Sunday, October 21, 2012

BOS Meeting October 22, 2012

BOS Meeting October 22, 2012

The BOS agenda has been posted for October 22, 2012. We will be discussing a number of items including the letter I would like the BOS to send to the TMLWP for a written report.

We will most likely discuss warrant article requests by BOS members for the Special town Meeting scheduled November 15th. I have submitted two articles for consideration, both by-law changes:

The Town Clerk shall ensure that all public meetings of public bodies in the Town of Templeton will be posted to the to the Town of Templeton website in a timely manner. (I think we can word it to amend By-Law Article XLV  - posting of Warrants and By-laws) or we can amend Article II section 18 or 19.

The tax collector will annually post a list of all taxpayers who owe the town more than $50 in back taxes to the town website.
(add to article VIII - Records and Reports or add to Article XLV)

Mr. Bennett sent this warrant article for consideration:

Article one: Shall the town accept the DOR financial review of the town of Templeton
 submitted by selectmen Bennett

I also suggested submitting an article to pay K&P for the cost overruns last year. While I don’t personally support such an article and will vote against it, I think it is appropriate to have the citizens of Templeton discuss the payment of these invoices for legal services from the past fiscal year.

Julie Farrell…Hope to see you there!


  1. could someone please tell me why Pat Mullins and Virginia were sitting talking in Virginia's car after the last selectmen's meeting. Plotting???? having and affair????
    Just wondering

  2. they say two heads are better than one....nah, can't be it

    1. This is one of the meetings you do not want to miss! All of these issues need to be taken care of. This is your town! the Light and Water Dept. should not make any share holder hunt for the meeting dates. They have a responsability, to answer to the selectman. They may not like it, but that is the way it is. The tax collector has to much money on the books. If that money had been collected, we would not have had to cut the hours of the people working for the town. Try to make the meeting tonight. Bev

  3. Is 690 Patriots Road going to accomodate everyone safely with no capacity overload?

  4. Kudos to the BOS for accepting the 2009 DOR report. It only took 3 years and a few new selectmen in order for this to happen. Now lets hope they will take the suggestions seriously and encourage discussion and implementation.

    1. Things were tight tonight. Not any empty seats, and a few people standing in the hall. I feel we got more accomplised tonight, than we have in a year. I must admit, it was like pulling teeth, and for awhile Chris looked like he did not know where to put himself. It was like he needed to have some one tell him what to do, when it came down to accepting the DOR report. Well, it got to a point that he had to put it up to a vote. Accepting the DOR report did pass. It is interesting that he did not vote, at all, one way or the other. It seemed kind of a no brainer, to accept that report. We are acting on more than one of its recomendations already. Thank you to every one who came tonight. It shows that we still care, and we are still keeping track of what goes on. Bev.

  5. So, let me understand this...there will not be one letter sent to L&W requesting data...there will be 2 letters. Why 2 letters? So, they won't feel picked on. I just want to understand how requesting data and an update on the multiple water main breaks is picking on a department? This town is in deep doo doo. We need accountability. Its nothing personal. Has the L&W dept operated with autonomy for so long they've forgotten how to work with others and that they are one cog in a much larger machine? Why is it that in every other part of town government, there has been progress made, people working together for a common goal, and more financial responsibility and transparency exercized...yet there is this struggle with the L&W dept, a strained relationship that has been around for years and is still continuing even with a new BOS? Can we please leave the personal ego out of this and get to the business of the town? Neither the Advisory Board nor the BOS want to change any rules or rates of the L&W. They only want to see the finances--as they have asked of every other dept and committee in town. Lets stop playing into the little game of "wah!" and pull up our big boy pants and do some grown up math.

    1. I agree with you. I think most of us in the cheap{cheep seats}, feel the same way. Ok, so lets "play nice" and see what happens. Nothing happens, and the crew in the cheap seets, can and will raise some hell. Poor Mr. Driscoll, Virginia, thinks we are picking on him. I think the way he treated us, was pretty bad. Reality, is that there needs to be a investigation of the Water Dept., and how the money is handeled. One of the people in our group was upset because some one was critical of Greg Edwards, and wrote so in a blog. I do not know this man, and what I said, is " We do not filter what is put on the blog. Every one has a opinion, take it or leave it." All I know, is I have not been impressed with how these departments have been run. What bothers me the most is their attitude toward shareing the information that we as tax payers should have. We will play this game, for now. If we do not get what we need, we will be more verbal. This is not rolling over. That we will not do. My opinion, Bev.

  6. Can someone explain how the sewer dept is run differently than the light and water dept? I know the sewer dept is run by an enterprise program. Is the light and water dept run the same way? I know that the town approves expenditures that the sewer dept makes at town meeting. If the light and water is set up the same way, how come those expenditures don't come up at town meeting?

    1. This is a very, very qood question!! This is one of the questions, that need answering! Sit back and see if we get a answer. Bev.
