Saturday, December 22, 2012

Time out for Christmas‏

Well guys, Time has come for everyone to buckle down and get those last minute gifts, wrap the presents, trim the tree, {so I am a little bit late} and have one peaceful night. Time to enjoy family and friends. If you have any little kids in the family, that makes it so special. I can't tell you guys how much I think of you all. Yes you guys, the ones that do not agree. You are on the blog because you care what happens to this little town, even if you see things in a different way. Gladys's stone is decorated for the winter, so that job is done. That stone is more than a tribute to a wonderful woman, it is a reminder of a woman who believed in doing things right, and standing up for those who can't stand up for them selves. She loved her kids in school. She made them believe in them selves. Gladys set a standard for women in town government, she broke the ground as the first woman selectman in this little town, a fact she was very proud of. Christmas was her time of year, she started shopping in the spring. The things that we have gone through, will go down in history, as the hardest time this town has ever seen. It is my hope that we will take care of Article 8, in the spring, and pick up the pieces of our town government, and go forward. I will look forward to a new year, a fresh start, what could be better than that. Bev


  1. Ok,Just because I have about 1 oz. of Christmas Spirit, Don't screw it up by being nasty to the other people that read and comment on this blog. I think we need to agree to disagree. Got that! You want to dump on Bud or Kirk fine, do it to their face! If you do not have the courage, then keep your comments to your self. Pauly does not stop people from commenting on most any subject. It is called freedom of speech, but there are times some of you guys go over the top. So lets try to be civil, you never know when you might need a friend. Bev.
