Saturday, November 24, 2012

This weeks Meeting

Upcoming Meeting 
Agenda for the Senior Center Oversight Committee 11/21/12 Meeting
Agenda for the Board of Assessors 11/26/12 Meeting
Agenda for the Advisory Board 11/27/12 Meeting
Agenda for the Planning Board 11/27/12 Meeting
Agenda for the Personnel Board 11/28/12 Meeting

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and a successful Black Friday!!!!


  1. It is to bad that the Planning Bd and the Advisory Bd. are having a meeting at the same time Tuesday night. Not to shoot the Planning Bd in the legs, but the Advisory Bd. meeting should prove to be very interesting. Remember when Pauly got in hot water because he felt the Conservation Agent was over paid, and no one would listen to him?? Well, Mr. Spring has taken a good look at that problem. If you look at the adjenda, it looks like the A.B, is going to prepare a report, of Con Com agent payroll data FY08-12. They will also come to a conclusion and want to make recommendations to be presented to the Select Board. Well I can tell you, this has been a long time coming. This is a huge undertaking, and I give Mr. Spring all the credit in the world, for doing what is right. If we had just enough people who knew the difference between right and wrong, our town would not be in the mess it is in right now. It is going to be a up hill fight to get us on a solid ground, but with the support of people like Will, and the other people on the A.B., we will be alright. My opinion, Bev.

    1. Bev Just so you know the planning board has always met on Tuesday nights . Unlike the advisory boarsd who hasnt had a solid schedule in years .Im sure nobody will know the difference as the planning board meetings hardly ever have anyone there that doesnt have to be . But just so you know ,I have already decided ON MY OWN . to cancel the meeting , do to the fact we have a small agenda .

    2. Thank you Kirk for rescheduling your meeting. It's good to be adaptable.

      I plan on attending the Advisory Board meeting. I have a conflict on Wednesday. I am on the Personnel Board and the Senior Center committee. I will attend the senior Center meeting because we need to get that building secured for winter. I will try to make it to the personnel board meeting after that. Sometimes that is the best you can do!

      The tree lighting is Dec 2nd. Starts at 4:30 in Otter river.

      I believe there will be an explanation forthcoming about the payroll problem. stay tuned!

  2. When is the Tree lightings? and what is this about some of the town employees not getting paid last week? Hey Dave Smart did you get paid?

  3. Yes i did!
    The problem was with autodeposit people only!
    System glitch?
    Glad I did not have autodeposit this week!
    Dave Smart

    1. system glitch after all these years. and Dave you better make sure that check was good.

  4. Sometimes it happens with several boards having a meeting on the same day and time, I have seen it with 2 boards showing up at the same place& time for a meeting. It really is upto the chair of each board to be aware of this. The planning Board has generally met on Tuesdays for along time at pretty much the same time just like the select board. It is one of those things that happens sometime. Usually people pick which one has meaning to them and that is the one they go to.
