Tuesday, October 16, 2012

DOR Financial Management Review

For those of you who may be interested, I have an electronic version of the DOR review.

You can also view it at this address.

I think it makes for interesting reading and has many worthwhile suggestions to improve town government. I voted to have the review performed and I voted to accept the report.

This is not a “Hatfield/McCoy” situation. It is a situation where people were financially mismanaging the town to the brink of bankruptcy. I believe this mismanagement was deliberate.

If you care about this town, please sign the citizen petition calling for an investigation into problems like 252 Baldwinville Rd. Petitions are available at CO&S garage. If you would like to sign the petition, please contact:

Julie Farrell
24 Myrtle St.
Baldwinville. MA 01436
978-939-2501 home
978-340-2503 mobile


  1. Every citizen in town should have a copy of this report in their hands. If you know someone who doesn't have a computer, please print one out for them. This report from the state are suggestions for how to improve the operations of Templeton. Why was this report not accepted by the BOS back in 2009-2010? It makes no rational sense. So, the only other reason left is because of personal agendas. Previous BOS members screwed you and this town for their own personal vendettas.

    All of these suggestions in this state report are the same suggestions that the Advisory Board came up with in their independent analysis over the last several months. Why are they the same? Because they are rational, logical, business-oriented suggestions. Please keep this in mind next spring when it comes time to elect a new selectman. DO NOT vote for anyone who previously sat on the BOS and rejected this report. The town is in this critical state now because of these people...the people who rejected these suggestions. Please take responsibility for your community and your own money and pay attention to the serious issues that our town faces. Be a part of the solution. Do not turn away at a time when your vote and your opinion matters so much.

    By the way, Ms. Farrell made a motion at last night's meeting to accept this report (yet again 2 years later) and AGAIN no one seconded the motion. I nearly fell out of my seat witnessing this in person. Whether you believe what you read on this blog or not, come find out for yourself who is engaging in facts and who is not. Believe me, it will be clear. The apathy has to end.

  2. It would seem the previous selectmen would not embrace the DOR report. To put this plan in effect, would have undermined the control, they needed ,to drag the town to the point it is at now. Part of the blame, has to fall on the poor reporting we have had by the local news paper. A lack of objective reporting, has caused the growth of Paulys' Templeton Watch. The Blog, has proven to be the only fair, and truthfull way to know what is going on in the town. It is very unfair, that Julie has had to stand alone, for too long, especially when she was right all the time. She is not alone any more. Bev.

  3. I just read this report. Its very interesting that it suggests entering into a formal payment schedule agreement with the PILOT program with L&W dept. What's the deal with the refusal to do this? I believe many have suggested this over the last several years.

  4. I hereby second Bev's idea and I think she should be in charge of the copy machine. No one else but Bev should have any part in copying these materials and getting them out to the people...If we could, we might gather as one body at Templeton Center and give her a bullhorn and a soapbox to stand upon, and she might read the same while she passes out copies to every citizen and stranger interested in joining in the fun!
    Inasmuch as it completely cancels out the BOS both old and new and their employment, control or witness is negated, I am all for it. Next on the chopping block should be the State's COA and Housing Authorities/Social Services, Mental Health Dept., etc. and all such branches that died almost as soon as they were grafted in back in the seventies/sixties and are only kept alive by destroying the hopes of a new generation and frustrating their chances at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, sucking their very lifeblood from their bodies through their eyeballs as they try to figure out what in all of goodness sake's name all the forms and paper shuffling/pushing 'We The People" do is all about..As long as they can find an honest soul left in the world to be the town administrator. It could conceivably work. But I have my doubts as to whether or not an honest man remains on the face of the earth, much less in Templeton...
    Mazel tov!

    1. BdG, now what idea did I have? I will say, it would be nice if someone had enough money to give the people in the town, the information they need, not just to be able to vote, but to really know how their money is spent. But, unless I win the lottery, we will do the best we can. I am not the only person rowing the boat. I am not the only one trying to make things better. There are alot of honest people in Templeton. Why do you think we are in the mess we are in today? A honest person, would never believe, that the people they voted for in our town, would betray them! Just because you have one bad apple in the bag, does not make them all bad. The difference between a good selectman and a bad one is very simple. Who or why are the there for? If they are there, to make the town a better place to live, to make the town run efficiently, that is fine. If a person runs for selectman just to take up space, offering very little to the discussion or runs to stop progress,or to get personal gain that is where problems start. I have alot of faith in the people in this town. I have my roots here. My family has been here for four generations. I am not going any where. Bev

  5. well now people of Templeton know who is and who is not in their corner. I am sorry I can not be there to vote on those things. Accepting that report should be a no brainer. Accepting it does not mean you have to follow every single suggestion, it just means you take the report on face value and look at each suggestion. You are then free to vote it forward, study it, check what has worked for others etc. Templeton taxpayers now know that chris stewart, virginia wilder and pat mullens do not have the best interest of Templeton in mind when they are sitting at the selectmen table. Time to put a citizens petition on the spring annual town meeting to accept that report and to hell with the selectmen, if they are not going to work for you. Time to choose a couple of camdidates for the May elections. Hopefully I will be back by then.
