Thursday, December 13, 2012

this blog

This blog was created to bring wrong doing in this town to light. To put the open back in open government. and to allow anyone to voice their opinions and ask questions about things. Unlike the Gardner News that would not print My letters to the editor or Jeff Bennett's. Hell TGN wouldn't even put ads we were willing to pay to put in. and of course they would print only one side of the story.

I do not edit or delete any comments. I do understand people wanting to be anonymous. I can tell you stories about people trying to stop me.

I will admit that I have asked Pete F to keep some things on his own website. Woo boy if I didn't know better I would think he sometimes drinks that fluoridated water hee-hee-hee - just kidding Pete.

So if it you want to call us names fine. I dare you to call it to my face, hee-hee-hee.

And as far as facts go - want to see my kitchen table with all the wrongdoings "on paper". Julie has done a good job at posting the videos of meetings - many of us can't make the meetings or don't have cable or aren't home to watch when it is on. She has also posted all the documents "on paper" to back up issues she talks about. She lets us know what has happened at meetings etc.

In my opinion - get it - my opinion Jeff B know what's happening from Afganistan better than some other selectmen. hee-hee-hee

So there you have it - if you don't like my blog don't read it. If you want to be informed about whats happening - please keep reading. and to all that comment - thanks.

Thanks for reading my opinions - Pauly


  1. There could be permanent brain damage from past fluoride exposure but for the last two and one half years I have tried to avoid fluoride where ever it may be. Hopefully this avoidance behavior of fluoride will limit the neurological effects. It is good to have a platform like Paulys Templeton Watch to make people aware of the health problems associated with fluoride. Keep up the good work Pauly.

  2. Hi Pauly!
    I love this blog. It's a great place to hash out issues about town politics. No one is forced to read it. I do a lot of research to back up my positions and statements. I've got a ton of documents left that need to be uploaded. I get most of this work done on vacations and in the morning before work.

    The blog provides an important source of local news and information...sometimes misinformation. The misinformation is usually corrected before too long. You can't make a good decision with faulty information. It is always wise to verify everything you read or hear about, not just for the blog, but everything for every source.

    I've read over the citizen petition to have the BOS run the light and water. I think the fact that the manager of light and water has been " reluctant" , not forthcoming with information is very troubling. I do support the concept of a DPW, but it need s to analyzed and studied. Can't do an analysis or a study if the keepers of the public records withhold information.

    I believe the town is running out of time to find solutions to our financial crisis. Years of mismanagement have created this crisis. Doing nothing is not an option. Should light department be sold off? Won't know until you do an analysis. should a DPW be formed? Won't know until you do an analysis. Can't do an analysis because light and water manager won't release information. What alternatives do we have ? A citizens petition.

    Without Pauly's blog very few people would know about the citizen petition. Thank you again Pauly for providing this forum for public discussion.


    1. Some one wrote a blog and said we were selfish people. I know how hard Julie works to make sure we have facts to back up what she puts on the blog. Not too many know Julie gets up at 4:00 in the morning to post the material we need to make good decisions. After that is done she goes to work, attends meetings at night, some times two or three in a week. I am going to say one thing, she is not a selfish person. Julie does these things with no pay, because like the rest of us, she believes in doing things right and expects other people to do the same. I value the people in C4T, and all of the others who don't really go to our meetings, but I know they are always there. Paulys Blog has been a life saver for the Town of Templeton. I admire this man who had the courage to stand up for what he felt was right. It has made a huge difference in how people view the town, and has driven good people to get involved. If anyone thinks this is selfish, I don't care. You need to rethink your position. This is my opinion, Bev

    2. Good points, Bev. I second that about, Julie! She is the least selfish person in all this. The selfishness lies in those entities that she has been trying to get to come forward with information that the taxpayers, rate payers & everyone else in town has a right to know about. I believe these facts, when uncovered, will show how the truly selfish people got us into this mess in the first place. I can't thank Mrs. Farrell enough for all her hard work & integrity. And the others who have stood by her & supported the grueling process, I also applaud. If we did not have Pauly's blog none of this would have come out in the local snooze paper, that's for sure. Thanks to all of you who are working so diligently on this nightmare that the really selfish people caused. It appears that a few dept. heads gave NO thought to the rest of the town & the impact their betrayal of trust, abuse of power, & mismanagement would have, years down the road, on everyone who lives here. Well, we are nearing the end of that road now & if we don't do all the suggestions that Mrs. Farrell & others have suggested we are going into state receivership because of the inappropriate (if not truly criminal) actions of a few. We have our own fiscal cliff right here. I hope there is that Atty. General's investigation soon to sort this debacle out. In my opinion, if there has not been actual embezzlement in a certain few depts., I think they might be bordering on something very close. Maybe that is why they are withholding the requested info. No accusation, just a thought. If there was & is no malice anywhere, there should be no problem releasing ALL Public records! If there has been any type of fraud or misuse of taxpayers, rate payers monies, then there should be severe consequences to the fullest extent of the law to those responsible for taking us to the edge of that cliff. And these are all my opinions. Enough is enough. Move over Bernie for some new roommates!!

  3. Hey Pauly- I want you to know how important this blog is to me. I started watching the BOS meetings on cable back when they began airing them. I tried to understand the inner workings of Templeton government based on watching these meetings. I tried to figure out who each "character" was and what all the conflicts were. I didn't know many people in town. But, I could tell simply by watching the meetings that there were definitely good people and bad people calling the shots. Yet, I still didn't know the stories behind it all. At first I bought TGN hoping it would give me more info on the town I moved to. Unfortunately, no real news satisfied my needs. Plus, the majority of the paper was syndicated and I didn't care for that part. The town website had no info on it that helped. A year and a half ago, I was googling Templeton to see if I could find out more info on some of the issues. I stumbled on to your blog. It was amazing! Finally, someone was telling the back stories behind all the political mess. Finally, I understood who was truly working for the town and who was screwing the town. Now, I did understand that I was reading one person's point of view. But, the more I understood about the back stories, the more I could fact check and realized Pauly was truthful in his words. I was hooked. I was so thankful when more and more people began reading it too and commenting. Now Pauly's Blog was a place to hear all sorts of people's point of views. And what was even better...2 selectmen were actually engaging with the citizens on the bog! That was great. If someone had a question or comment, here was a place for them to respond. Pauly, you have done an amazing thing with your blog. You have created a new form of communication for citizens to use. You gave history to the issues that one could not find anywhere else. More importantly, you inspired so many citizens to pay attention to their town government and become active in participating. I admire your determination and courage to speak out. I am proud that you have activated sooo many more people to speak out and participate. Thank you for what you have created. I know not everyone appreciates you in the same way. Mostly because you put an end to them screwing the town. Believe me when I say you have a lot of people that have your back. Treat every insult that stupid people write on here as a compliment as you've gotten under their skin and they cannot defend their actions. The only thing they know to do is to hurl insults. The more insults you get, the more your blog is working. You have a finger on their nerves. Please keep up the good work with the Blog. Not everyone will like or agree with what is written here but at least now we have a new form of communication to use. Hopefully with more and more discussions on hot topic issues, we can all figure out good solutions together and re-establish our great community here in Templeton.

    1. I agree with every thing you and Isteach has said. I also am so greatfull that we have this blog. I told Pauly "he is one of the most important people we have had in this town in the past 250 years." Never mind the nasty remarks, I admire this man, very much. He is loyal to his friends, and not afraid to stand up for what he thinks is right. The night I went to the selectmans meeting to stand up for Pauly because he had gotten in hot water about his "going postal" remarks, I never would have dreamed, where that night would take us. But here we are, with huge debt, a ton of money spent, with nothing to show for it. Oh My goodness, the old yankee people who would agonize over spending a few dollars at town meeting, would have had heart failure, if they could see where we are today. We will get through this, it is not going to be easy, but we will get there. What is most important, is that the school department and the Light guys, get the message. We need to pull together, there is no room for the good old boys network. The school also needs to face reality, don't tell us that you need all kinds of money, if you are sitting on a bundle, tucked away in some account. I am also very proud of the people who have spoken up about the issues we are faceing. We need every ones ideas about the future of our town. I have said it more than once, please attend the town meetings we have. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Just being there is very important. You know, one of the most important people in keeping this blog going is Sue. She does all the work when e-mails need to be posted on the blog. She also has one of the best run departments in town, Thank goodness for that. No one said it will be easy, but it will come out in the wash. This is my opinion, Bev
