Sunday, January 20, 2013

Still here!! Hee-hee-hee

Morning all, I want to thank those of you who put the DVDs on cable and online so all can watch. It will be a little bit longer before I can attend a meeting – this being flu and cold season and all – I can’t catch anything. And with people hacking away at these meetings hee-hee-hee. And no Virginia I’m not dead yet hee-hee-hee.
So do as I do and watch these meetings then watch them again and again. Woo boy – I’ve been told that I make more comments than Pete when I watch these hee-hee-hee.

I want to know why Bubba Columbus ran after John Driscoll and Dana into the back room when Driscoll went to make a phone call. I bet they wouldn’t have let me or my nephew Dave go back there with them. I bet Julie was never allowed back there even when she was a Light commissioner. So Dana you say the town got ourselves into this mess. Hmm lets see who was hanging around town hall when the May town meeting articles where written. Bubba Columbus was chairman, Virginia, Pat, and Chris. We all know they didn't let Jeff B. have any imput(hey boy how the hell are you) April 17th they brought back Carol Skelton and had already booted out Jeff R. and remember after the recall election they brought back K&P. remember all this. Remember all the drafts of the TM articles going back and forth between K&P and the selectmen’s office.   Sooo who screwed this all up – who boy! you guessed it not me and you.
So now we go back to town meeting to fix a $163,000 short fall for this year. One more important thing we have to fix is the veteran money shortfall and Dennis get with the program.
And to Mr Spring – good work on the ET school project. Good use of the CPA money. After all it is the COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT and the COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE.
Sooo now I have a question for you all. Do you want me to put in a public records request for the list of who owes taxes and put it on the blog? Let me know. This should get a few comments hee-hee-hee.
thanks for reading my opinions – Pauly


  1. Pauly I do not think you should post the names on here, to most they deserve it but many will just be more embarrassed. This is not the place for it. Thank god my taxes are paid thru my mortgage company or I very easily could be on that list too.

  2. If we all dig a little deeper into our pockets we can cover the extra tax money that is due the town. Because I lost my luggage on my cruise to Costa Rica I was unable to cover my tax bill at this time but plan on making it up in the near future. It would be an embarrassment to me to have to read my name here on the blog and yes Pauly you would probably lose me as a faithful follower. Thanks!

    1. Dig a little deeper ? You've got to be kidding. Most of us have reached the bottom of our pockets and it looks like it is just going to get worst. With our current president and governor it won't be long before we are paying more taxes than we are making. I for one am sick of it. If you can convince our elected officials to stop taxing us more and more we might be able to dig a little deeper at times of need....but for now I need to watch out for myself. My opinion, post the list.

      By the way, why do people constantly post as anonymous ? If they have something to say they should say it but should post it with their name, not as anonymous. Just my opinion.

    2. I don't think Pauly is talking about people who missed last November's payment or the people who are trying to get caught up. I think he is talking about people and companies that haven't paid in years. Like that company that owns the big pieces of land across from Akin auto on Baldwinville rd.

    3. It's a joke, right? You don't expect sympathy if you didn't pay your taxes after taking a cruise to Costa Rica.

    4. Oh, thank you Mark for this comment!! My sentiments exactly. What the H are they doing taking a cruise when they owe back taxes (unless someone else paid for it). I don't even go out to get an ice cream cone when I have Major serious obligations like taxes & am a bit short on funds. This is the "feel-good, I want it now" society we are seeing these days. I do have to say, however, that I do feel so sorry that the luggage was lost with the tax bill in it that they were going to pay on that cruise. Yeah, right!! Oh, it just galls me the way some people think that it is all about them (that goes for the echo gang, too)& the rest of us suffer with less services because they are not paying for the privilege of living in a nice town, whether that is not paying the taxes or taking the tax money right quick that does come in for something frivolous like the useless 252 Bldg, wind turbine, etc. Ok, enough. It just makes me boil when I see & hear this kind of irresponsible rantings & I am supposed to feel sorry for what reason??? There's plenty of legimate reasons for hardships & that Costa Rica trip is not one of them!!! All my thoughts & opinions here.

  3. When was the last time we had a BOS that worked for the town? When the BOS was forthcoming with information? When the BOS followed through on promises? In my opinion, it been years and years. I really hope some decent people run for office this spring. It time to get some intelligent and responsible people on the board whose primary objective is helping the town and conducting business in a productive manner. We are in a do or die situation with our finances. We cannot allow any room for the nonsense that has occurred as of late--especially the last 3 years. We need a BOS that isn't afraid to ask the tough questions even if they will ruffle some feathers. I hope state officials will recognize that the taxpayers of Templeton have been misrepresented and our money has been misused. We may be a small town and not very important in comparison to a town like Newton. But, we are part of Massachusetts and the state reps and depts do have a responsibility to act and protect us. Just because we're a small town doesn't mean that its an opportunity for people to do whatever they want without consequences. Until the day comes when the state officials make time to pay attention to us, we need to pressure our governing body (the BOS) to collect outstanding taxes, even if it is a painful and embarrassing action. We need to review the audit of the wind turbine and other operations at our light and water plant in order to get a clear picture of what we're up against. All other town depts have cooperated. This dept is the last one to comply. You can't make a plan to fix town finances without all the pieces of the puzzle in front of you. We need to find ways to cut spending. This means consolidating town offices. All BOS members should support the only option on the table: ET school. If they do not, then they should present another option. And, above all of this, they need to keep the moral up amongst town employees. When times get tough, its easy to point fingers and fling blame around. But, now more than any time, it is important for our local government to work as a team and have an attitude that we're all in this together and we need to find solutions to our problems together. The BOS needs to post their code of conduct on their website like they said they would do months ago. Seeing that it was Mr. Bennett's idea, it would be nice to show some respect towards him and follow through with a very simple act. Especially since he is putting his life on the line to protect us and our country right now. Show him some respect and post the BOS code of conduct.

  4. well said anon 9:15am VW and scappy are not working for us. the L&W commissioners are not working for us, Chris stewart is not working for us. maybe the code of conduct should include "work for the taxpayers" and "do not work to sabatage the town" right VW and PM?

    1. I understand that Chris Stewart had a problem with E.T. because he thought his kids got sick they went there!! Nothing could be worse that the building our office workers are in on Patriots Road. I walked in on a hot day last summer, all the office doors were closed, the air was so dead and heavy you could cut it with a knife. We have to get out of there. For one thing it costs us more than it is worth, and it is time to get every department under one roof. East Templeton will be a good move. There is enough room for most of our town departments, along with enough space to hold meetings. I heard that the Preservation Committee wants the replacement windows to look authentic. This is a good idea, except it will push the price of the project up. I hope the people on this committee have a idea of what shape the town is in, financially. If they do, then maybe they would go along with replacing a couple of windows a year, instead of doing them all at once. They are very large windows. I am sure the cost is going to be huge. I would not want to think that anyone would want to derail this project, it is to important to the town. If you stop to think of all the work Mr. Spring has done, the building was on the way to ruination, without his stepping up, to do the repairs that were needed. In a perfect world, we could do a perfect job, but as you all know, things are a long way from being what they should be. I think everyone needs to be more open to doing what has to be done, so everyone can move asap. In the end we all will be winners. Bev

  5. more good news the wind turbine still not turning on this windy weekend ..the light company is really screwing us on that project!!!

  6. It has the weekend off. It unionized with the two at the Gardner prison

  7. I thought the 2 in gardner were on strike!

  8. Impact bargaining...not on strike

  9. Do you mean looking for a hookup!
    kind of shocking huh?

  10. Happy Martin Luther King day Templeton! According to the 1999 trial in Memphis Dr. King was assassinated by members of the United States Government. Here is that story.
    Now you know!

    1. Thanks anonymous 9:53 for that bit of history it was certainly worth taking the time to read.

  11. It looks like the last paragraph sums it up.
    The faithful in a nonviolent movement that hopes to change the distribution of wealth and power in the U.S.A. – as Dr. King’s vision, if made real, would have done in 1968 – should be willing to receive the same kind of reward that King did in Memphis. As each of our religious traditions has affirmed from the beginning, that recurring story of martyrdom (“witness”) is one of ultimate transformation and cosmic good news.

  12. Happy King Day to you, Pete. That is Pete, isn't it? This isn't Templeton Times.

    1. 11:10 Why don't you give it a rest. If you don't want to read it, don't. I think it is called freedom of speech. I think we should be so glad we can say and write what we want. I always think, if I had been born in any other country, I would have been shot a long time ago. Bev.

  13. I checked Templeton Times to see if Pete had anything pertaining to this subject and there was nothing on MLK day at his site. Funny thing TGN only had a short article on the back page on MLK. You would think Alberta would show some respect and give this day (MLK day) front page coverage.
