Sunday, April 21, 2013

Shedding Some Light…Good News!!

The turbine is working again. The Gardner News article by Kerry O’Brien is very informative. One paragraph states: ” The Templeton Municipal Light and Water Department purchased the turbine for $3.8 million form the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Co.”  I could have sworn the turbine was purchased from AAER, which is now bankrupt.

Back to the good news – the general manager John Driscoll stated the final inspection report from Jahnel-Kestermann (JaKe) would be posted to its website as soon as possible…and it IS !

This report is good news for the Light department, the commissioners and the ratepayers. The residents of Fern Drive might disagree. I see the posting of this information on the website, in a timely manner, to be a good sign.

Hopefully other issues of concern at Light and Water can be addressed in an open and transparent manner. Time will tell.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. We need to give credit, where credit is due. It will be interesting to see what the bill will be for this inspection. Looks like the wind turbines can be expensive to maintain..I wonder if they changed the oil? Seems if it was needed, this would be as good a time as any. It is my opinion, that our Light and Water Commissioners have decided to "play nice." Could it be that their legal council gave them the $10,000. opinion that the citizens of Templeton could replace them, if they didn't shape up!! I would put my money on that, if I gambled, but I don't gamble, {I am too cheap}. If you read other web pages, from other Municipal Light Companies, you will find that they are open about things that have been good and things that have been bad. As rate payer, I expect the same from our Commissioners. A lot of the hard feelings would never had to be, if the Good old boys understood they are responsible to the rate payers in this town, from the start. We are, where we are, after almost two years of trying to get our Commissioners to give the rate payers the information they asked for. I see a great improvement, and I hope this lasts. As a result of the decisions these people make, we in the long run will pay the bill. I am sorry for the problems the people on Fern Drive have to live with. I am willing to bet, no one ever gave them a thought when the placed the turbine, behind the school. I do not know what can be done now, but it does not make it ok for them to deal with the turbine's flicker, day after day. At any rate, good job JD, {see that did not hurt, did it.}My opinion, Bev.

  2. Bev i must say others and i agree with you. I think we have all had a good streak for a change. With the help we get from the voters hopefully we can keep the improvement going. The efficient running of all departments can only lead us to where we need to be for the better of our town and people living in it. The goal sought by myself and other "trouble makers" dana, was what we are now witnessing and i feel my efforts have been well worth the time spent questioning management practices. There are still rocks to turn over and get total transparency but were getting the answers. One by one we will turn the board and then we will have a team that works for the betterment of Templeton as it should be. I to say good job J.D.!
    And might i add thank you for posting the report.
    Another request asked and answered.
    That's True transparency,great job.
    Now get your own ride.
    Vote SMART
    Dave Smart

  3. I'm so glad to see the turbine working again. I think everyone is in agreement that we want this to work for our town. All I really want is better communication between L&W and the citizen, much like the Director in Princeton. He is very forthcoming with information whether it is good news or bad. If we can keep the line of communication open amongst all, we all will win. I look forward to learning more from L&W about the turbine and possibly be better educated on wind and solar energy.

  4. Like I said vote smart watch it fall apart! You keep talking about the take over of the board! I'm not sure I like how you have clearly chosen a side verses the PEOPLE!!!! You will bring drama to light and water, just like ENOUGH will bring drama to the BOS! I went to the Legion for candidates night and your side did nothing but attack and blame! Not good qualities to run a town! MY OPINION!!!! Soon to be MANY OTHERS!!!! FACTS are much better then BLAMES and SIDES!!!

    1. I'm not sure exactly what your point is, Anon 9:47pm. But, since you seem to have a good grasp on things, can you tell me how Chris Stewart is more qualified to be a L&W Commissioner than Dave Smart? I would love to know more of your insight. Possibly with less exclamation points?

  5. Im voting for Greg Edwards, because I liked his intellect! Also I think I made my point quite clear! It's time we think of the town and its people. Not personal Agendas! So anon. 10:14 you can eat my !!!!!!'s with that passive aggressive humor. :) My Opinion

  6. To mr. Smart. Did you learn anything at the STM as far as your Citizens Petition. 350+ voters and you got 10? Our elected officials need to start listening to what the towns people want! My Opinion.

    1. Mr. Edward is a nice guy. No one disputes that fact. At the STM ENOUGH'S followers stacked the hall by using scare tactics. So what is new!! Knock your self out, say what you want, we have the facts. End of story!! Bev.

    2. Towns people said they wanted a town hall, then they learned the facts and said lets not. Fact is the towns people got a bill for 10 grand and they cannot see what they paid for so apparently the L&W commissioners did not learn anything either, especially since they gave up one legal memorandum but refused to give up the other one citing attorney client privilege. People said they wanted to see what was in it, L&W comm seem not to listen and the select board did not listen either.
