Wednesday, April 3, 2013


 Templeton Voters                  
  Soon you will have an important vote to cast. It is your BUSINESS as you see fit.
When someone find’s a wrong and tries to fix it help them!
That’s all I can ask is for your vote. It’s your vote and it’s your business.
Templeton Municipal Light and Water Plant “IS OUR BUSINESS”
The money they have spent on lawyers 10k on my Citizens petition proves they don’t think it is.
The money they have spent on lawyers 3,600.00 to STOP a PILOT payment proves they don’t think.
The money they have spent on Management raises proves they are in lack of oversight.
Where is The Business oversight, As Dana said its none of your business,Driscoll says I don’t work for Templeton, The chairman says it’s just a few that are here asking questions being a problem.

When in the ballot box and casting your vote remember you have nobody watching how you cast your vote. Like the anonymous people on this blog,they will get their day and you can show them by the vote you cast.” IT IS OUR BUSINESS” LETS SHOW THEM THE FACTS TOGETHER. VOTE SMART
The slander and lies told by The chairman of the BOS proves the tactics they will use to protect what they have “hidden”. They don’t know what I know and the facts will come out soon enough. The hole is too deep they have dug for the short ladder they have. If they think they are their own government like stated at STM they are wrong again. The people on Fern drive have been lied to and that’s a proven fact also. They will lie, cheat,steal,deal and the time has come to replace the  commission board one at a time. I will look out for the people’s business and not only the light and waters business as they think it’s not yours to question any part of it. The $10,000.00 spent on the petition is proof they are not up to the job on their own. Call scoobo do and get help fast, our interests are at risk we can’t lose that. Help me Stop the Arrogance and Attitude they show to the people and Templeton. Get the fair and low income rates we should have had all along and put an end to the cycle of power they stole from us. Get the answers to questions and learn the hidden agendas they have. “IT IS OUR BUSINESS”
Help me get it back Templeton
Thank you voters
CANDIDATE for  Commissioner
Dave Smart


  1. as I mentioned a few days back, there are those that want to drain the cesspool, julie, jeff, pauly, tom, will, doug and many others!!!! then there are those who created the cesspool and swim in it !!!!! when we vote, we have a choice on the direction of the town. return it to corruption, or continue to try to guide it out !!!! your town your $$$ your future. learn about those running and vote for the betterment of templeton !!!!! again, as I,ve mentioned before, choose those that want to do FOR the town, not TOO it !!!!!!

    1. You do not have to pay a lot of money to a lawyer to see if you can avoid a PILOT payment. All you have to do is read the law. The Massachusetts General Law, section 164, Section B1 says, Amount that would be assessable as taxes on the real and personal property, if such property were the property of a corporation defined as an "electric company" in section one of chapter 164. Such payments shall be due and bear interest if unpaid, as in the case of taxes on the property of such electric company. section C, says Annual payment in leiu of taxes equal to the equalization percentage of a origional cost less deprecation of its direct ownership interest in electric power facilities located within the commonwealth. We need to see the report that WE THE PEOPLE paid for. I can tell you right now, there is no way these guys can do as they please, and that is what our money paid for, and what their lawyers told them. Bev.

  2. Don't forget all the investments should get added in with that

  3. nothing will ever get better in templeton until julie farrell goes away forever..

    1. Just inquiring as to why would you say that?? I don't see Mrs. Farrell doing anything wrong. She just keeps us informed, attends all meetings that she can (more than most people would do in 10 lifetimes) brings important issues up for us to see & merely states the facts as they are at that particular point in time. Now, I would like to hear your reasons for your statement with some concrete evidence to back you up. Appreciate your input if you can find any worth noting. I am sure we would all like to hear it. No?,I thought not.

    2. Things have already gotten better with Mrs. Farrell bringing more integrity to the office of Selectmen than has been seen in many years. We need more people like Julie who has both honesty, integrity and motivation for the common good as opposed to "enough is enough"who has none of these good traits. Mr. Dough Morrison, Mr. Paul Cosentino and Mr. Kenneth Robison seem to have something worthwhile to offer our town instead of self-interest and greed.

    3. Anon 7:22pm: April Fool's Day was this past Monday. You missed posting this joke by a couple of days.

      And if you were actually serious, it would be enlightening for you to back up your statement with some examples of how she has harmed the town. Because I can't think of a single one. Maybe you have an issue with intelligent, strong women. It seems that there was/are several good ole boys in town government who have has an issue with intelligent, strong women in the past. Look up the harassment complaints over the past 5 years. Look at who was involved. Can you explain those complaints away too, Anon 7:22pm?

    4. I know the peole behind the facade...go away julie the town will prosper without you and ur onion flies

    5. are very unaware of the farrell's and their should be grateful..i have lived in templeton a long time..eve. took in a farrell when the rest turned their back on him..poor boy!! Go away farrell's so templeton can stop the opinion supported by facts as it is my right to do so

  4. what the matter anon 7:22pm getting paranoid and nervous

  5. Anon 722 has nothing to offer Templeton. He is the perfect reason to vote Smart and change the arrogant attitudes at our TMLWP. I would guess 722 may be one of the commissioners. I hope someday i will replace him/them.Hopefully with the good voters common sense we will change Templeton for the better. Templetons business is our business! I think 722 needs a reality check on things he states as nonsense and foolish.
    Dave Smart

  6. Go away julie farrell!!! Templeton needs honest people not a fraud

  7. hmmm fraud would be Jerry, Carol, Bubba, Dennie, ^^***% sorry I was gagging!
