Thursday, November 1, 2012

Be inspired to participate!

Survived Halloween. I ran out of candy! I never run out of candy. The weather was just right…much better than the snow last year! It’s a lot of fun to see the kids dressed up.

So, are you ready to participate? The election is Tuesday November, 6 2012. It looks like the weather will cooperate. I am ready to vote. I’ve looked over the ballot questions. I know which candidates I support and will vote for.

Please take time out to vote on Tuesday. I’ll be working on contact information if you need a ride to the polls.

The voting location has changed from the Narragansett Middle school gym to the Narragansett High school gym. I will check with the town clerk to see if there will be police officers to help direct traffic. In other countries, Election day is a holiday. Go figure!

Be inspired to participate!

Julie Farrell


  1. There are a couple of ways to look at election day, one is that you will not have to be bombarded with all those awfull adds. Another is you have the great opertunity to choose who will run our country for the next four years. Alot of people have died so we can do this. Vote for who ever you feel will do the best job! Whatever you do, please vote. Bev

    1. Paul Cosentino Is going to be my write in Vote for President . LOL
