Sunday, April 14, 2013

TML&W owned by the people

“Coming soon to Templeton’s LIGHT“
You won’t get to vote on this stuff either. Is it your business?

here is link to the letter

Dave Smart


  1. Dave, I found this letter quite informative and interesting. Sean explained the reasoning very well. I cannot find fault with his argument.

  2. wow is sterling taking over templeton

  3. Dave, after you are elected to the light commission, you still need to encourage dialogue about how we could institute some form of net metering without disrupting the distribution and purchase of other less expensive power. Currently the companies who lease-back PV won't come into templeton because of the position of Templeton Light. This discourages homeowners who want to participate in solar energy. There should be some middle ground "Mr. its my way or the highway" attitude not withstanding.

  4. So-called "Green energy" like solar and wind doesn't make economic sense, especially with the availability of inexpensive natural gas. Even with "net metering", government subsidies and tax credits are needed to break-even with solar at this latitude.

    The power grid needs to have the capacity to supply the entire load, because wind and solar are not reliable.

  5. Well the letter may be considered informative but it states the town of Sterling has PPA with solar facilities along with wind and hydro but then near the end, the letter states "this will allow us to sign PPA with one large solar facility" I see a happening here, right now people are encouraged to conserve electricity, to go green by installing solar panels on your home and one thing that residents can do is produce power and any excess power is sold to the electric companies, it is law I believe. Now they want to squeeze the little guy out. What about the high cost of buying power from wind farms such as brody mountain, which costs more than from other sources, such as natural gas, coal fired , nuclear and hydro. More than one published report states the lowering of the cost of electricity is a result from the abundant cheap supply of natural gas. Would this cap be removed if there was a shift in the market price. People made an investment following the advice and urging of their government and did so following the laws in place. It seems like all these efforts and latest moves to get people to conserve and go green just end up costing them more and saving them less.

    1. natural gas is poor for the environment and will prohibit the efforts to stop global warming... my opinion supported by FACTS

  6. Perhaps someone with more time than I can check this out for the people, was a Massachusetts law passed back in August 2012 effectively setting the net metering cap at 6%, that is 3% for public and 3% for private so if Sterling is setting its cap at 3% they are doing so because the law tells them to do it. And once the three percent has been met, no more credits for power is available. I just don't like it when it comes accross as we are doing the people a service by offering 3% cap vs the big bad private co's who offer 1% when in fact 3% is required by law. Maybe I am too sensitive?

  7. I guess the way i see it is at the last L+W meeting the cost for our power went up and the draw on the natural gas was such that coal and oil were in use to meet the large demand during the cold january and february we had. Driscoll was explaining the unexpected increases were the lack of volume to the NG grid and not able to use it as they would normaly would have.
    So the reason i posted this is to shed more light on the fact it's all about what the TMLWP gets out of us on both ends. And also the fact that after the investment sterling residents made,after the fact they are being short changed.
    Now if natural gas goes up and it's better for the sterling light to pay for the extra solar, "WELL" now pay up sterling light whats the spot market price for you at the time when you now want to raise the rates. It's all about the money and the demand may not always work in the Muni favor. If the solar excess is cap at "x" what good is it to invest in it. If the muni can't make out they want!
    Beware of what they may want, We'll pay for it,with out a vote as always.Chapter 164 sec 47c part f did we think this would be a part of renewable energy?
    This should be a very interesting summer!
    The dialogue would start with some purchase grants so many homes can do this and be a part of "our" light plant as to encourage this development not discourage it. This would be a light department that worked for Templeton ratepayers and will meet resistance due to the control or the lack of it! The lack of renewable energy credits will no doubt play a role also. Thats all about the money too.
    The solar that pays off the most is for a hot water system and are very reliable and time tested. That i can prove and have 1st hand knowlege of.There are systems out there that people can get totaly off grid and if we follow the course were on now we will push them to do just that.
    More to come soon!
    Dave Smart PLEASE "VOTE SMART"
