Friday, June 29, 2012


according to the Telegram
School override N-597 Y-359
1 Ton N-556 Y-399
Loader N-590 Y-365
Roads N-589 Y - 364


  1. Since so many employees and some residents question who made the cuts and how come only certain ones or groups got cut, perhaps it is time for Templeton to look at regionalization and again outsource other things. After all, one argument on this blog has concerned the conservation agent, the need and how we use to have a consultant and the benefits paid to someone working over 20 hours. It always seems to boil down to the same thing, cut costs, cut hours on this or that, just don't cut me. Time to take a serious look at what the long term cost benefit to taxpayers of regionalization and or vender work. One thing to benefit taxpayers is by using means other than town employees, is lowering of long term debt, as in retirement funding and health insurance, two of the largest cost items in any business and hard to control items as well. Perhaps time for taxpayers to ask about regionalization of say animal control, health agent, buiding inspector, assessor, while looking at combining other service offices into one. Possibly for the cost of salary alone, the taxpayers could still recieve the same services without the cost of insurance and retirement along with possible savings on office expense; as in heat, electrice and soft costs such as ink, paper pens, pencils etc etc. I watched the meetings and the cuts and I thought it was done to benefit the whole, now it seems some want to question why this and who and it was not fair to cut me. Maybe time for elected officials to look at real costs of fulltime employees and the benefits versus what benefits with having contract or vender service. I thought the running of the town was to benefit the taxpayers, not to have employees who seem to like to run "their" departments as their own little empire. Work together for the benefit of the ship or sink one at a time.

  2. Thankyou infoman98 for putting things in perspective. I guess it's just human frailty to let the ego get in the way and think "it's for THEM, not for ME, i'm the good guy". Well be careful what you wish for.

  3. Oh, Have you even seen the series, Chicago Code"? I think that was the name it stared whats-her-name from Flashdance. It was abut corruption in Chicago. Hmmm, Does the name Buddy Cianci ring a bell? That's precisely what happens if the voters don't pay attention.
