Monday, October 8, 2012

BOS meeting 10/9/12

BOS meeting 10/9/12

The next BOS meeting is scheduled for October 9, 2012 at 690 Patriots Rd. The agenda has been posted.

Hopefully, there will be quorum for this meeting. TMLWP is holding their meeting at 6:00 p.m. I don’t know how people can be at two places at the same time.

It looks like it will be a short meeting. I am curious about our options to pay off 252 Baldwinville Rd. As well as the possibility of regionalizing the BOH with Barre. Barre has a landfill right? There is also an item to discuss lines of credit, maybe the BOS will make some decisions about that situation.
Should be an interesting meeting.

Hope to see you there.

Julie Farrell

Please be aware that there will be a DETOUR by the bridge construction in East Templeton. The detour will be in effect until Friday 10/12/12 from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


  1. Not related, but today traveling on route 2 west between exit 20 and 19 I noticed a HUGE political billboard for LEE along the highway, IS THIS LEGAL, In all my years I have NEVER saw a political sign along side a highway. Could she be no better than Andrews with this shady ploy???

  2. The sign may be on private property.

  3. I do believe it is in the sand pits that I thought were State Pits

  4. If Mr. Stewart takes his position as Commissioner seriously, he will be at the L&W meeting especially for an executive session and especially since there are hot button issues surrounding that dept right now. If Mr. Stewart takes his position as BOS Chair seriously, he will be at the BOS meeting on time especially since there are hot button issues on the agenda. So, how is one person going to fulfill dual responsibility? Maybe if the L&W meetings were posted on the website, someone would have caught this double booking earlier. This is why I personally feel a sitting BOS member should not be allowed to be a commissioner on another board for exactly these type of incidents. We need dedicated people for each board who can give 100% attention to the issues at hand. WE need to operate better than this!
