Sunday, February 3, 2013

question for the day

remember the meeting recently at the red barn with Virginia, Bubba, Dennis, Grimley and others. well as I start to get out of the house I bumped into an old friend who told me - woo boy are you ready for this - they know someone in Baldwinville who knows the Skeltons and they were told that it was a Selectmens meeting that Saturday at the red barn. Soooo my question for today is was Mullins and Stewart there to. illegal meeting. why are they telling people it was a Selectmens meeting - lying again to get support..... Maybe next time we should all stop in when we see the cars there and attend the meeting - hee hee hee!!
Come on let's get those comments keeping.  Pauly


  1. Pauly you must have an old van we an fix up for a undercover surveillance for wrong doings ..we can mount an array of optical recording devices and park it in the neighborhood !!!007

    1. Let's chip in for a high tech drone, perhaps a model that eats stinkbugs.

  2. This is kind of reminiscent of the meetings before the Recall. We're coming up on the one year anniversary of the Recall Election(February 6, 2012 - it's rather fitting that's the date for the TMLWP meeting). Old habits die hard, I guess. Really, in the big scheme of things, what's one more illegal meeting?

    So where are they now?
    Let the People Speak?, Kopelman & Paige? VW running to Echo Hill... Echo Hill for her marching orders. Skeltons pulling strings behind the scenes so they don't get their hands dirty. Right Dennis? Isn't that how that works. hey what's the status of carol Skelton's lawsuit against the town? No, no the most recent one. Chris better be careful. They may be setting him up for a fall.

    When do you take papers out for the May election? Who will run? Who will keep one step ahead of the law? Hope that investigation happens soon. tee hee heee

  3. I am unclear about the workability of an Open Meeting law that says 3 selectmen cannot be at a social gathering without a violation of the law.

    Look at the St. Patrick day breakfast at Halitosis Hall. Every politician in the state is there. Or the Martin Luther King breakfasts.

    I wouldn't assume it's an illegal meeting. Aren't some of them related?


  5. just a note to say "happy birthday" to the federal income tax!!!!! 100 years this month !!! started as "temporary", only for "the wealthy"(those earning over 4k, which back then was about 2%.) and oh ya, it would never be increased !!!!!!baraco must be having a party !!!!!!!

    1. It is believed that this was the sixteenth amendment to our Constitution. On December 23 we will celebrate 100 years of the creation of The Federal Reserve Act that goes hand in hand with the sixteenth amendment. The book The Creature form Jeckyl Island by G Edward Griffin helps explains the collusion of the International Bankers and some of our politicians to enslave the ignorant in perpetual debt through endless wars and fiat currency using this mechanism to place our country and world under the control of the ruling elite by creating a system of debt that is unpayable. A must read for all.

  6. The fact of the matter is if they want to continue to live in their own reality where they think they can still do harm in town, let them. They no longer have the town counsel in their back pocket. In order for any of them to run for office, they will have to answer to several issues that are still open wounds in town: $700k boondoggle, calling the town "stupid", trying to fix the outcome of the selectmen's race when Jeff Bennett was the rightful winner (not Gerry), time and money wasted on elementary school building committee, overpaying "friends" and other accounting no-nos, harassment cases, questionable business practices, interfering with Am. Tissue Mills lawsuit, not conducting open meetings properly, illegal use of attorney services,...I can continue...but you get the point. Its much more clear who is working for the best interest of the town now than a year ago. Any of the Echo Hill gang that intends on running for anything has to be prepared to answer questions from voters. If they refuse to answer questions, then it will seem they have something to hide. If they were smart, they would stay out of local government and truly take up some bible study and learn to pray really hard that the investigation doesn't find them guilty of anything. I wonder how much free legal services Ole Lenny is willing to give?

  7. Attention all! Due to circumstances beyond our control the Red Barn has been temporarily renamed "The Love Shack." Please make this note in comments concerning the Red Barn aka The Love Shack up to at least Valentines day and perhaps well into the future or most likely just before St. Patricks Day.

  8. LOL I just saw the love shack all lit up!

  9. Must be some super bowl mojo

  10. What IS the status of the lawsuit? Its been over a year, hasn't it?

    1. It is really hard to believe these people still think they can pull strings to get in charge of anything to do with town government. The reality is that Chris and Virginia with Scrappy, can vote to stop or derail anything they want, until Jeff comes home or we get another person with a brain, on the BOS. Chris has crawled into the pockets of the good old boys, at the Light and Water. This scares me very much! Our only saving grace will be, when the people in this town start to understand how the people at the light and water have short changed them, and are reminded of everything 2:15 has listed, then we will be ok. The good guys will win this one, because we are right. Bev.

  11. according to the open meeting law, there are 5 exemptions and one of them are members may attend training sessions, events, speaking engagements as along as they do not deliberate on matters under their jurisdiction. good luck getting invited to those meetings. They are most likely planning strategy for the elections this May. Someone needs to run, Mr. Mark Barrieau, how about it? As for carol skeltons latest law suit, I have not been informed of any changes or updates and I am named in that law suit. Those people if they continue to meet are planning for the spring elections and do not under estimate gerry skelton or the gang. if three selectmen were there then they are insiders helping with the plan. maybe a good question for the next selectmen meeting

  12. now if they say it was a selectmens meeting it is illegal if it was not posted, another question for them 3 selectmen.

  13. Elections are coming up. Nomination papers will be available on Monday Feb 11th. The election will most likely be moved up a week to coincide with the special election to fill Sen Kerry's seat.

    It would be fantastic to have a new set of candidates to run for different positions. Templeton is a "work in progress". We need people who care about the town and not their own self interest. Anyone?

  14. Looks to me that what the blobers on this web site call the echo hill gang got one up on them and Mr. PHC. Use the right bait and you can catch suckers all day long!

    1. The echo hill gang should take a long walk off of a short pier and not return!!!!
