Wednesday, November 28, 2012

  • Attached Minutes‏

To 'Dave Symonds', 'George Andrews', 'Janet Haley', 'Justin Duplessis', 'Paul Cosentino'
From:Templeton Conservation (
Sent:Mon 11/26/12 8:43 AM
To: 'Dave Symonds' (; 'George Andrews' (; 'Janet Haley' (; 'Justin Duplessis' (; 'Paul Cosentino' (

Attached are the minutes from the November 19thmeeting, which George has approved. You will receive an Agenda for our next meeting within a couple of weeks, which is scheduled for December 17th. Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!

click here for the minutes


  1. "Pauly Was Right"...a headline you will NEVER see in TGN. However, its 100% true. Proof on paper. Supported by the Advisory Board. Think the BOS will ever comment on the ConComm scandal? Doubt it. New blood is needed on the BOS. Please, I hope good, honest people will run in May.

  2. Here is a questions for everyone Why is Paul Cosentino still a member of the conservation commission being as sick as he is, is he still able to attend all meetings. Wasn't He also suppose to attend a class and pass a test by state requirements to continue his seat on the board, does he fight to keep his seat due to the fact of his major wetland violations no set backs as required by state codes, is he part of the concom scandal that you speak of better check into this situation to.I think I agree with Bev on her comments that it is time for a change a complete change with lots of members on many boards not just selectman but many other members need to be changed out too. I agree with you Bev this town needs lots of changes. Also how are the xmas tree sales been good i hope , i really love the tree that you sold me.

    1. I doubt that I sold you a tree. I havn't sold a tree all season, so quit with the bs. You are looking for a arguement, I am not going to waste my time. Bev.

  3. Let me address a couple of things, Pauly could take part in meetinss remotely, second, there are rules to remove appointed people as in selectment appointing mebers to the con com. I have seen inspection reports on Paulys operation, no violations found. Several times. Those classes of which you speak are recommended, not required. That was covered at a selectmens meeting a dew years back where a number of con oom members showed up and tried to get Pauly not reappointed and one of the reasons given was failure to do those classes. If you check, you will see that there is no ryme or reason to the order as in the ame class may be give several times in one year and to add to that, you may want to see who was signing people up for those classes, chairman of con com perhaps? Remeber also that former con com chairman shaun grimley tried to get a legal opinion to keep Pauly from taking part in an executive session because Pauly did not see things the same way as a majority of the other members. Lastly, where did you see mention of wrongdoings by current chair of con com george andrews? justsome thoughts from a selectmen who puts his name to things he writes.

  4. I am sorry Jeff I forgot you are experienced at everything and an expert of nothing so you would be able to tell when anyone had violations. I did not know you had an enviromental engineering degree, whether there is violataions or not you cannot act on them when you are on the take. also all boards need some change including but not limited to conservation commission especially those that can not fully function and attend meetings also I do not agree with remote meetings you can not get the full effect and hear all concerns from residents clearly. just my opinion from a long time concerned resident.

  5. Dear Anonymous 10:12

    Well done whatever stooge of GS you happen to be.

    On the take? Can't do any better than that? Nervous about the passage of Article 8? Are you on the take? I've got reams of documents left to post to the blog. Is that why you don't sign your name?

    Whether you agree with remote participation or not, the BOS adopted it so it is in effect for every board, committee, commission in town.

    Also, a long time concerned resident.

    Julie Farrell

  6. First off anonymous, if you wish to accuse me of being on the take, please have some moxie and blog under your name. Secondly I can read and the selectmen did vote to accept remote participation. What I stated about those classes is available for you or anyone else to check, please take the time to do so. On remote participation, it is lawful so until the law is changed, you may not like it but it is one avenue to use. I believe being ill long term is one of the reasons to use remote meeting status but please do not take my word for it, check for your self. You may have me confused with another selectmen, I never clsimed to be an environmental engineer, I just claim to be able to read and use e-mail and a phone to ask questions and get information, you may wish to try it sometime. If you think I am on the take by Paul Cosentino sr. you may wish to inquire about how he felt when I voted to reappoint shaun grimley to the con com. I do not personally like shaun and I do not think he acted in the best interest of Templeton (taxpayers) while he served on the con com and affordable housing coordinator but I did not let my personal feelings towards him sway my vote for his reappointment. As for Julie Farrell and I being one voice or on the take together or just a "motion and second" duo, perhaps you should ask her if you can read some of the many letters to the editor I wrote about her and her husband Pete. We just happen to agree on transparency in town government and a fair shake for the taxpayer. You can look at any dvd of selectmen meetings since I was elected (twice - just a little humor there) I believe if you watch the dvd of my first meeting, you will see there was more than a few taxpayers who thought I should do one thing and I explained I did not want to use their time argueing about an election or in what order we did things at a selectmen meeting. I agreed with Bob Columbus to wait to motion for board reorganization under new business so we could get the people's business done first and in a timely manner. One taxpayer after the meeting told me that was a classy move, I thanked them and explained I was trying to change the perception of selectmen meetings. I decided to run to try and make a difference and if you fast forward to right after the recall, you will see that Mr. Columbus and I did not agree on much as I was for the people and he was for his friends. Do not take my word for it, watch the dvds and be objective. Mr. Columbus worked to fire new town coordinator in the latter part of fiscal year, voted to fire town council in the middle of the month, costing taxpayers a minimum of an extra five thousand dollars and worked hard to bring his friend carol skelton back to office. Want to see the e-mails and changes to town meeting warrant articles done by ms skelton after they were voted on by the BOS. Please do some reseach before saying I am on the take. And as tempting as it was, I did not call you an echo hill stooge, but I hope the koolaid had ice in it

  7. Dear Anonymous - do you know that the DEP checks out all the junkyards in Templeton on a regular basis? and if you are talking set backs from the highway why don't you check into Pauly's original license the then concom and the DEP ordereed him to be closer to the road. and lets see would I rather have a person on the concom who is sick and missing a few meetings or have a chairman that lost his nursing license back in the 70's for beating up mental patients at the Garnder State Hosp. and then when he finally got his license back in 30 years latter he lost it permenently for beating up nursing home patients. all documented in the archives of the Gardner snooz. ask Pat Meunier why George A was never allowed in Pat's Farm Stand. (pervert)or maybe we should put JoAnn Burdin back on so she can take whatever money is left in the budget at the end of the year like she did in 2003. $1,400.00. Or she can harrass a landowner (Crowhill motorsports) until he gets smart and hires her husband to do trucking for him and the the concom then leaves him alone.
    Also a long time resident

  8. Well, it looks like some one needs to do their homework if they are going to run off at the mouth or blog alot of things that are biased or untrue. It looks like Jeff and Julie and a few others put you in your place. I think you need to use youe name if you want to be considered the least bit believable. Even then, it wold be a long stretch. I think you need to rethink your positions on many issues. Maybe Jeff can take you under his wing, when he gets back, and show you how much work it takes to be a real, good, selectman. Oh well, I think that would be over your head. Bev.

  9. Bev if you are so unhappy on how things are in town then jump on your broom and move out of town! that is always an option for you.
