Wednesday, June 13, 2012





  1. I arrived late to the advisory board meeting. Looks like the reorganization went well. I'm not sure who the vice chair is? Will Spring is the Chairman. Darren Elwell is the new scribe.

    I would like to thank all of the members of the advisory committee for donating their time to ensure open and honest government in Templeton

  2. Thank you to the new Advisory Board members for helping to improve the town with your intelligence and honesty. I feel there are better times ahead with the new blood on the board.

    Some thoughts after watching the last BOS come Mullins doesn't volunteer to serve on any committees as a BOS member? Plus, when the BOS discusses who will serve on which board, they don't even bother to even look at him. He seems to be just taking up space. Also, with his beard shaved off, he looks more and more like JS. Eerie! And where is Jeff Bennett? He is greatly missed.

    What happened to Sen. Brewer asking the state for land for a elementary school at the TDC site? Where's the update on that conversation? Where's the update on the TDC Reuse Committee that Wilder is on? How come committees don't have a regular report to the BOS or post their updates on the website? It would be nice to either hear a report from the committees given at a BOS meeting or read their updates online. There's a boatload of committes in town, would be nice to know their business. And, while we're on this come ALL members of each committee and board are not listed on the website? Its not rocket science. Open and honest government can at LEAST begin with a list of every committee and board with member names as well as a description of what that committee and board does and contact info and when each group has their regularly scheduled meetings.The website can be utilized much more than it is.

    Its sooo good to see Mr. Ritter back. I can sleep through the night now. I no longer have to stress about what will happen to this town with a certain someone having access to all town info.Lets hope that certain someone is never involved in town operations again.

    The BOS needs to make it a priority to institute a Code of Conduct Policy for elected officials...ASAP. It has been brought up MANY times that bullying and harrassment is a HUGE problem in Templeton and it is the BOS's duty to address it and take the problem very seriously. And ANY BOS member who is observed harrassing or bullying anyone should be publically repremanded and forced to apologize for their behavior. They need to show the whole community that that kind of behavior is not tolerated nor acceptable. Lead by example. This is a huge problem in the schools as well. So, show the kids and the residents and the employees of Templeton that the Golden Rule is alive and well in this town. Its the first step in healing the community and it needs to be now.

    Olive (I'm back!)

  3. Great points Olive. Perhaps Mr. Mullins is not considered for committee appointments because he's not planning to stick around for much longer. The sooner the town adopts a code of conduct, the sooner individuals such as VW can be held accountable for their actions.

    1. Did everyone read Phil Brooks editorial in the Gardner News on Thursday concerning Darren Elwell? Maybe Phil Brooks could post it on Pauly's blog for those who do not read the Gardner Snews. Surprised Alberta put it in her paper. Good reading.

    2. Speaking of Mullins, Winchendon sure needs their own "Watch". I heard that town employees recently "resigned" after being caught with bypassed water meters.

  4. If you want to e-mail a blog entry send it to:

    Glad you're back Olive!

    I'm on the road so I would appreciate the letter to the editor on the blog.


    1. Julie This was printed in the Gardner News on Thursday...Was the newspaper trying to back a failed re-election campaing? To the Editor: As a resident of the town of Templeton,I would like to make a comment concerning the political landscape in my town and the Gardner News. The Gardner News refused to print a letter to the editor submitted to the gardner news by Mr.Darren Elwell. I have seen a copy of thisletter. The letter was concise, coherent, well written, and critical of the then current Board of Selectmen in town, mainly the chairman, Mr. Bob Columbus. It touched on the fact that more people have been attending and voicing their opinions, as well as questioning the board's decitions. The Gardner News has recently stated that Mr.Elwell's letter was not printed because of the timing ofthe submission as well as the content of the letter. My question is this: Why would a self-proclaimed "community newspaper" refuse to print this letter? Was it for political reasons, was the Gardner News trying to unofficially back Mr. Columbus' failed reelection campaign? If this is the case, the paper should be honest with its readers and subscribers and say this. If Mr. Elwell had submitted an advertisement withthe same exact verbiage in it, but accompanied by a check out to the gardner news,would it have been printed when it was submitted? Would the timing have been OK then? written by Philip Brooks,Templeton

  5. Hey Phil B can you email me a copy of you letter to the editor so I can put it on the blog for those that don't get The Gardner Snooze?
