Friday, May 31, 2013

BOS Meeting May 28, 2013…the movie

BOS Meeting May 28, 2013…the movie

Part 1 May 28 2013 BOS Meeting

Part 2 May 28, 2013 BOS Meeting

One of the best run meetings in a long time!

Julie Farrell

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Mrs. Farrell, for all the unpaid personal time you spend researching, writing letters, uploading & downloading articles, meetings, laws, speaking out on numerous issues, your physical presence in countless town dept. meetings, etc. etc. Your dedication to help this town get back on it's feet is phenomenal & so appreciated by many who are not able to attend the meetings. Again, thank you Julie, for the sacrifices in time spent away from your own family to bring focus on major abuses of power, as well as, trying to sort through a mess of problems in order to take us all back from the brink of bankruptcy & get honest sound leadership returned to Templeton town govt. Stay well & Have a great weekend!
