Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today's News

For those of you that do not get the Gardner news - here is the Page 1 article about the L&W petition. and the continuation on page 4


  1. Best quote ever on page 4 of the article John Driscoll "...I just don't understand."

    Sums it up.

  2. I thought it was a nice read. All the facts are there and normal is the word i would use to describe it. Normal for the commission and general manager that just don't understand. Why doesn't dana just tell driscoll to shut up again and don't say anymore.Why didn't they put the real issue in the article the pilot formula or even bring it up. The amount and the benefits for the voters to keep things as is. The reason they didn't is there is no one to back their claims up. I think the public will see this as a scared commission grasping for straws. Uncovering the true rates in the proccess. What about the massive loans long term payoff dates. Reduced rates for low income people and the fact that when they say they spent, it means they/we borrowed to spend. They "all" just don't understand. Thanks Smart group, were no dummies
    Dave Smart

    1. So David smrtt, who? really wrote the blog in "when did the lights start to dim" We all know it wans,t you.

    2. Does it REALLY matter who wrote it ? Just answer the questions DANA

  3. Anon 503 To you i can only say quit the team you play for and we will let you help us fight for Templeton. It is about our Templeton. The blog was written by only me with no help from anyone.I might add with a headache at 800am. The headache went away after i typed the blog. I guess you could say it was good medicine for me too. I'm not a liar and will look you in the eyes in swearing to you or anybody eles. I only hope the people that read it will help and see the True LIGHTS Arn't all dim. We are and can make Templeton better for us all,just help us out! There is a cause behind all this and it called "Templeton" You have 3 choices #1-lead-#2-follow-#3-get out of the way. You choose.
    Dave Smart

  4. About the petition there was a little help from a unsuspecting former recounted selectmen. And also the lawer he had write the sewer petition. Simple cut and paste and wala. Legal as can be thank's k+p , maybe it's one thing they did right?
    My opinion of course.
    Dave Smart

  5. Dave, you should write a letter to the editor and see if they publish it. Any normal and professional publication would print an opposing side to an issue. I doubt they will as seen by their actions during the election last year. Its hard to get the word out to the public when there's only one newspaper in town and they're biased. This is why Pauly's blog was so important to start. I find it interesting the number of holes in this published story today. A truth or fact isn't true or factual if you only make half statements. Anyone that has taken the time to read this blog or seek the other side of the story knows that what was written is cut off at the point when the part they don't want to discuss or be known begins.No mention of how long they have said a website was coming. No mention of the fact that an audit of the turbine is going on 2 1/2 years while the same model turbine has a completed audit down the road in Princeton. No mention of the issue of a formal PILOT agreement or that the DOR recommended it 3 years ago. No numbers to prove what standing our rates are compared to other municipal light depts or private power companies. I do see "attorney-speak" in this article. Smoke and mirrors. Deception through omission.

  6. I could write a book to the editor and would have some left over. You touched on the topic of attorney, Funny thing thats how this seemed to start,sorta! When we caught them putting the same report figures in the annual town report and started to ask questions about it. Wow what I'd give to have that on video. You can imagine the tone when he said that the report was not ready by the time print was done,duh so just put in the same as the prior years report. As i combed over the previous reports from 2008- 2012 it stuck out and how could this be identical. That is impossible? Yes it is. but i guess when no one or no commission is working for the retepayers its the fox and henhouse deal! Just seams the fox had a napkin or we provided him with one "The Commission" anyway the jist of it was with only one meeting and 1/2 hr for questions it would take 5 years to get the answers we need to connect the dots and finally put the people in the light like they should be. and yes i mean people as in all of us. We own the place but they spent 980.00 on a laywer to see if they had to turn over public records and play fair Something else they learned from our money they spent was the fact they had to keep all the records and file them with the town clerck also for the public to foia act provide.Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.
    With that said they are saying in the gardner news that spending is taking place again with a attorney for the problems the commission brought on themselves. I would bet a 1500.00 bill will come of it and also another use of public funds to protect the commission from the public.
    What they don't know is the truth and open response would have shut the door but the arrogance and attitude were what started this mission to abolish! The faces and comments of the chairman that were made and lack of respect to the ratepayers is what i hope to abolish and if this does it great. The BOS will, can and have to take care of Templeton business and thats not up to negotiate for. They are the town keyholders and to not be in control is no longer a way Templeton as we know it will survive. The commission has said and think Tempetons problems are not theirs. When a town goes into recievership, the state looks at the whole business and liquidates and sees what is worth what. Guess the treasure chest is only in one place. 7.7million in cash 12million in shrunken assets and who dares guess what a light department with 300k in renewable energy credits is going for on the real estate market these days. The state would say your not broke Templeton, no not at all. You just have a little problem called commission cooperation. why don't you formulate a pilot formula like we told you to do in 2009. You know the DOR report that we just voted to accept and implement piece by piece. Now if we abolish the commission we could keep the state out and maybe build a new school also.When you calculate back say 10 years at 150k per year you come out with 15 million total. What is our debt now. That just in 10 years 15million short and 15 million in debt. What happened is anyones guess.Swindled is a word that comes to mind and when dana said he started 20 years ago,well i say times up dana.Ya gota go.Bye Bye.
    And thanks commision for the debt were stuck with. Unsustainable that it is. Junk investments are your legacy,
    debt for them will be your history and Templeton problems to deal with in the near future.I think #3 is the one for dana.
    Dave Smart

  7. i remember when the selectmen were the water commioners before and the system went to hell,you couldnt even get the money to paint the tanks they where in such bad shape ask the preveious superentends ,it costs money to maintian the system,and when you go to town meeting and it says no nothing gets fixed glad to see the hard work that has been done to keep things in good shape

  8. Hey anon 11:12PM back then you had one superintendent running Water/Highway/Sewer for $50,000/yr now you have Ron making over $90,000. from just water. Sure the water dept fix things, look how much debt they have now. Look how high the water rates are.

  9. I talked to harry aldridge today, I won't quote him but lets just say hes not happy with the blaise. Say what you can and kick whoevers down or retired and scramble to save face. I think thats what they should have told the audience when i asked them the role of the commissioners. Seams everyone had their own explanation. The only mission at L+W is to spend every dime they get on anything they can. I almost forgot and raise your rates. The biggest part!
    Dave Smart

    1. hope you asked him how hard it was to paint the tanks and how much xtra it cost for pit welding because the town waited so long to paint them because no money and he tryed really hard but his hands were tied with no money coming in when the selectmen ran the water and didnt want to raise the rates

    2. Ahhhhh... Are you stoned Dave? The light co is the only dept in town with some extra money because of the way it is run! No wonder you failed at your own business an now you want to run a 10 million dollar business???!!! Yup your full of puff puff the magic dragon. Cant wait till you look like a complete moron at town meeting! Hahahahahaha.

    3. least he won't look as stupid as Dana and Stewart and edwards probably would even show up. The light dept has money because of what they charge us the ratepayers.

    4. Dana you want to talk about buisnesses, you do good work but you pay peanuts to your crew of drug addicts like yourself and you RIP people off who trust you in their homes when they are away. You must be a proud business man. Go smoke another one.

    5. I can smell the jealousy from here!

  10. and why did the water get placed under the light dept. SO JERRY SKELTON COULD GET A BIGGER RETIREMENT. the same reason that the selectmen (Bob Columbus, Dennis Obrien, Chris Stewart wanted to take over the sewer dept so that Carol Skelton who was Town Coordinator at the time could get a bigger salary and then a bigger retirement.

  11. A608-As the snake slithers thru the grass! "No" streight as an arrow and focused on one thing!Do you feel it. yup,thought so! Stock up on the beer and by the way its 7,706,222.00 not 10 mil. No not run the department, but then the commission doesn't run it either. The key word is oversight,not overbite. You have lost your argument and now this is the way the snake that you are slithers thru the grass.For the record we are a drug free department and i've had multi drug screens all clean. I would not endanger the people i work with and for that have my back and i theirs. Some people learn to grow up and some can't. You keep on about my business as though you can relate to it. If you want i will show and tell my profits when my accountant is finished. A business success depends on alot of variables.
    The first of them is the economy and ability of customers to pay. Without a monopoly like Light has they matter. A part time operation has a clear benefit to include a choise of what the business will have to do,and when to do it. Most all my customers have stayed with me and don't care to chance going to other shops. What i can't or don't do for them i send to another honest and competant shop for no charge from me! They are greatful for this. They don't fear the rip off or stress over it! They all TRUST me and always have. With the change of the right to repair laws the fact that purchase of tools needed will soon be available again and less ties to the dealer will promote a better environment for shops like mine! I helped with that bill the first time it went to vote. It passed and the bill was never taken up. Campaign funds my play a role the first time but the wording this time sunk in and will be law by year end. The public can think for themselves where to bring their car for repairs again. Rights returned again!
    3 years but now its done. I'm a patient man,I have had to live with the hardest thing for a parent to have to do. I am a much stronger person for having too.I will always fight for the things i feel are just and protect people that are being taken advatage of. Alone or with a group same goes, only thing that keeps humans normal is their conscience. Some day you can hope to get one too. My thought is you never will. Kick me all you want my responce will be more resolve. I'm ALL IN NOW! And soon your out?
    Your best bet would be back in the bottle where you just were! Get some help,it's out there.
    Dave Smart

  12. Carol Skelton SUCKED at her job . Can anybody think of one good thing she did for the TOWN ?

  13. I just sent the letter to the gardner news and we'll see.
    Another 1/2 hour piece and thats with me and my typing speed slow! I will start my dialog with Mark H and hoope it goes well. Its a win win for all!
    Thanks for the support
    Dave Smart
