Sunday, February 24, 2013

Upcoming meetings


  1. Hey Pauly!
    You're closing in on 400,000 hits. The little blog that could!
    Rest up. We need you.


  2. Now that I'm feeling better Maybe I'll take out papers for selectman, hee-hee-hee

  3. Sorry that was me Not anonymous, Woo boy all the snow must be getting to me.

  4. Is it true that Ms Miller is going to be asking for an override again. Does she realize how many kids are showing up at our schools here is town hungry and dirty? Does she realize how much parents are struggling already?

  5. This just in-
    There is a BOS meeting tomorrow night at 6:30. It did not get posted to the website.

  6. I don't have a copy in front of me.
    Tomb restoration
    warrant article discussion for ATM
    something else that escapes me

    1. It is too bad, but I don't think Ms.Miller cares one way or the other. She knows she can get what she wants! When a couple of the towns in the Quabbin district, said no to the budget, the state stepped in and told them they had no choice, but to pay up. Do I think that is right? Hellno, but thats how it went. Bev.
