuss. Other words in the future if the test is done on that property 252 Baldwinville Road and it comes up dirty it would be the responsibility of EC S, 588 Silver St., Agawam MA 01001, 1-413-789-3530. I don't believe this firm is going to do a boogie man job for a town and lose all credibility for future 21E projects plus jail time. So in my opinion, the site is saleable and with a clean  21E-phase 1 and 2 and no thanks to the building committee chairman J Skelton. I PHC Sr sold the land in East Templeton to Cumberland Farms back in 2000-and before I received a dime, the full 21E had to be completed. But in my case I told them if they wanted a E 21 they must pay for the testing. If it came up dirty I would have had Brownfields, DEP clean it up. Because the guy I bought it from was dead. But it all turned out good and look at the nice commercial business there now. And all Templeton does for Cumby’s is collected taxes, the light bills, the water and sewer bills etc. Now that is what I call a nice business transaction by PHC Sr, with no kids in the school system, no special services needed by Templeton, the state plows the road/rte 2a and cumbys takes care of everything else. Now let's get back to 252 Baldwinville Rd. that cost Templeton about $600,000 and all we still have is nothing but a 12,000 sq. ft. building that should be sold and used for commercial/industrial or something similar that will bring in taxes to help us taxpayer, not cost us taxpayers hundreds of thousands because of someone’s bad dream. And all you readers know exactly who I am talking about. Now when you go into Cumby's in East Templeton, think of me PHC Sr. Now thats all said and done about Cumby's in East Templeton, on your way out of Cumby's look across rt 2A at the old East Templeton elementary school. Look at the character of that building--next to no maintenance, big big big parking lot (out back), in a nice location, no need for a dogsled here, its on a Mart bus route, convenient for everyone in town so to speak and most of you readers know what I am saying, easy access in case of an emergency. Sooooo all you business minded taxpayers listening to a “senile old man”? Now Big G and the rest of the building committee should follow me around for a while to try to learn something in case they need it in the "next life". In my opinion that East Templeton school could be converted into one of the nicest Townhalls in the area. And by chance we own the building, to start with, and to quote Bill Claybaugh at one of the school building committee meetings,- something might look bleak, but with hard work and common sense it can become beautiful and useful. Referring to the new elementary school, so what I am saying to who ever wants to listen, and never mind that $25,000 feasibility study. Let's just get a plan on paper and we the taxpayers tell the people that will be renovating that East Templeton school-how we want it to be for town offices. Not a lush plush lounge for our elected and appointed officials. Business is business as in this small town and we don't have to pay rent to Donald Trump. So smarten up taxpayers and push on the shoulders of our selectmen. I am sure we can count on three to start with. Don't forget the defunct town hall building committee piss --- away $150,000 on an architect and unplanned bul---. You don't need six guys to tell one guy what to do.  You need one guy, PHC Sr to tell six guys what to do-get it? Remember the monkey and the football thing? Nothing ever works well with a third-party, know it all, and that has happened too many times in all businesses. So if the board of selectmen can get with the program and put me PHC Sr in charge of the study on paper for the East Templeton school for a town hall building. Let's go and please don't ask K & P for an opinion. I'll supply my own insurance in case I hurt my hand holding a pen and paper and a ruler, get it, a volunteer supplying his own insurance, hee-hee. And we all know the finances of our town of Templeton, so I would think twice before suing a dead horse. But others are still trying. Make some comments, let your voices is be heard about the ET school for town office and it won't cost $3 million or more-come on taxpayers make a comment it won't sound stupid to me and it might help save the taxpayers a lot of money-thanks for reading my opinion.
PS as you  go by Jonathan Haley's red house on Baldwwinville Rd next to John Brooks, see what Jonathan did with  an old house, and hard work and common sense. Imagine what can be done with the ET School for offices. Sound off and hats off to Jonathan Haley for what he did with something "old" as us flatlanders call it, How many more years will that nice renovated building last?  many many many, what do you think?


  1. I'm with you Pauly. Let's get that East Templeton School fixed up to use for a Town Hall. And, I would put you in charge of the project!

  2. 1st fix the roof!
    Any future use will require that at least!
    But at a prevailing wage that will be 200k?
    Form a new team to evaluate for uses!

  3. I am not as versed in 21e but did this include pcb testing? I know they made cardboard there at one time so it makes sense they would test for those right?
