Monday, December 31, 2012

  • for the blog‏

response when I asked for help into looking into election procedures in Templeton - notice "ethically prohibited from getting involved" say what?
Jeff Bennett

From: "Anne - Rep. Gobi (HOU)"
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2011 6:42:55 PM
Subject: election

Phil forwarded the email to me that you sent him. Phil will be out for a few days he is at the hospital and will be a father for the first time soon. What you went through must be very disappointing and I read in the paper that you plan to request a recount. I am ethically prohibited from getting involved but I am sure your attorney will take all appropriate actions and raise any questions/objections during the recount procedure.
Take care
Anne Gobi


  1. I think "ethically prohibited" means any politician is not getting involved, or stepping on toes. So sorry kid you are on your own! Once things work their way out, so she{or they} know the good guys from the bad guys, then you may get some attention. Of course it also depends on how much money you or your group has donated their their political cause. I doubt Anne Gobi remembers even sending that letter. It looks like we all have to fend for ourselves. Bev.

  2. Had to wait for the outcome of the recount before any help would be forthcoming...

    why ethically prohibited to give out information on how to file a complaint about election procedures? How do you file a complaint about election procedures?

    1. Maybe it never dawned on her, who knows. Guess I will have to ask her. Maybe it is because sometimes people don't think, or maybe Ms. Gobi doesn't know her self. Gee, It isn't everyday that a election is messed with, only in Templeton, was that done once before. When Gladys got beat by Dana Putnam. The envelope from Baldwinville was opened, before it came out of the safe in the Town Clerk's office. Back then we were to dumb to have a lawyer with us. I will never forget Emil coming out of the safe trying to get the envelope to stick together. "Oh, my God, look at that". I will never forget my words, and the lesson we learned that day. If you are going to run, win by so much, no one will try to screw with you. I think as time has gone on, we all have learned some lessons. The most valuable is that the people in this town do not like to be made fools of. You may fool them once, then you are gone. Do you think that GS and Bubba have figured that one out yet? I do not know how they manage to live in this town. It will become more difficult when people get their tax bill and find out why it has gone up. More money gone with nothing to show for it!! Way to go! Bev. Hey, this year is almost over! Thank God!
