Thursday, January 24, 2013

Here's something that a blogger sent to me

Hi Pauly

I just read this in today's Telegram and Gazette and thought it might be interesting to readers of the blog. Do what you want with it. This guy hit the nail on the head for sure.

Gov. Patrick’s usual means of handling a monetary problem is to tax everyone to death, whether through higher gas taxes, more toll roads, raising the income tax, raising the state sales tax, etc. None of his solutions offers better management, better controls on spending, reduced waste, etc. The Legislature will probably agree with him. They go the complete opposite of good business. Saving millions of taxpayers dollars by opening up all future construction, whether roads, bridges, buildings, etc. to the lowest qualified bidder whether union or not would save millions. But he and the legislators are owned by the unions. Police, school, fire, municipal workers, etc. Not one elected official has the nerve or backbone to stand up to the unions who pay thousands, if not millions into the politicians’ pockets and expect all nonunion workers to be excluded from getting bids.
It’s time to care about the Massachusetts taxpayers instead of whether you’ll have union backing and money for your re-election.



  2. Gold is the money of Kings
    Silver is the money of Gentlemen
    Barter is the money of peasants
    Debt is the money of slaves
    Until we get control of our money as specified under article I section 8 of our Constitution everything else is a circle jerk.

  3. Here is another name on the list that screwed us tax payers and rate payers ...SEAN HAMILTON ...what the hell is up with that wind mill talk about a BOONDOGGLE

    1. You will find out when the report comes out, if it ever does! See how long it will take for it to pay us back, if ever! Check out out Princeston's web site, they want to sell their wind mills. It is sad our light Co. will not be honest with its share holders. Bev.

  4. Tim Murray seems to be headed for trouble l think K&P are looking for new clients!

    1. Seems like there's a bunch of scoundrels in the housing authority. Did you hear about the man who's been indicted for falsely report his income to the state? Not everyone is above the law. Is anyone in Templeton nervous?

  5. As the turbine turns, Templeton's Green power initiative has one hell of a "grey area" and I for one want some answers sooner not later! Why doesn't it turn/rotate like the ones we see in Gardner? When it doesn't turn we still pay for it like it is turning. Power has to be purchased from another source and not as green as we think, As with princeton light dept maybe the turbine is to risky to run!
    It hasn't turned all week and i wonder what it costed for that to not produce anything but a bill for our ownership.
    The audit company needs to be contacted by the BOS and questions need to be asked about the audit and i have a list that would be a good place to start. After a letter i sent to General Driscoll with questions about the prior meeting and his response i think we need to form a think tank as to how to handle the changes about to happen there. As with all who have signed the petition to abolish the commission say why is my bill so high?When they find out what the previous general manager gets for a pension they say thank you for stopping by and good luck, a very few would not sign and that's ok they are afraid to get their lights turned off. That's sad and should not happen even in Templeton. The letter is and response will be posted here and will be interesting to view as you will see how the General earns his pay and wonder why we pay him what we do!
    He lists labor costs of 104,367 to do the billing,reading and a office expense cost of 33,330.You can't make this up.
    Check monday for the letter and breakdown of the 4.00 customer charge and how he can reduce it to 3.00 to save face in these very difficult times at Templeton's light dept. Don't miss the movie you shareholders.
    Dave Smart
