Saturday, January 26, 2013

For your viewing pleasure..... light Dept letter

Thanks Dave for sharing this letter from the light dept.

Now that that's been said! I didn't want to start anything myself BUT,you know me AND i quote Mr. Driscoll and have it on tape, In 2009 we charged a minimum charge of 4.00 and changed it to a "customer" charge for all customers to pay every time they get billed. As Mr. driscoll adds up all the stuff to make this smell better it seems to me the income at TMLWP went up enough to pay all the pilot and then also a raise for the management too, the fact is in the eyes of the beholder. Read it and believe it. 4.00 minimum charge for camps and summer homes would be maybe 300-600 bills times 6 months total 14,000. of the 168,000 for new income when the change occurred in 2009 still 154,000 extra charged to the ratepayers 154,000 x 3 years =462,000 new income billed for us being customers, now how will you vote!
I knew when i asked about the 4.00 charge i hit the nerve and that meeting was not a warm feeling type of meeting like they are now. He is on tape and owns this as we can say now there should be more in the pilot and we can prove the money came from us, over and over. There's more that has not been brought out and will be,when the camera is rolling for the full length of meeting. My question is what did our money buy? Pension,fleet,raises,more office equipment, windmills,power lines to seaman paper mill, lines to seaman's power plant? why in 2009 did we all get zapped 48.00 per year to be customers, and why should it be ok now to lower it to only 36.00 . Were still getting screwed out of the 36.00. what part of the pilot formula changed in 2009 that added for the extra charge to us? "0" Someone help me with my calculator it seems to be smoking a bit!As the board stated at other meetings if the pilot payment increases the rate payers will be charged more to make up for it! Well we did but they haven't! Time to ask why the commissioners did not see this one for us. The pilot is a pivotal point of interest for us to dwell on and that part of TMLWP is what is broken the most.
You can't make this up I "quoted" Mr.Driscoll
Dave Smart


  1. I do not know about you guys, but I think this figures are a little more than padded. It looks like they had to drum up enough costs to justify the price they have been charging us. I do not understand why else they included the General Manager, and the Light Superintendent? It would seem to me, that the people that have a direct position, like the Meter Tech, Clerk, and maybe the staff accountant, could be included. If the Light Company has the Meter Tech read the meters, then the Clerk would send the information in to the billing company, I could see the Office Manager over seeing the job if there were problems. It seems like these people should be able to get the job done! I doubt the General Manager has much to do with the day to day running of this department, unless he does not trust his help, and he has to have his fingers in everything that goes on. The office expense looks a bit bloated. They are sending this information out to be processed, so what is the $33,330. for? It is too bad but at this point I do not trust much of anything they say! My opinion, Bev.

  2. Now that that's been said! I didn't want to start anything myself BUT,you know me AND i quote Mr. Driscoll and have it on tape, In 2009 we charged a minimum charge of 4.00 and changed it to a "customer" charge for all customers to pay every time they get billed. As Mr. driscoll adds up all the stuff to make this smell better it seems to me the income at TMLWP went up enough to pay all the pilot and then also a raise for the management too, the fact is in the eyes of the beholder. Read it and believe it. 4.00 minimum charge for camps and summer homes would be maybe 300-600 bills times 6 months total 14,000. of the 168,000 for new income when the change ocoured in 2009 still 154,000 extra charged to the ratepayers 154,000 x 3 years =462,000 new income billed for us being customers, now how will you vote!
    I knew when i asked about the 4.00 charge i hit the nerve and that meeting was not a warm feeling type of meeting like they are now. He is on tape and owns this as we can say now there should be more in the pilot and we can prove the money came from us, over and over. There's more that has not been brought out and will be,when the camera is rolling for the full length of meeting. My question is what did our money buy? Pension,fleet,raises,more office equipment, windmills,power lines to seaman paper mill, lines to seaman's power plant? why in 2009 did we all get zapped 48.00 per year to be customers, and why should it be ok now to lower it to only 36.00 . Were still getting screwed out of the 36.00. what part of the pilot formula changed in 2009 that added for the extra charge to us? "0" Someone help me with my calculator it seems to be smoking a bit!As the board atated at other meetings if the pilot payment increases the rate payers will be charged more to make up for it! Well we did but they haven't! Time to ask why the commissioners did not see this one for us. The pilot is a pivital point of interest for us to dwell on and that part of TMLWP is what is broken the most.
    You can't make this up I "quoted" Mr.Driscoll
    Dave Smart

  3. We welcome all comments and applaud anyone who makes an attempt to help our town,but not yourself! You will find the facts are what are here to read and can be backed up with the letters and also video if you care to watch them on u tube. You also can call names and be childish if you have to but that only shows the child in you when you do. Hope the real people in Templeton can see through the smoke coming from the wind turbine and are in support of changes to come soon.
    Dave Smart

  4. David, You are absolutely right! Our dear friend JD did tell us the $4.00 charge was to pay for the billing, of our light bills. The more they say the deeper the hole they dig for them selves, gets! We need honesty and transparency from this bunch. I do not see this coming any time soon. Bev.

  5. anybody hear about our beloved wind turbine gearbox having metal shavings in the oil that was just tested and the reason the wind can't blow hard enough to spin it like the 2 in gardner at the mount? Well "Dana" what up wid dat. don't look to the town for the 500k to repair it, Seems i remember JD bad mouthing the people in plymouth about the gearbox that failed on theirs but that won't happen in Templeton. We do testing and hav ea program to keep that from happening to us. Boy i hope i'm wrong about the gearbox but lets all ask and see whats up! It has 0 production for over a week now and that doesn't pay the bill for you and i will have to do that!

    1. That's very frustrating news. I hope they can get their explanation straight before the next meeting. Cuz the questions will never stop. I'm thinking they would have never lowered the customer charge from $4 to $3 if people didn't question it. The timing is suspect. We need to keep questioning the PILOT payment as it also seems suspect that they should have been giving more to the town in the last several years than they have. Every day it seems like a new accounting issue comes up. This year's election is going to be interesting.

    2. 7:19AM, Things are going to be very interesting in May! You have that right. I am just praying we can get the truth out to every one, so they can make good decisions. Bev.

  6. Next meeting Feb 6 th ...see you there
