Sunday, March 24, 2013

week of 3/25 meetings

Agenda for the Board of Selectmen 3/25/13 Meeting
Agenda for the Monty Tech Workforce Subcommittee 3/26/13 Meeting
Agenda for the Templeton Elementary School Building Committee 3/26/13 Meeting
Agenda for the Planning Board 3/26/13 Meeting
Agenda for the Monty Tech Financial Planning Subcommittee 4/1/13 Meeting

Tree Removal Hearing, Baldwinville Road Reconstruction, 4/3/13
Click Here for Details

Agenda for the Planning Board 4/9/13 Public Hearing


  1. Wow! They're going to cut 55 trees for the Bville Rd project?! That seems like a lot. I wonder if there are plans to replant new trees.

  2. How is the general public supposed to go to the Tree Wardon Public Hearing when it is at 9:30 in the morning and most people will be at work?

    1. Anon 10:39
      You should be able to submit written testimony or concerns.

  3. There are plans to replace some of the trees as part of the road reconstruction. They are in the process of moving the light poles on parts of Baldwinville Rd. While most the footprint of the road will remain the same, the sidewalk placement has created some issues with poles and trees.

    At the intersection of Baldwinville Rd and 202 by the blinking light, we voted a few land takings at town meeting to make enough room for a sidewalk.

    There are plans available for review. Check with the BOS office for availability of the plans.
