Sunday, April 28, 2013

Templeton Voters IT Is OUR BUSINESS

 Templeton Voters                    IT Is OUR BUSINESS
  Soon you will have an important vote to cast. It is your BUSINESS as you see fit.
When someone find’s a wrong and tries to fix it help them!
That’s all I can ask is for your vote. It’s your vote and it’s your business.
Templeton Municipal Light and Water Plant “IS OUR BUSINESS”
The money they have spent on lawyers 10k lawyers proves they don’t think it is.

The money they have spent on lawyers 3,600.00 to STOP a PILOT payment proves they don’t think.
The money they have spent on Management raises proves they are in lack of oversight.
Where is The Business oversight, As Dana said its none of your business,Driscoll says I don’t work for Templeton, The chairman says it’s just a few that are here asking questions being a problem.
When in the ballot box and casting your vote remember you have nobody watching how you cast your vote. Like the anonymous people on this blog,they will get their day and you can show them by the vote you cast.” IT IS OUR BUSINESS” LETS SHOW THEM THE FACTS TOGETHER. VOTE SMART
The slander and lies told by The chairman of the BOS proves the tactics they will use to protect what they have “hidden”. They don’t know what I know and the facts will come out soon enough. The hole is too deep they have dug for the short ladder they have. If they think they are their own government like stated at STM they are wrong again. The people on Fern drive have been lied to and that’s a proven fact also. They will lie, cheat,steal,deal and the time has come to replace the  commissioners, one at a time. I will look out for the people’s business and not only the light and waters business as they think it’s not yours to question any part of it. The $10,000.00 spent on the petition is proof they are not up to the job on their own. Please help me Stop the Arrogance and Attitude they show to the people and Templeton. Get the fair and low income rates we should have had all along and put an end to the cycle of power they stole from us. Help me return our vote power we have lost.Put an end to overcharges and backroom deals for ever. I will get the answers to questions and learn the hidden agendas they have.. “IT IS OUR BUSINESS”

                           Help me get it back working for Templeton!
Thank you!                                       VOTE!   VOTE!    VOTE!
    Vote   SMART                 VOTE   FOR    Dave Smart


  1. I must have led a sheltered life, because I thought all town departments should work together. I always figured when things got tough, everyone would stick together and pitch in to help out. Wouldn't you think this would be how it should be?? Don't tell me I am the only dumb one in the crowd! Surprise, surprise, No how, no way! What a surprise this old girl got. I am only sorry we did not tape those first meetings. Why, because there is no way you would have believed how bad they acted. Now I know "bad" is a pretty tough word, but I can't find another one to use. The town is in trouble! So what,"that is not our problem" said our friend Dana. "We do things the right way here". It was "why are you here?" Now, to me, it just seemed so wrong that the departments in town were on a starvation diet, and the light department is eating steak! Some how, that seemed so wrong to me! The commissioners cleaned up their act after Dave brought his camera to the meetings. The things Mr.Spring asked about, they just could not do. Give rebates, oh, we can't do that! Post meetings on the town web site, why should we? Help the citizens with water saving fixtures, can't afford to do that! Oh Boy, the boys looked stunned when I told them all these things were available through EMWIC, because we were members. How long have we been members? Try since the seventies!! Did they tell anyone? Hell no, they had no interest in helping the rate payers. It is just a little bit strange that, the only people who knew about these rebates, were the people who worked for the Light Company. Well, a lot of good has come out of our adventure. The Light Company gave the town 150,000. to shut us up, and go away, at least for this year, so they think. More and more the things no one ever questioned, have come to light{lol.] Anyway, there is a good reason our Mr. Enough has crawled out from under the red barn, to save the day!!! Anything to get us off their back, at the Light and Water Department. Hate to break it to them! We are not going anywhere, it is too late for that. I have been telling you for months, that the reports from the wind turbine would not see the light of day, until after the election. I know I am right, and when the truth hits the turbine, and the true cost comes out, I am afraid, the whole town is going to be in shock. There is nothing we can do about the things the good old boys have done in the past, but we sure can try to save the town from going any further into the rabbit hole. Do I trust these guys to use good judgment? Hell no, they have not so far, and I do not think things will get any better in time. They will make decisions that you and I will pay for! That should scare you! VOTE FOR DAVID, HE IS STRONG ENOUGH TO STAND UP TO THESE GUYS. TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES, TO VOTE FOR HIM TOO. WE CAN NOT LET THESE GUYS RUN US IN TO A HOLE THAT IS ANY BIGGER THAN THE ONE WE ARE IN RIGHT NOW. This is the truth, and my opinion, Bev.

  2. In my opinion I would recommend voting for anyone but the dictatorial, tyrannical candidate Gerald Skelton. In Mr. Skelton's world there is no reason to have any other boards or commissions in town because it is his way or the highway. In my opinion the main reason Mr. Skelton is running for Selectmen is to throw a wrench into the investigation at the State House that concerns himself and his wife. As a Sewer Commissioner for eighteen years Mr Skelton is by far the most self centered politician that I ever met. It is my belief that Mr. Skelton and his wife interfered with the WWTP contract costing this town between 25 to 35 million dollars. If you want a tyrant back in office by all means vote for this man, if you want someone who has some respect for the office of Selectman choose another candidate. Remember to vote early and vote often

  3. It about accountability and for too long TMLWP has not had to account for their actions or their votes. Chapter 164 is a very long and complex law. It does give the manager and the commissioners a lot of power. With power comes responsibility. In my opinion that responsibility has been missing for a long time. Very few people ever attended a Light and Water meeting; very few people knew what was really happening at TMLWP...and that's the way they like it.

    It is not micromanaging to ask for an explanation for a $10,000 legal bill regarding "town governance". Requesting the memorandum on town governance paid for by the TMLWP commissioners is the RESPONSIBLE thing to do.

    Keep shining that light on the activities at TMLWP!

    Once again I will state that Templeton is fortunate to have three good candidates running for selectman - Paul Cosentino, Doug Morrison and Kenn Robinson.

    Please VOTE on April 30th...VOTE SMART

  4. Yes, I agree that accountability & also responsibility has been a long standing problem not only at TMLWP but also with the School administration costs that have skyrocketed out of sight in the last few years. The salaries may be deemed legal but seem to be irresponsible & morally outrageous in the decision making process, in my opinion. One of the biggest problems I see is that they try to justify the inflated salaries by saying that they are within the going rate of area towns. That may be so but who allowed these wages & benefits packages to get to this level when there is a major recession in the economy resulting in lost jobs, cut backs on paychecks that come from the taxpayers to fund these egregious salaries & benefit packages? Unions & administrative heads of depts. are certainly not going to cut their perks!! Instead you have the Supt. of schools in Templeton (small town) making an exorbitant annual salary of $137,800.00 (glad to see she got that extra $800 added, makes some of the light dept pays of $90,000+ look low, geez). More to follow...

    1. Anyway, there she is standing in front of the taxpayers & residents of the town, (many of whom are in the range of the recent DOR report of earning just $23,000.00 a year) & unashamedly, unabashedly asking these strapped taxpayers, parents, grandparents, etc. to fork over more of the little they have for her override???. How can one think they are worth this much when everything else is collapsing around the area & stand before the hurting crowd & ask for more from them & not concede some of your own grandiose pay?? She said she understood how the public feels but really how can you when you are not living in reality? I don't believe that many in academia have come to terms that life is not as it once was. There are just not the jobs that there used to be. There are so many degreed, as well as non-degreed people who have lost or are most likely going to lose their jobs in the near future. There was a woman at candidates night who spoke out about this very thing. She asked Ms. Miller, how do you expect me to give more when I am only making $25,000 a year? I believe her response was something to the effect that the tax increase would only be about an additional $200 to $300 per year per family. Now, to a woman who is making $137,800.00 ANNUALLY that amount would surely be no problem but to a wage earner in the average yearly brackett of JUST $23,000 that is likely to be a major set-back. That is a lot of money to these families. Another person said well, these teachers & administrators earn their salaries because they got an education & that others could do the same. Well, not everyone can & those days are gone when positions were plentiful. I have many degreed people in my family, including myself, & the jobs (especially high paying ones) just aren't there as they once were. Ultimately, we are going to have to face the fact that these are not the happy days when the money was rolling in, with what looked like no end in sight!! As I see it, those that have garnered themselves a pretty cushy salary are well set & should not be asking for any more for a long long time until the economy stabilizes, if it ever does. There are not enough checks & balances in regard to how the communities themselves are doing when asking for more money. If we keep going at this rate we will be like Bell, CA!!. I have mentioned this example before but it is worth repeating. Here is a community, much like ourselves, who trusted their leaders & politicians to make the right decisions by them. They didn't & subsequently bankrupted the town & that is where we are headed. We would have already been there had it not been for Pauly, Julie, Bob Mitchell, Jeff B. , Bev, Sue, Will S., & Dave S. & a few other courageous individuals who have worked tirelessly to bring us back from the brink. Again, I thank you all for helping to save Templeton. My blogs are always my thoughts & opinions. Thanks to all the bloggers who are helping to get the word out about how things really are as of this date in time!! Have a good evening & don't forget to vote by the facts & your conscience. I am in agreement with the words above VOTE SMART!!

    2. Sharon Manty says: Very very well put forth! Glad to see people waking up to the biggest blood sucker around. Now we have got to get this message to the State as they seem to want to "take over" when towns "just say no".

  5. mrs. miller doesn't even live in town, so she gets to keep ALL her $137k+!!! but remember, "it's for the children"!!!

  6. the zealots on the "yes" side of the override, have taken a few pages from saul alinsky's hand book "rules for radicals". #1 power is not only what you have, but what the enemy THINKS you have!!#8 keep the pressure up, never give up!!! the scare tactic about the state mandating the community comply with a override is not true!!! the state, can make you come up with a BUDGET as they did in quabbin, but even our demofacist state can't make you pass a override!! yet!!!
