Sunday, April 7, 2013

Doug Morrison – Candidate for Selectmen

I am not a Templeton native; my wife Dianna and I were both born in Kansas City and moved to Templeton 12 years ago. We have been happily married for 18 years and truly enjoy living in Templeton. We were not fortunate enough to have children, but have shared our love with many fabulous dogs. We had Rocky the Cocker Spaniel; Lady the Lab; Sophie the Dalmatian; Molly, Murphy, and Daisy the Great Danes; and now we have Dillon and Copper the Dachshunds. You have probably seen some of them at the annual dog parade.
We started attending Town Meeting right away and were fascinated that the local community could be involved in the decision making process of the Town. In a large city there is little opportunity for the average citizen to participate in government. After a couple of years attending Town Meetings I felt the Advisory Board played a vital roll in the process as a sort of liaison between government and the citizens. I served three years on the Advisory Board from FY04 to FY07.

I began working in the manufacturing industry as an information technology professional 34 years ago. In this time I have held many positions and have had to adapt with the continual change and advancement of technology.
When we moved to Templeton my wife’s 85 year old grandmother was living with us, and as we settled in we became acquainted with the Senior Center and the Council on Aging. It was evident from the very beginning that the senior center facility was not adequate for the activities and type of work the Council on Aging was providing the community. In 2003 a few other citizens and myself formed a non profit group to help the Council on Aging work towards a new senior center.
For the last 10 years that I have been working on the Senior Center project I have had the privilege to meet and get to know many Templeton residents. I have also had the opportunity to experience how government can, can’t, and won’t help its departments and citizens, depending on the political climate and agendas of the politicians.
Over my 34 year career in the private sector I have learned a lot about business and have managed departments, budgets, and projects. In the manufacturing industry keeping your cost low is a key component to remaining competitive in the marketplace. Success in business is rarely the achievement of a single individual, success is achieved though team work, the sharing of ideas, and working together.
Many politicians work very hard and spend lots of money to make us think that running a government is not like running a business. In my opinion that notion could not be further from the truth. The same good management practices that work for business can just as effectively be applied to running a government.
Templeton is in crisis from many years of mismanagement and excessive spending and it will take several years to recover from it. The citizens made some smart decisions at the last election and are fortunate to now have some leaders that can move the recovery forward.
I don’t have any hidden political agenda, I am just a resident like everyone else, trying to make a living and provide for my family. I don’t want to see our town fall any further down the well. I want to do what I can to help in the recovery and think with my business experience I can bring ideas to the table and have a positive influence. I will always listen to people thoughts, ideas, concerns, and criticisms. I’ll make my decisions based on the information I have and what I feel is best for the Town.
If you agree I would appreciate your vote, but whether you vote for me or not, the important thing is that you Vote and participate in our Town. Living in a small community such as Templeton is a gift and we all need to make it a community where we can all proudly say I live in Templeton, Massachusetts.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Feel free to email me at if you would like a yard sign, want to help campaign, or ask a question.
Doug Morrison
Candidate for Selectman


  1. This is well written, and gives me insight into how Doug would approach running our town. We need people who will work for the benefit of the town, with no hidden agenda. As you know, we need to fill two seats. This may prove to be the second most important election, in the history of Templeton. The most important was last year, but our battle is not over. Vote for the candidate you will feel will help us the most. I am also supporting Pauly. these two men would serve us well. My opinion, Bev.

  2. in a previous post i had noted that i did not know Mr. Morrison. i was glad to read this biography of him and he would be a great asset to the BOS. i believe he is right a town should be run like a business, and he has no hidden agendas, just looking out for what is right for the town and to get the town back on the right track. Bev is right, this election is a very important election and everyone should be informed and know the candidate before they vote, anyone with a personal agenda should not be voted in. time for new people to get involved in the town. just my opinion.

  3. I'm voting for Doug Morrison for sure!

  4. I'm voting for Mr. Morrison. Paul Cosentino and he have both served the town well. They will bring some fiscal responsibility to the office that has been missing in the past. And they both understand that citizens asking questions are not being out of line or unreasonable. They're just being involved.

  5. I am voting for Doug Morrison.

    If you were born and lived in Massachusetts all your life, you tend to take for your right to be an active participant in local government. I am glad we have three qualified candidates running for BOS. It is encouraging that "new" people want to step up and help the town regain a stable financial foundation.

    Doug has shepherded the Senior Center project from its inception. I have had the privilege of working on this subcommittee for many years. I can attest to Doug's "uncommon" common sense and the ability to make good financial decisions.

    The election on April 30th is an important election for the future of the town of Templeton. Please take the time to attend candidates nights and ask questions.

    Thank you Doug for running for BOS!

    1. Yes, thank you Doug & Pauly for giving of your own time to run for the BOS for the purpose of representing the people of Templeton. It will be nice for people to have a say at the meetings again wihtout being made to feel stupid, bullied or harrassed there, as well as, after the meeting is over. Thank you Doug for writing the brief Bio above. It has been most helpful to those of us trying to learn more about the new people running for office. I know there is going to be candidates night but think others, who may not be able to attend, might appreciate a similar blog from everyone running if they have the time. Thanks to all who have been active in trying to Fix the mess Templeton is in due to past bad leadership & mismanagement of not only town govt. but of the municipal depts. that we, as citizens, put in the hands of people who were supposed to do right by us & didn't!! Again, my opinions here & look forward to candidates night. Good luck everyone & thank you!

  6. As long as your wife hasn't sued the Town and you haven't put the Town on the hook for any 40 year loans, you've got my vote.

  7. I will be picking up signs for Pauly and Doug tomorrow. never thought i'd agree with anything that comes out of echo hill, but I love the slogan on Gerry's signs, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH "!!!!! couldn't agree more !!!! $400,000+ dollars of debt is definitely "ENOUGH"!!!!!!!! also when I see a gerry sign there is usually a ronnn sign with it. to me, that's enough too!!!!!!!!!

    1. Probably cause mr. robinson doesn't speak negatively about any of the candidates

  8. Thank you Doug for taking the time to give us your background. I feel that anyone who has given as much back to his town as you have deserves my vote. Giving instead of taking (Gerald Skelton) makes for a closer community. I would also like to see a blog on Mr. Cosentino giving his history as well as Mr. Robinson. I can read about Mr. Skelton on the "Wall of Shame".

  9. I'm voting for Doug and Pauly. Gerry Skelton, I read on of your signs today and you are right. Enough is Enough. I am just wondering when you are going to believe it and just go away and take your wife with you so you don't get lonely and want to come back to the place you and your goons ruined.

  10. Hey Jerry enough is enough. when are you going to catch on?you are not wanted, git.

  11. as mentioned here by Jullie, Doug has "shepherded" the senior center project since it started. a "volunteer" project. his wife dianna works for the board of health, with a pay cut, thanks in part to gerrys. Dianna works with the senior center as well. they DONATED a vehicle to the town. one or both of thr\e Morrisons are at 95% of bos meetings. if any candidate, along with Pauly deserves your vote, it is Doug!!!!!!!!!

    1. It is easy for people in town to be distrustful of anyone who will run for office. This has been very hard on all of the people in town, who are sick of the constant bickering, and want the town to move forward. I am telling anyone who cares, Pauly, and Doug are running for the good of the town. Our town is moving forward, with the people on the Advisory Board, whos members are, working hard on the budgets, Mr Ritter in control of the Selectmens' Office, keeping the legal bills at a all time low. We can not stop now! We can not loose what we have gained, all of these things are too important. People have asked me about the new guy running for office. Ken, I spoke with him, and I liked him a lot. Some people are fearful that his signs are on Mr. Skelton's lawn. I can't answer that one, but he is a lawyer, unlike our friends from K&P, I do not think he would work to hurt the town. Maybe he will speak to his relationship with Echo Hill, on candidate's night. We are very lucky that we have good people willing to help run the town. It is up to everyone of you to get people to vote. If you can get even a handful of people to go out and vote, we will be in good shape. My opinion, Bev. Oh, just want to thank our new Advisory Board Member, for helping out.

    2. Being a senior I hope Doug speeds up the project soon before I am to old to enjoy the center, I feel if he was that good at being the head of committee than I would already be there enjoying the center paying bingo with my friends.

  12. I am sure Mr. Robinson can and will answer that one Bev, what that does do for "a new candidate" is get people talking about him and it gets his name out there. As stated above, there are three good candidates out there. Unfortunately only two can be elected this time around. Hope all keep an open mind and go to all of the candidates nights, 3 of them I think, so plenty of time for questions and answers.

  13. Doug while you are trying to elimanate the towns debt are you in support of your wife recent pay increase don't you think with the towns bad financial state there should be a pay raise freeze???
