Thursday, February 14, 2013

pilot math lesson

Jeff wrote this as a comment -but I thought it should go as a blog - ok all sharpen you pencils and get your calculators out.

First off, what is the big so called sevret according to a public power website, the formular is a percentage of the net revenue of the light dept. I wrote a blong on this a while back. I did the math and I believe Dave Smart did also, it came to about $378,000.00 using financial information from the light department. Perhaps someone can look back for that blog and information. I believe the percentage average for mass muni light co was 4%. On another note, if one looks into the downfall of many politicians and ceo, it is usually the coverup that does them in rather than the actual even, american people can be very forgiving if you are sincerely honest with them. I believe it is in our culture to forgive people for some things if they are big enough to honestly explain themselves. Now about swearing especially in public and by our elected officials, bad bad bad idea. Hey we all know people swear, I am very good at it and there are boat loads of people and politicians who are very adept at the use of such language. anyone who has served in the military knows this....but there is a time and place to be respectful and polite and to me that time is when any citizen stops to speak with me, regardless of how I feel about them or they me, regardless if we like one another, always take the high road and be respectful, especially if you hold an elected office. use to be how people acted, cordial and respectful in public. I would just ecpect better from people at a meeting in a small community. lastly, why is someone a jerk for asking questions? Again, in my mind there is a great conflict of interest with regards to Mr. Stewart, he has a financial interest in maintaining the status que as in light commissioners being paid a salary, if the selectmen take over at light, he could lose that money and I believe action like that can get you fined. That is my opinion on things from Afghanistan.


  1. Hi Jeff, good to hear from you. But might I say in regards to your remarks about a person being able to ask a question, I agree with you that enyone should be able to ask a question at a public meeting. But the person asking that question should follow proper protocol and raise his or her hand to be recognized by the chair or moderator of that meeting first. And after being recognized properly, proceed with asking their question. Yelling and speaking out from the back of the room is not the proper protocol and I believe that person should be warned only once and if he or she continues to speak out and distrupt the meeting, be politly removed
    I think you will agree with me when I say that no public meeting should put up with a back room heckler. As Town Moderator, David Bergeron would never stand for that behavior from anyone no matter what age that person was.
    Now Jeff I ask you, Don`t you agree?
    Stay safe, my friend

  2. actually I do agree with you, open meeting law states the chairman requests all to be quiet. if a person is disruptive, the chair warns the person to be quiet and gives warning if not quiet you will be asked to leave then the chair can order the person to leave and if the person does not leave, the chair can request a police officer or constable to remove the individual

  3. I also believe that a chair should take questions or comments from all who ask and sometimes if the question is not pertaining to the discussion should direct it to new business. I also believe there should be a point at the end of all meetings that a general question answer period should take place. I believe if you give people time to speak and ask questions and the chair answers them or tries to help them, you cut down on the outbursts. That is my opinion. Now, my friend, you will be missed at the assessors meetings and I will buy you a cold one when I get back

  4. jeff/steve l, post when you two out for "a cool one" (1?). i would love to join you !!!!!!!

  5. consider yourself invited! and Steve, can we talk about dogs rather than politics, dogs make more sense!!

  6. With pleasure, my friend. That I would surely enjoy. I would even suqgest takeing our dogs out for a good run together after enjoying that cold one or two or three. Ha
