Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A different reason to be thankful this Thanksgiving

A different reason to be thankful this Thanksgiving

While I am several time zones away, I would like to take a moment to thank the citizens of Templeton for simply standing up and saying they want their government audited. To me, that is what the investigation that was recently voted for at town meeting is. It is quite simply an audit of the way government business, the peoples business, has been conducted for a number of years. Part of this process has already been done a few years back, it was/is called the DOR financial review and yes it also looked at some of the political dynamics within Templeton and how they have or could have affected the town's financial picture. Why would our representatives not vote for that? Why would Chris Stewart say an audit of how business has been done in Templeton for X number of years could bring discredit to Templeton?
Does Mr. Stewart feel the annual audit of the town's bookkeeping processes brings discredit to the town Each year there are things talked about in the audit that are wrong, potentially damaging things and questionable business practices, such as having the same person doing billing and collections at sewer. It does not comment on the performance of the person doing the job, it rather points out the lack of checks and balances and the potential for problems if a dishonest person was to be in that position. Does anyone recall what happened in the town of Barre? Financial audits do not bring a lack of respect nor do they bring discredit, they simply are a way to let you know the shape of your finances and if there are better ways to do business, taxpayers spend about 25K ($25,000.00) per year for that. So why would Chris Stewart and Virginia Wilder be against an audit of how town business has been conducted for say the past 10 years or 20 years or how any particular case was handled? How could any selectmen be against having the way do the peoples business looked at? Are they against possible improvements? Remember that there are investigations done regularly on how open meetings are conducted and sometimes things are found to have been done wrong and we are told how to correct them and that training is available so it does not continue to happen over and over again, so the peoples business is done openly, honestly and fairly and more importantly, correctly. Are Mr. Stewart and Ms. Wilder against that? What if it is found that some things have been done incorrectly and Templeton taxpayers are owed thousands or millions of dollars? Would Mr. Stewart and Ms. Wilder be against that? What about Mr. Mullins, who said during candidates night last year that taxpayers need to step up and vote for a tax increase. Does Mr. Mullins think the selectmen should step up and get the town's business looked over to ensure the taxpayers were not cheated by the selectmen or big business? How could these three selectmen be against this process? Unless they wish to protect a few "close dear friends and in-laws" Along with all that is going on and needs to happen, it is my opinion that taxpayers need to ask selectmen some questions and get some answers on the record prior to any elections in May. I think I made it pretty clear how I feel about taxpayers money when I pushed for the eliminationof all elected salaries. It is my belief that one cannot in good conscience stand there before the people and tell them there is a financial crisis then hold out your hand to ask for "your" money then tell them by the way, since there is a shortage of cash, some of your employees have to get less and we have to cut some of your services. I believe in leading from the front and I wish Templeton selectmen had a chairman who would do the same. Have the business process looked at by independent eyes, have financial transactions looked at, have legal doings looked over and ensure everything will and has been done to the benefit of the taxpayers and their monies. If it has not, hold people accountable and perhaps try to get some relief through the courts. A time consuming and long process to be sure, but the people deserve it and I thought that is part of why you run for office. How can Stewart, Wilder and Mullins be against this? Don't want to stand up and be counted, then perhaps it is time to be voted out by either regular election or recall.

I hope everyone has or had a very Happy and safe Thanksgiving
Jeffrey Bennett


    anonymous 25

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Selectman Bennet
    Hope that your able to enjoy a good safe Turkey dinner.Your one day "closer" ,that you'll be back in The new Templeton with us! Hope the survival kit got/gets there soon!
    Thanks for your services!
    Dave Smart

    1. Jeff, I don't have to tell you, we all miss you. You would have proud of how every one stood up, and the vote went through to get our investigation started. We still have a ton of work to do. Hope you make the best of Thanksgiving with your crew. You know, I think when I stand up at the Special Town Meeting, how lucky we are to be able to stand and say what we think! It is a true blessing. I hope one day the girls and women in Afganastan will be able to do the same thing, with out fear of being beaten or being killed. Bev
