Saturday, April 27, 2013

Construction Continues on Senior Center

 GN April 26, 2013
I was catching up on the newspapers this morning after being out of town for work this week. I was glad to see an article about the Senior Center in the Gardner News. However I feel it is important to clarify a couple of the quotes in the article.
First ". . . They have been able to come up with several trailers . . . " The term COME UP WITH implies scouring through trash or discarded curbside items. The Senior Center Oversight Committee did not pull these units out of some rubbish pile. These units were very generously donated to the Town of Templeton by Bristol-Meyers Squibb. BMS acquired (40) of these units and used them for three years to house their employee's and operate their business while constructing a new facility. There were two other organizations in the running to receive these units, and fortunately BMS choose Templeton to receive the donation. These units are not going to make a multi-million dollar facility, but they will make a very affordable and adequate Senior Center for many years to come.
Second ". . . its all handicapped access, including an elevator . . ." The new senior center will be fully handicap accessible, with ground level entry on both floors, handicap restrooms, wide doors, etc. The design plans do allocate space for an elevator and this is being included in the construction. However, since the use of the upper level and lower level are not cross functional we have been told by the architect that an elevator is not required for occupancy. As you can imagine elevators are very expensive and we are not working with a multi-million dollar budget. The committee is focused on what needs to be done to have an operational facility that the COA can move into as soon as possible. This department desperately needs a facility where they can conduct business professionally and adequately serve the senior community.
Third there are a number of references to ". . . they . . ." This is a community and town facility WE all will benefit from it. These types of references are what continue to fuel the divide that is cutting this town down to its knees. WE are all in this together, WE all need to work together to make Templeton the best community it can be. If you still have Friday's paper go back and reread the article and substitute WE for THEY.
Lastly the article says ". . . 3000 per affordable housing unit . . ." The 3000 comes from the new sale of an affordable housing unit in the Day Mill development only. Market value units and resold units do not generate an additional 3000 contribution.
Doug Morrison
Chairman - Senior Center Oversight Committee


  1. Thanks for clearing up the errors written in this article, Doug. I am not a senior yet I am very excited to see this project completed and benefit the entire community. I've driven over to see the building and it looks like it is going to be a wonderful facility. I do not know why the article was written in this way using "they" vs. "we". Its a good point you make. This town is not only divided politically, but also generationally. I've seen school parents make comments online that they think a new school should be built before a senior center. I wonder if the school parents that will use the food pantry in this new building feel the same. I guess there needs to be more awareness made in our community about why it is important to support all "branches" of our town without prejudice to some. Other communities have programs that connect seniors with school age children in order for each to learn from one another. It would be great to have one of those programs here. I know when I was in scouts, we used to visit nursing homes and have intergenerational events there. It certainly made me respect my seniors at a young age and I use that lesson every day now. I hope once the Center gets closer to opening there will be opportunities for volunteers to come and help landscape or do anything to make the opening wonderful. THANK YOU for all your efforts in making this project a reality. And THANK YOU for running for selectman. You have my vote.

  2. Thank you Doug Morrison for all your patience and hard work pulling the Senior Center together. If not for the determination of individuals like yourself the Senior Center would never have been a reality. Once again thank you and keep up the great work. You have my vote as well.

  3. Hopefully this summer or fall we will be looking forward to a great place for seniors and other groups to gather. We will be able to look back and be proud of the way Templeton people worked together for a common goal. I would like to personally thank the many hours of donated time by many on this project.
    Doug has been a driving force to get this project completed. I'm sure as a selectman he will do the same for the people of Templeton. Vote Tuesday for Doug Morrison.
    Dave Smart
    Vote Smart

  4. do you all remember the Town meeting of May 2010 when Jerry Skelton Dennis Obrien and Bob Columbus (all on the BOS) votes NO on the Senior Center and at candidates night at camalot he said "he always supported the Senior Center" can anyone say liar.

  5. Doug,
    Thank you for clarifying the article in the Gardner News. I think it would be wise to produce a spreadsheet with the costs for the Senior Center including the costs of the land (Free except for expensive K&P legal); the modular units (that met the new roof building code! Surprise Dana!); the foundation work and land layout (Thank you highway!), the water main and electrical ( Thank you TMLWP!)

    And thank you again Doug, for your years of dedication to see the project completed.

    Once again I will state that Templeton is fortunate to have three good candidates running for selectman - Paul Cosentino, Doug Morrison and Kenn Robinson.

    Please VOTE on April 30th...VOTE SMART
