Sunday, June 3, 2012

Open Meeting Law Complaints

Open Meeting Law (OML) Complaints vs. TMLWP

The agendas for the June 5th meeting of the Templeton Light &Water Commissioners indicates a possible executive session to discuss an OML violations.

I have filed two open meeting law violations against the TMLWP commissioners and manager. I believe these complaints concerned my blogging activities. As I have stated in the past, becoming an elected official does NOT mean you give up your right to freedom of speech. Do NOT let anyone take away or abridge your right to freedom of speech.

Julie Farrell


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree!! Please keep speaking out, Julie! I hope everyone follows your example and your advice. Thank you again from a grateful resident / Taxpayer !!

  3. Is it possible to record and post the TMLWP department meetings? I think the more meetings recorded and posted the more informed the taxpayer and the safer the town. Anonymous #13

  4. pilot vs plane where the ticket is only 4.00 to be a customer 3600 customers x 4= 14,400.per month for 12 months =172,800.
    give templeton back 100,000. and keep the 72,800. for whatever the pilot needs? Time has come to crack the books open and ask the real questions! why the town acctoutant upsets mr. driscoul so much. certified free cash is 1.6 million and the explanation we were told does'nt add up!
    Advisory board needs a copy of the books so will can see whats up, I've got a funny feeling that what upsets mr driscoul is not being able to bull.... his way thru it!
    just my opinion - but what was the 4.00 charge for? in lieu of taxes. need to check to see if the other 40 mlp charge to be a customer also?

  5. I am not saying that anyone is doing this here but there have been a lot of cities, towns & big businesses that have had embezzlement problems with lean books & such because there were too few eyes on them. I agree, let's crack open all the books everywhere!! & get a good look at everything! If one has nothing to hide then there would be absolutely no problem with opening & reviewing them "top to bottom"! Remember Pauly's examples such as DiMassi, Tim Cahill, Madoff, Enron, etc. They all had their hands in the till (Unchecked) & left their investors, creditors, workers, etc. high & dry. Too tempting for some when the "whole pie" is put in front of them with no "mommy or daddy" to say NO, you can't have it all!! And these are just my opinions! There are no accusations or allegations meant at all. Just some things to think about. Have a good evening!!
