Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 11, 2013 BOS Meeting

February 11, 2013 BOS Meeting

There was a good crowd at last night’s BOS meeting. The first few agenda items went smoothly. The BOS voted to enter into a contract to send out billing that was over 180 days to a collection agency for uncollected ambulance fees. First Financial works on a contingency basis.  The BOS also completed the HIPPA form so that we could review the older cases and hardship letters with the Fire Chief before these accounts went out to collection.

Next up in the batting order was Cemetery Superintendent Alan Mayo. The engineering contract for the tomb restoration project is now signed and the application process will begin shortly.

Bud Chase, the Hwy Super was on the agenda to discuss a barter agreement with Town of Petersham. Petersham has a sander body that Templeton needs to make another piece of equipment; Petersham needs an 8’ Fisher plow that is of equal value. Town Counsel drafted this agreement. Templeton may be in the market for more barter arrangements in the future.

Storm Update – Everyone involved in the storm operations deserves our thanks. The governor may come up with money to help offset the cost of the storm operations. The remainder of Snow & Ice account is dangerously low ($13,832.16); while the fuel account is $36,153.80. The new Fleetmaster fuel system is working out.

From this point on, we moved around a bit on the agenda. The town clerk, Carol Harris, works late on Monday evenings. As we waited for Carol Harris to arrive, we approved a name change for a class III license; approved automatic entertainment license for Peaceful Pines; approved Jean Hearns as a temporary registrar; and appointed Fred Aponte as town accountant for the Town of Templeton.

The Town Clerk arrived, so we went back to discuss the town election and town meeting dates. After some discussion, the BOS voted to change our local election to coincide with the State election. (even though this date violates our by-laws). The election will take place on April 30th at the high school gym. Some members of the audience weren’t too happy with news of the polling place. The problems from the last election should be resolved with more police presence and signage about parking. The suggestion was made to move the polling to the cafeteria, but somehow that is not possible. Town meeting will still be held May 14th in the auditorium.

I made a request for two agenda items for last night’s meeting- veterans services and PILOT agreement. Holy hand grenade! I wrote a separate blog about that entire veterans services incident. Must see TV, that’s all I can say. You would think the former chairman of the BOS, Dennis O’Brien would use better language especially while being filmed.

Discussion about the PILOT agreement with the Light department was a bit contentious. My goal for this agenda item was to start the process to formalize the PILOT payment agreement with Light department. I mentioned the law that is on the books about PILOT agreements and municipal light companies- Chapter 164A section 8 . Within this section of the LAW, a formula for the PILOT payment is cited. I didn’t think I would get as much resistance to a request to look into this and follow the LAW. I don’t think we, as a board of selectmen, should follow the law selectively when it suits our convenience; Nor should any other department.

There was discussion that the Light department used a formula to calculate the PILOT payment.  While that may be true, this formula is a closely guarded secret. Time to begin a discussion about the PILOT payment and formalize the agreement in writing so everyone knows what it is.

The discussion ventured off to the citizens petition on Light and Water – the one about placing control of TMLWP under the BOS. (not sure if there is a citizen petition to sell off the light company…some people on the BOS thought there was).

The chairman, Chris Stewart, mentioned a BOS member who stated they did not want to be a sewer commissioner; that they ran for BOS not sewer commissioner. I am that BOS member.  For the record, I do NOT want to be a sewer commissioner; still don’t.

These are very different situations. The hostile take over of the sewer department was started by the BOS; specifically by Bob Columbus and Jerry Skelton. The intent was to gain control over the funds in the sewer department. The citizen petition to place control of Light and water under the direction and control of the BOS is a citizen petition. If the manager and commissioners of Light and Water had been a little more forthcoming with information like the PILOT payment, the website, the turbine certification, rebate programs, they wouldn’t be in this situation.

If the CITIZENS of Templeton decide that the BOS should control the Light and Water department, then I believe you need to follow the decisions made by the CITIZENS. It is rather like following the LAW; it isn’t optional.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Sure seems like a lot of dishonesty follows around Mr. Skelton and Mr. Columbus in their elected positions. It would be nice if they would come clean with their fellow town folks so we can forgive them.

    1. It seems that the problems they caused, along with our last town accountant and past coordinator, will follow and cause us problems, for a very long time to come. I find it interesting that our selectman's meeting is slowly being infiltrated by "Skelton people". Rumor has it, Mr. Heaney may run for selectman!! What was Ron. Davon doing there? I do not think he lives in town. He must have gotten his orders from Echo Hill, and like a good soldier he did his job, and showed up. I only hope people are smart enough to read the writing on the wall, and kick the bums out, for once and for all. This is my opinion, there is now way that we can stay the way we have been for the past ten years. Our previous Light manager never figured on the economy falling apart, as it has. Without funding from the state, the town can not function without extra income. We have asked the Light and Water Departments to help us out. The people who work for the town have been financially hurt bad enough. All we wanted is for the Light Dept., to kick in their fare share. It is a State Law. I do not feel they are being the least bit honest, and told us, from the mouth of JD, "that they have no plans to help , now or ever". To add insult to injury, they said they would not make any changes to their budget, but "would take more from the rate payers, in order to give it back!!" Sorry boys, this is not how it works. Bev.

  2. Getting control of the Sewer Enterprise money may have been one reason for Bob and Gerry's attempt to get rid of the Sewer Commission but there were many more. The Sewer Commission was still trying to get town's people aware of what a screwing they took with the lawsuit and how The Board of Selectmen had interfered with case 02-2424C under the watchful eye of K&P. The Sewer Commission had also pointed out that Ch93 Acts of 2000 may have been a huge scam. The Sewer Commission had also tried to point out that the BOS may have taken over a quarter of a million dollars from the Sewer Enterprise Account in an unethical manner. There was also problems with where the interest money on the betterment money was going. Comparing the BOS takeover of Light and Water and the earlier attempt of flushing the Sewer Commission should be looked at closely. It is believed there is a huge difference.

  3. A "Funny" thing was said by the chairman last night at the BOS meeting to me Quote Chris Stewart= "You took out the papers to sell the Light company" end quote. Why would i take out the papers for that? I took out the papers for a Petetion to abolish the commission and Mr. Stewart,You should know what your talking about or keep your mouth shut. The comments and insults you seem to be looseing control over are the reason for your commission at Light and Water to be a target and that just helps my efforts.
    For that i must say "THANK YOU" Chris you and dennis did it for the voters to see and thats special to me and others.
    Your negative comments about the pilot formula, along with vw were unfounded and at best lack respect for the ratepayers and taxpayers both. The facts we have dug up and brought to your attention also should have woke you both up. The point of my petetion is to get transperency asap to get the town on the up and up, it's about the fines we could have to pay if we don't.Your commission may have the town under its foot or thumb, but if i can help it, it will be the town that has the light and water under its thumb. More and More the facts will come out and you at light and water will look like you should when the vote takes place!
    Be ready my friend, You may need to get your facts streight. Watch out for the conflicts. Where does the interest $$ go?
    Good luck with that! I may just take you up on that offer last night,"Be my guest", I think it would make your buddy Pete K. happy. At least I would have no strings attached.
    Just my opinion!
    We all soon will know, won't we?
    Dave Smart

  4. Question , Could the good chairman be correct when he told us about a petition to sell the light dept. I saw in the gardner news a article that said there were 2 petitions taken out. I haven't seen any others. Anyone else seen it or have heard any others going around? There has been a handful of people commenting about the topic of selling it off. Could be i'm wrong and we will all be surprised, after the 19th we can find the truth. It's all public knowledge then.

  5. looks like the cockroaches are coming out early and the elections months away ...get the pesticide out or you will be over run...mike

  6. Did anyone else hear Mr Stewart call Bart a jerk under his breath when Bart was speaking. Real professional Mr Stewart! and what was with DOB swearing??? and Mr Benmie Henny offering to help the town, like you did with those RECALL PETITIONS Mr H. Hey we are not stupid we know you are in the Skeltons corner.

    1. I would be willing to bet, Chris would not dare to say that to Bart's face. It takes a lot to make my husband angry, thank goodness. Bart is very upset at the way the Light and Water Commissioners have behaved. He was not going to let Chris get away with blowing off the truth about what has been going on over there. We need to let the people in our town know the truth. David's petition is the way to go. We can not wait two or three years to get that department under control. Once we can see where we really stand financially, we will really know where we stand as a town. The selectmen can hire people, or a person, to run things. No one can do any worse than the people who have been running it, not for the benefit of the town, but for the benefit of the light company. There will be a lot of push back, it is starting already. Hang on tight, it is going to be a rough ride until May. Bev.

  7. I just can't seem to understand why the topic of a formula for the PILOT program is such a huge secret. And why are the commissioners so reluctant to show it to the public or other town officials. Do they not understand the more they resist, the more guilty they look for something? Geez, share the formula, let the town check to see that it is correct according to state law and move on. So much energy wasted on what should be a cut and dry issue.

    And, in a strangely similar scenario, why is it such a big deal to provide historical data of number of veterans served through the Veterans Services to the town? Mr. McGuirk certainly proved he has zero professionalism with that email he wrote. It seems certain people get really defensive when asking standard financial questions and respond with wild and outrageously inaccurate accusations. Is this a coincidence or is the new batch of Kool Aid extra potent?

  8. Mr. Ritter is so great! I love how he handled that email from McGuirk. He is professional in all sense of the word. And I'm glad that they appointed the new accountant, Mr. Aponte. Another great person in Templeton government. He has been so helpful with figuring out the tangled mess that the former accountant left behind. Having intelligent and talented people like these in our office gives me confidence that we have a fighting chance to work our way out of the dark days of Templeton.

    Oh, and that guy that stood up and "performed" for the cameras saying he's all for helping the town--Mr. Heaney is it? He did support the recall effort. Maybe he's seen the light and changed his point of view? But, his acting needs work. If he runs for selectman, he will have to answer questions from the citizens about why he supported the recall. I hope he rehearses his answers.

    Thank goodness people like Dave Smart attend these meetings to correct such misinformation like people wanting to sell the light dept. Thank you for keeping the conversation accurate.

    One more thing, Mr. Dennis is a very smart man. He may take a while to get his point out. But, if you listen closely, he is right on point with everything he says. So, Mr. O'Brien...we aren't as "stupid" as you seem to think. There are a lot of intelligent people paying attention and asking questions. Sorry if you cannot follow the conversation or respond without resorting to swearing. Nice role model you are for our children! I hope none were watching in order to learn how municipal government works. They'll think swearing is acceptable--especially since you didn't get thrown out for the first offense or the second. Question to BOS Chair: how many times does one have to swear before they are thrown out of the meeting? 1...2...?

  9. Check the letter to the editor in todays Gardner News if you would like to see in print what a wonderful Light and Water Department we have and how low our rates are!

  10. Stupid O'Brien is an embarrassment as well as a liability to Templeton. Let's lobby to get rid of him in all official capacities and replace him with respectable people who truly love Templeton for what it should be and not for personal gain as so many have.
    Pete Kasper keep up the good work you and your wife do for our wonderful town.


  12. I think the title was Francis the Talking Mule...but there are many similarities between jackasses and mules aren't there?

  13. Lets see about all the other power companys in our area. I didn't hear about any reports around our area that had any problem! After the great ice storm most of the trees that would be a problem were a problem and are gone. sure they trim and cut, more do that than just L=W , contracted out george of the jungle thousands and thousands of dollars over and over weather we need it or not. The ice storm did alot of the work and we paid dearly then and now we are, have you got the news on the budget fix needed over ice storm money! we still don't know a tax rate. Ring the bell for the dark department commission and praise them. Just don't stop there , what about the other municipal light plants that give their fair share to the towns their in!
    Look at the wind turbine and the pilot payment "formula"
    They should be tree trimming and not just at christmas time either.
    Dave Smart
